@Rance: can you tell an anecdote of a successful encounter?
Sure, I'll tell a story of a memorable day I had last spring.
I approached two hot kyabajo in Kabukicho, both attractive but one really looked amazing. I could hook them and realized that I had an amazing vibe with the cuter one. She seemed to find me funny and as we talked I found out she seemed to be interested in baseball and the United States a bit (although not like SUPER into it) -- which was a big surprise since I somehow didn’t expect a kyaba to have interest in such things. She only spoke Japanese but seemed to enjoy talking to a foreigner who speaks Japanese. I tried to pull both girls to a yakiniku izakaya open until late, but they said they already have a place where they want to go to. So I told them I wanted to have some drinks there with them and they seemed to be cool with that.
I asked them if the place they’re going to was a host club and they said no, it’s like a casual bar but the bartenders are hosts or ex-hosts. I checked before entering and it did not seem super expensive/scammy so I went there with them. I would later discover that this place is Bar 180, one of the bars I recommended in my Kabukicho post.
I predictably read the initial "wtf is this gaijin doing here with these two kyabajo" vibe from the host guys at that bar, but I could blast that away very quickly by being super friendly with them, joking around and making everyone laugh and have a good time. I was sitting next to the girl I was targeting, started getting a bit physical and more flirty with her.
She told me she had this American friend and showed me a picture. I was just blabbering away and said “Yeah, tell him to come here right now and have a drink with us”... kind of as a joke but maybe somewhere in the back of my mind that he could be a wingman. The moment I said it I had this strange feeling that I had done something stupid. To my huge surprise she called the guy and it seemed like he literally popped into the bar within the next 10 minutes.
This guy was a bit younger than me, and while I think I had better Japanese overall, he could actually speak Kansai-ben (a dialect) after living in Osaka for more than a year. Which is funny because I had learned some lines in Osaka-ben from my ex-gf, mainly because I think it’s fun and it sounds very cute when girls speak it.
So it turns out that this American dude has either fucked my target girl before or he has dated her once and tried to… I somehow couldn’t figure out which one. He seemed to be a bit irritated by my presence (not mad though), and it seemed to me like he was gonna douche/AMOG me. So at this point the whole situation seemed a bit tense, even surreal but I knew my only way was to be super positive and friendly with my fellow American, the hosts, and the girls.
Somehow my target girl was getting the vibe and even on a sub-level sensed that I was kind of holding the situation together and making everyone relaxed. I forgot to mention that the other American dude was pretty drunk and he kind of started to escalate on my target girl in front of everyone but she pushed him away and it seemed like she regretted to have called him. While being friendly to everyone, I made it very clear that I would not disappear while it was getting to be early morning.
At some point the miracle happened and this dude told me in English that today was his birthday and he didn’t want to handle this shit anymore. He promptly disappeared while I wasn't looking. I think he didn’t even say goodbye to the girls but tried to call my target girl later.
After he was gone, my target girl started to kind of flirt with one of the hosts/bartenders, holding hands and doing some pillow talk with him. However, I had befriended that guy VERY well, and it seemed like he was even winging for me, because while she was getting more and more drunk, while we were both talking to the host, me and the girl started eye-fucking each other. At some point the host guy switched to her friend and I was talking to my girl again and increasing physicality a bit but very casually and we established a very good connection and flirty vibe.
We finally all three left the bar late at night. Her friend said she was going to wait for a bus. Normally I would have thought it would have been better to see the friend off but for some reason me and my girl jumped into a taxi in front of her and waved her goodbye. When I got in the taxi with her she said she was going home -- she seemed to live a bit further away. I said: okay I’m coming with you. Normally that might be a very dumb move, but she replied “we can't, my sister is also there."
This was like a huge sign of compliance for me, she basically pointed out an obstacle for me to solve. I said something like “okay than we have to go somewhere else to have a drink” and gave the taxi driver directions to my hotel. She was pretty drunk at that point but not wasted… I increased physicality in the taxi, almost no resistance when getting out, made out in the elevator and we ended up in my room.
The whole pull seemed somehow almost impossible to me at every stage, yet I had a very strong inner voice telling me whatever happens you will make this happen. Was one of the most memorable experiences of the entire year.