News Atheism is creation of kikes

" Atheism is a creation of Zionism to destroy competitor religions such as Islam or Christianity
you are fooling yourself if you believe this nonsense.

atheists and agnostics are followers of the truth because there is no proof of any god existing.

religion is cope for anxious people who don't want to accept the harsh reality.
you are fooling yourself if you believe this nonsense.

atheists and agnostics are followers of the truth because there is no proof of any god existing.

religion is cope for anxious people who don't want to accept the harsh reality.
what do you think about the current situation of the government? aren't they too powerful?
we need a libertarian world asap.
i agree. but it can only work out if a big majority of countries manages to agree on sticking to a particular approach.

the main problem is that authoritarian regimes are still thriving in too many countries like china and russia. as long as that competition is going on, western governments will be busy fighting that battle and are unlikely to drop more power in favor of the people. if the worldwide battle against authoritarians is lost we will all get catapulted back into the past.
i agree. but it can only work out if a big majority of countries manages to agree on sticking to a particular approach.

the main problem is that authoritarian regimes are still thriving in too many countries like china and russia. as long as that competition is going on, western governments will be busy fighting that battle and are unlikely to drop more power in favor of the people. if the worldwide battle against authoritarians is lost we will all get catapulted back into the past.
I agree with you, but is our current government really doing a good job against russia and china?

there are thousands of people contributing nothing to our society but they still get paid thousand of dollars every month just because they're ethnic women.
we literally fund mentally ill faggots' surgery cost with out tax money. people go to college to study useless majors, all paid with our $$$. we can't share our opinions without getting cancelled.

meanwhile china is raising extremely smart and logical kids!
I agree with you, but is our current government really doing a good job against russia and china?

there are thousands of people contributing nothing to our society but they still get paid thousand of dollars every month just because they're ethnic women.
we literally fund mentally ill faggots' surgery cost with out tax money. people go to college to study useless majors, all paid with our $$$. we can't share our opinions without getting cancelled.

meanwhile china is raising extremely smart and logical kids!
in western societies we are lowering our chances in the economic competition against china because we are using left-wing approaches. we try to take care of everyone instead of incetivizing high performance. a left-libertarian approach can work out fine if it's used worldwide, but we are far from that unfortunately. as long as we are competing with high performing authoritarians like china we are weakening ourselves in the international battle and they will continue to gain upper hand.
in western societies we are lowering our chances in the economic competition against china because we are using left-wing approaches. we try to take care of everyone instead of incetivizing high performance. a left-libertarian approach can work out fine if it's used worldwide, but we are far from that unfortunately. as long as we are competing with high performing authoritarians like china we are weakening ourselves in the international battle and they will continue to gain upper hand.
I'm talking about right wing approach. those who cannot support themselves are not entitled to my money.

you are right, it's good to have someone like you on the forum. other users (@Pained4ever) are commies!
communism may be possible in a far future where battles between nations have been overcome and robots are taking care of all our shit so that humans can just slack around.

but not now. people who demand communism right now are either dreamers or people who know that they are weak and want to benefit from others financing their asses.

every approach for a national communism has failed historically. they all turned into fake-communist authoritarians to keep the show running because they couldn't stand a chance in the international economic battle.
you are fooling yourself if you believe this nonsense.

atheists and agnostics are followers of the truth because there is no proof of any god existing.

religion is cope for anxious people who don't want to accept the harsh reality.
Atheism is another religion. To deny something, you have to have concept in your head of what you're denying. Which god atheists are denying? Christianity, islam or other? What if your concept is wrong. The simple answer is you don't know whether god exist or not.

Atheist argument: "But show me the proof of god, you idiot!". If definition of god is true, then it could not be proven because it's prior to language or any concept. If god is infinity then you can't conceptualize it. Try to conceptualize infinity, it's not possible with limited mind. To prove infinite god is the same as knife cutting itself - it's not possible because it create self reference problem
Atheism is another religion. To deny something, you have to have concept in your head of what you're denying. Which god atheists are denying? Christianity, islam or other? What if your concept is wrong. The simple answer is you don't know whether god exist or not.

