The formula for getting the hottest girls and being the highest status


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
Be the ideal skin colour(dark tan in west, pale af in east)

Have nice hair latest fashionable hairstyles like curtains, side partings etc.

Have nt fashion. Clothes. Fake roley is a must. Sunglasses etc..

Be jacked but low body fat

Its honestly not even about being handsome or being tall. Yea that's a bonus but you can still be high smv if u do these things as long as ur not subhuman or sub 5ft7

I reached this level of peak smv in UK I was sunbeds dark tan maxxed, blonde curtains, perfect style, jacked low bodyfat

When I had all of that, despite being like 6 inches below avg height. I was 24/7 in relationships living with the hottest girls possible that you guys could only imagine of getting in ur wet dreams

But as I've got older my height is less overlooked and I realized I don't wanna tanmaxx my entire life cos my skin isn't built for it. Im pale af naturally. And I don't like how I'm treated by guys cos my height

So I'm flipping it will relocate to Asia like Thailand. Where yes I'm still below avg height. But avg in lifts.

And will have all this stuff again. Got the skin colour pale af, got the hair, got the fashion. Just need to get jacked again when I can be bothered. And I won't have the height failo this time so there's nothing holding me back

Also there's some other parts of the formula

U have to be a boxer. And especially have vids on ur ig of you training/sparring

Have to be a footballer or whatever the popular local sport is

And finally, you must have a big ig following like a couple k or 10k or something. Grow that via dating apps or following many girls or tiktok maxxing

Also I think tiktokmaxxing is supposedly the latest thing but idk anything about that and you'd have to be careful not to do non nt stuff

Also last one is musicmaxxing. Like rapmaxxing etc
Its honestly just having European features and then you are good, having money will enable you to go fuck them and having status will enable you to have greater access to more women

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