Ever met a girl who wasnt' that attractive but she was outgoing and there was just something about her, that always drew your eyes to her. And you liked her.
if we go by tinder stats, only 10% of the men are sought after. So how THE FUCK are there so many couples out there. Someone's compromising, wouldnt' you say?
and i would say it's women.
Tinder isn't indicative of normal human relationship dynamics. It was built off of Grindr, an app that's designed for homosexuals.
Most couples form in real life via social circles during their formative years. Women date WHO they know with a heavy bias towards homogamy. Most women dont want strange foreign men approaching them on the street because safety and stability is at an upmost importance to them. That's why I said you should mind your own business and if a woman is attracted to you, she'll let you know via approaching you or by looking and smiling at you. Women don't compromise, they date hypergamously, duh.
I can prove it. LOOK AT ME. not that special. Call me plain. some women say im "handsome" but i take that as an insult. I hate it when they call me that. But i know i am not chad
so how the fuck did i fuck over 1500 women? luck, or im captain super rape? LOL
You have that stereotypical average looking America type of look to yourself and American men are the HIGHEST status men on the planet. Plus you're kinda tall and rich to the average SEA woman. Women select for high status and good looks. They preferably want both hence movies like '50 shades of grey.'
I know more than you about female mate selection, fool. I've been debating men older than you with my understanding on this subject since 2020.
By the way, I and MANY users who're unsuccessful with women on this forum have autism. Autistics come off as overconfident. Confidence isn't what attracts women but it helps if you're already seen as a desirable guy.
You're a failure when your efforts are entirely out of line with your desires.
My desires, efforts and achievements are all synchronized, so I get to feel the satisfaction of living the life I want to live.
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