6'4+ can't be incel


Well-known Member
Aug 26, 2023
I've seen the most fucked up looking guys with girlfriends and they all have one thing in common: 6'4+ height.
I'm talking subhuman faces, lanky as fuck. Doesn't matter, they're tall. Even being nt doesn't matter at that point.
Anything below 6'4 isn't tall in the west.
I've seen the most fucked up looking guys with girlfriends and they all have one thing in common: 6'4+ height.
I'm talking subhuman faces, lanky as fuck. Doesn't matter, they're tall. Even being nt doesn't matter at that point.
Anything below 6'4 isn't tall in the west.
Looksfags.org user will say bRo Looks>Height Yet I see tons of mtn facially guys who are 5'4 5'6 or 5'2 who cant get a bitch yet I see LTN who are 6'6 who can get mtb
Looksfags.org user will say bRo Looks>Height Yet I see tons of mtn facially guys who are 5'4 5'6 or 5'2 who cant get a bitch yet I see LTN who are 6'6 who can get mtb
it's dumb. i'm like 6'2 and can sometimes fuck mid chicks. gf is completely out of the question, i'd have to betabuxx hard lol but if I was 5'7 i'd be a hardcore truecel. getting heightmogged is much worse than getting facially mogged. though i get facemogged so much more often and snce my face isn't a strong point maybe that's why. i do think the majority of height benefit comes both from being 5'10+ and 6'4 plus. so for example if you're 5'10 and the next day suddenly you're 6'2, it wouldn't matter that much. but going from 6'0 to 6'4 would be major.
few 6'+ are completely incel, but plenty of them got 1 girlfriend in highschool, never learned a thing about women, and then never got laid ever again without paying for it. you guys are really overthinking this
few 6'+ are completely incel, but plenty of them got 1 girlfriend in highschool, never learned a thing about women, and then never got laid ever again without paying for it. you guys are really overthinking this
maybe but i'm 27 and see it still
Above 6ft1 you cant be incel
Advices and reports from 6ft + users are useless.
Like bragging about having dinner burger king
I've seen the most fucked up looking guys with girlfriends and they all have one thing in common: 6'4+ height.
I'm talking subhuman faces, lanky as fuck. Doesn't matter, they're tall. Even being nt doesn't matter at that point.
Anything below 6'4 isn't tall in the west.
I'm 192cm tall, 194cm in shoes, and im incel af. COPE!
Height can't save your face. I'm 6'4, but I have poor eyesight and fucked up facial features. That plus a Asperger's, and you have an involuntary celibate. Not even geomaxing to Japan helped me.
Height can't save your face. I'm 6'4, but I have poor eyesight and fucked up facial features. That plus a Asperger's, and you have an involuntary celibate. Not even geomaxing to Japan helped me.
are you white? It's hard for me to believe geomaxxing japan didn't work at all unless you were too high inhib
In the west 6ft2 is ideal 6ft4 or taller is slightly out of range.

6ft4 in asia is an incel height

Scientific proof-

6'3 and 6'4" is ideal to short women and women in the 5'7" to 5'10" range.

In the West, 5'4" makes you almost completely undesirable to women. Plus, you have a face like a bitch in heat.
Yes OK my height is over in the west but I still had 100x more sex than u at 6ft4 so I'm satisfied

No 6ft4 in the west is incel height out of range according to the study. They prefer 8 inches taller. Girls in UK are 5ft4 so their ideal height in a guy is 6ft. You're 4 inches out of range which I'd quite a big failo which is probably why ur an incel. No one wants a lanky toothpick
Keep coping manlet. Asian women don't select for white men because there's no biological reason for them to do so. You're also assuming women primarily select on looks.
How does it feel that a guy an entire foot shorter than you has a better sex life and social life and career

No wonder you're so angry with the world. You're a failure, cast out from society and gets mogged even by genetic dead ends
How does it feel that a guy an entire foot shorter than you has a better sex life and social life and career

No wonder you're so angry with the world. You're a failure, cast out from society and gets mogged even by genetic dead ends
You were crying a month back about being jobless and living in your parents basement. If I do manage to dox you, I will be the person who will have you sectioned for the fourth time!
Yea the study shows 8 inches taller is ideal. So short or taller than that is a failo . Is it really that hard to wrap it around your skinny dog skull
As I've already stated the women in the 5'6" to 5'10" range will consider men of my height ideal. Even women who are short will consider men my height the most desirable. Dude, you have the face of a bitch. It makes perfect sense why you've had such a hard time in Britian. No one respects manlets like you. I for one actually recieve respect from chavs and working class types.

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