I'm so sick of chuds and by chuds I mean politics obsessed freaks. Respect to you if you haven't voted at all this year, I haven't myself. Today and tomorrow are the last days to vote here in the fake presidential election aka selection. If I go vote, I will write in 'Skibidi toilet' as my preferred candidate.
Also jfl at this;

I'm so sick of these politics obsessed losers making everything about politics, shoe horning it into every conversation. It's like they can't talk about anything else it's so faggoted. Especially if it's partisan politics or npc right wing stuff like 'Da jooz are causing white genocide1!1!'
It's the same shit over and over I've seen on /pol/ when I was 13/14. The laughable thing is that the people who believe jews control everything and are killing all the whites look down on everyone else as if they're somehow smarter when it's just obvious to anyone who isn't totally brainwashed.
But it's such an unbelievable waste of time to even talk about it and in the end it doesn't really affect anything.
A lot of these people need to stop worrying about all the fake news on the tv and actually take care of themselves and their own lives. But chuds genuinely irritate me and anytime anyone tries talking about politics with me I just want to tell them to stop talking.
Also jfl at this;

I'm so sick of these politics obsessed losers making everything about politics, shoe horning it into every conversation. It's like they can't talk about anything else it's so faggoted. Especially if it's partisan politics or npc right wing stuff like 'Da jooz are causing white genocide1!1!'
It's the same shit over and over I've seen on /pol/ when I was 13/14. The laughable thing is that the people who believe jews control everything and are killing all the whites look down on everyone else as if they're somehow smarter when it's just obvious to anyone who isn't totally brainwashed.
But it's such an unbelievable waste of time to even talk about it and in the end it doesn't really affect anything.
A lot of these people need to stop worrying about all the fake news on the tv and actually take care of themselves and their own lives. But chuds genuinely irritate me and anytime anyone tries talking about politics with me I just want to tell them to stop talking.
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