Recommendation Best Sex Tourism Guide I’ve found for São Paulo, Brazil

Brazilian foids are notorious gold digging whores. Plus, they're part nigger and native 🤮
Gold-digging whores...that's brownoid women in general.

A little nigger blood definitely enhances the sexuality of Hispanic chicks, though too much African admixture tends to coarse hair and facial features, along with an excessively bold and strident personality. Personally, I found the relatively low percentage of African admixture along Colombia's Caribbean coast to be very attractive in the females, though it made the males react to my presence as a white man with signs of aggression. The predominance of nigger blood in Tumaquenos on the Pacific coast was far less attractive, though paradoxically the Afro-Colombian males were more easygoing and chilled-out around a white dude.

Never been to BR but I've seen some vids of Brazilian girls in the street, they sure can get a man hot and bothered with their revealing outfits. Carnival is coming up too, it's the best time to go there and let loose. Many of the girls crave bleaching, so if you are a dominant white male, you can slay left and right. Dominance and confidence is key, more so than pretty-boy looks; Latinas don't want timid pretty-boy faggots and betas.

BTW Iberians, especially the wealthy and upper classes, were eugenic fornicators. That is why the upper classes in LatAm are always the best looking. Spaniards and Portuguese didn't fuck with the uggo some countries like Bolivia and Guatemala have very little European admixture. Of course, niggers will fuck anything with a pussy, so many lower-class equatorial lowland girls are cursed with the coarse features of the sub-Saharan African race. Further eugenic selection and bleaching can result in highly attractive dark-skinned Latinas with fine features and slender curves who do not fall into any racial category. About the slender part, have to catch 'em before they have a kid and get that mom bod.

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