Atheist argument: "But show me the proof of god, you idiot!". If definition of god is true, then it could not be proven because it's prior to language or any concept. If god is infinity then you can't conceptualize it. Try to conceptualize infinity, it's not possible with limited mind. To prove infinite god is the same as knife cutting itself - it's not possible because it create self reference problem
Atheists never critize kikes' religion, they always critize christianity, islam, buddhism,
Atheism is another religion. To deny something, you have to have concept in your head of what you're denying. Which god atheists are denying? Christianity, islam or other? What if your concept is wrong. The simple answer is you don't know whether god exist or not.

Atheist argument: "But show me the proof of god, you idiot!". If definition of god is true, then it could not be proven because it's prior to language or any concept. If god is infinity then you can't conceptualize it. Try to conceptualize infinity, it's not possible with limited mind. To prove infinite god is the same as knife cutting itself - it's not possible because it create self reference problem
you are right but this only applies to gnostic atheists.

gnostic atheist = "i know that god does not exist"
agnostic atheist = "i believe that god does not exist because it's highly unlikely. but i don't claim to know for certain."
" Atheism is a creation of Zionism to destroy competitor religions such as Islam or Christianity They will talk about "violent verses" in the Quran/Bible but will never mention the Talmud New Atheists mislead people into thinking the Torah is the primary Jewish holy book "

Atheists are left wing mentally ill freaks who are leaving the gene pool as we type.
Atheists are left wing mentally ill freaks who are leaving the gene pool as we type.
the majority of atheists are left wing but atheism itself is not political.

people who choose a religion either do it to cope with their fears or to join a particular side in a cultural battle.

the litmus test if you're an idiot is not which religion you choose to but if you're gnostic or agnostic.
If this was true, the left wouldn't have marched through and subverted every single institution, indoctrinating their Atheist worldview into the soft heads of the subsequent generations.
it's a rational conclusion to believe there is no god navigating reality as long as you don't claim to know for certain. and it's absurd to instead believe in random stories that were put together 2000 years ago.
you are fooling yourself if you believe this nonsense.

atheists and agnostics are followers of the truth because there is no proof of any god existing.

religion is cope for anxious people who don't want to accept the harsh reality.
Have you ever heard of the contingency argument, it made me believe in God because i came to the same conclusion myself before even discovering the argument
Have you ever heard of the contingency argument, it made me believe in God because i came to the same conclusion myself before even discovering the argument
just read it. it's very abstract but it makes sense logically. i don't mind at all if people choose to name all metaphysical things god. practically it doesn't necessarily make a difference to atheism.

it's the common world religions that i critisize. buddhism is an exception because it's more of a philosophy. but the stories from christianity, islam and judaism are just absurd. i don't understand how so many people can actually still believe this stuff.
just read it. it's very abstract but it makes sense logically. i don't mind at all if people choose to name all metaphysical things god. practically it doesn't necessarily make a difference to atheism.

it's the common world religions that i critisize. buddhism is an exception because it's more of a philosophy. but the stories from christianity, islam and judaism are just absurd. i don't understand how so many people can actually still believe this stuff.
Yeah I get how from the outside it all looks absurd, but yeah logically the argument is sound. Its basic deduction, there has to be something infinite as a starting point for everything else to exist
I don't believe any atheists' sincerity until they critize kikes' religion (judaism and talmud)
Yeah I get how from the outside it all looks absurd, but yeah logically the argument is sound. Its basic deduction, there has to be something infinite as a starting point for everything else to exist
yes, i'm fine with not knowing what it is.

other people may name it what they like.

i just don't support this shit from whatever prophets who claim god told them what is right and we all have to follow it. like moses or mohammed. plus retarded stories like jesus walking on water.

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