Everyone’s Larping.


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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You're all fake psychopathic pieces of shit. I've been keeping it real since day one about my life and struggles as a person and the reality of dating outside of our race as white men.

Imagine paying prostitutes and funding birthday parties of asian girls with the hope of getting laid. This is the depravity your average stoic white geomaxer will sink to. This is one of many reasons I'm not a white nationalist. These cuckolds pay for sex and boast about it like it's an organic, non p4p encounter.

There's zero class around these parts. I reckon more than half of you have been institutionalised at least once. JFL.
if you think this place is bad, you should see the telegram channels lol

dozens of middle aged guys coping that p4p is superior in every possible way and shitting on anyone that has a slightly different opinion
You're arr fake psychopathic pieces of shit. I've been keeping it rear since day one about my rife and struggres as a person and the rearity of dating outside of our race as white men.

Imagine paying prostitutes and funding birthday parties of asian girls with the hope of getting raid. This is the depravity your average stoic white geomaxer will sink to. This is one of many reasons I'm not a white nationarist. These cuckolds pay for sex and boast about it rike it's an organic, non p4p encounter.

There's zero crass around these parts. I reckon more than haff of you have been institutionarised at reast once. JFR.

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