News Asian beauty standards vs western beauty standards


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
This counts for men and women

Western beauty standards:
Tanned skin
Dark hair
Big lips
Big wide jaw
Low nose bridge
Shorter nose possibly
Body/face hair on men ideal

Asian beauty standards:
Pale white skin
Light hair (not necessary, but appreciated)
Thin lips
Smaller jaw
High nose bridge
Longer nose possibly
Body/face hair on men NOT ideal(they associate it with old men)

Things that are the same:
Height(over for me)

Tell me if I missed anything or got something wrong
Yes it is cos they actually like that avg white cos he’s the best she can get. Aka a chad u retard
not a chad lol if they had the ability to get chad they would get chad the only reason they dont go for chad is because they physically cant get chad
your original statement was this.

it has been proven not true. just shut up now
you shut the fuck up faggot cuck

if a foid had the choice between a 6'6 chad rugby player millionaire model or a 5'1 incel fat old piece of shit they would pick the chad every fucking time unless she is mentally ill

your a bluepilled fucking cuck for saying that shit I thought you was "blackpilled" suck my dick
you shut the fuck up faggot cuck

if a foid had the choice between a 6'6 chad rugby player millionaire model or a 5'1 incel fat old piece of shit they would pick the chad every fucking time unless she is mentally ill

your a bluepilled fucking cuck for saying that shit I thought you was "blackpilled" suck my dick
what if the woman gets cucked by the 6ft6 rugby player millionaire model?

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