all of them suck ass because of their fucking visa bullshit
visa runs are completely retarded. why doens't each country just profit off year old visas.? okay want to stay a year and keep renewing, NO PROBLEM...give me 1000 dollars SIMPLE
no, you gotta play this visa shell game, where after x amount of extensions (ya...casue they aren't smart enough to say okay, if you want to stay 180 days let me make a 180 day fucking visa) nope. most of these cock gobblers give you a 30 day visa which you have to renew every 30 days for X amount of extensions.. Once you cannot get any more extensions it's time for the visa run.
then you MUST leave the country for a day and you can come back in to play the visa shell game all over again
Now, you rent your apartmnet for a year we will say for example, you got all your shit in there. yo uknow towel,s pots and pans and the big screen tv for your gaming laptop and chair ect. cause no furnished apartment has everything you need.
and all the stuff you accumulated in the apartment, you think okay another visa run. BUT...........................
immigration (thailand is famous for this) says Nah..fuck you, we aren't giving you another visa, try again in 6 months or a year.
then what?
all yoru shit is gone. or you pay for an apartment you cannot use, for 6 months or a year and try to get a new visa
total bullshit