Gymcel coper
- Aug 16, 2022
- 1,596
- 2,707
Key points
My personal theory is it could have been a US intelligence operation launched at Iran and the China initially to fuck them up for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways, with the expectation that the US & Allies would be able to mitigate the majority of the negative impact/blowback or even have a long term beneficial fiscal impact on things like pension solvency with their old people dying faster. But because America's ruling elite is so unimpressive/stupid, America ended up bearing the brunt of the impact (bad public health and economic disruptions from lockdowns) and China largely operated as normal with occasional regional lockdowns and opened up when the virus was much less lethal.
This would not be the first time a US intelligence operation had blowback, with the most famous being radical Islamic terrorism after the US sponsored them to fight the Soviets and other Middle Eastern dictators. Or the removal of the Shah in Iran.
- The US intelligence community produced a report warning about Covid in the second week of November 2019, before China knew there was a pandemic and before it could have been detectable with medical intelligence gathering methods.
- The US intelligence community originally denied the existence of this report until allies like Israel confirmed they had seen the report and it was shared with them in mid-november. Therefore, the US intelligence community had foreknowledge of the Covid pandemic.
- https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/int...isis-early-november-sources/story?id=70031273
- After China, the first outbreak was in the Holy City of Qom in Iran, with the outbreak only initially affecting the Iranian ruling class, killing many of them.
- This is virtually impossible to have happened naturally because there are essentially no Chinese people living in Iran (with nearly all living in Tehran), let alone Qom and there is very little contact between China and Iran through which this outbreak could have "naturally" been seeded.
- At the time, Iran accused the US of a Bio-warfare attack but this was not widely reported (I remember this one personally being reported on fringe websites and being dismissed as nonsense).
- The US has extensive biological warfare programs, with over 100 billion dollars spent on them
- The US has used these in combat before, including the Korean War
- After there was an biological warfare agent that was let loose inside the US in the 1960s under Nixon, they were officially discontinued but actually they were just transferred from the department of defense to labs run by the NIH and department of Energy
- Reputable people like Jeffrey Sachs, who had lead the Lancet's (a prestigious scientific journal) Covid comission concluded it likely came from a US lab
- A few months before the Covid-19 pandemic, the entire government infrastructure of the US was trained on a simulated "respiratory virus response plan" named Crimson Contagion
- The virus itself was clearly fabricated in a lab, we know this due to the actual structure of the virus, there are also no natural reservoirs of it and the "wet market theory" was proven false
- The US may have used biological warfare agents against China's economy recently, with much of their livestock dying from mystery viruses that appeared suddenly and devastated China's livestock
- The timing is suspicious, with it breaking out right as China is about to do their lunar new year celebrations and travel all over the country (Remember, Wuhan is a travel hub like Chicago or Frankfurt)
- The "natural origin theory" is obviously wrong, but the "lab leak theory" where it came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is also unlikely. They did not have any similar coronaviruses, and the most similar one (RaTG13) was worked on with the WIV, but the actual scientific work happened at Fort Detrick in America.
My personal theory is it could have been a US intelligence operation launched at Iran and the China initially to fuck them up for a variety of reasons and in a variety of ways, with the expectation that the US & Allies would be able to mitigate the majority of the negative impact/blowback or even have a long term beneficial fiscal impact on things like pension solvency with their old people dying faster. But because America's ruling elite is so unimpressive/stupid, America ended up bearing the brunt of the impact (bad public health and economic disruptions from lockdowns) and China largely operated as normal with occasional regional lockdowns and opened up when the virus was much less lethal.
This would not be the first time a US intelligence operation had blowback, with the most famous being radical Islamic terrorism after the US sponsored them to fight the Soviets and other Middle Eastern dictators. Or the removal of the Shah in Iran.