Welcome to my life...Best of Asia (1 Viewer)


Mar 6, 2025
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The world is full of opportunity.

I spent many days exploring the East of Europe. Good people, cheap wine, vibrant forests.

Unfortunately, people want to kill each other instead of getting drunk or fucking.
So Emoticon must move on. The babes should be hot, not the landing zone!

USA is full of geofags. I went to a language meetup and like 90% of the people were gay. The whole topic of conversation was "my gay rights" and "how I was wronged by the patriarchal, christian society". What is wrong with these people? So much hate. Unfortunately, these lunatics travel and spread their illness abroad.

Started working online only and will be out in Asia next month. Looking forward to sharing all my adventures and meetups too if you're 1/2 way sane :)

For a start, any recommendations on where to go first?
I'm thinking Cambodia. Not because I really want to go there, but just because its warm and cheap. I need like 3 months to decompress first.
cambodia will be fun and lay the grounds for an interesting developmental pathway as you travel to other countries of the continent. most people start out with thailand/philippines and go down the same boring pipeline

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