18 is the male wall in 2024


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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If you didn't establish your social life and a solid GF prior to hitting 18. There are no second chances. If you find yourself on a dating app at age 18. It is over. There's simply nothing you can do. This is in the UK by the way.
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Go out and you will see thats far from reality
stop being 24/7 online and believing everything you read on obscure forums
I would bet 95%+ of couples didnt meet before being 18
Go out and you will see thats far from reality
stop being 24/7 online and believing everything you read on obscure forums
I would bet 95%+ of couples didnt meet before being 18
My observations come from going out in the real world. How about YOU leave your basement. Most people at social avenues are with their pre-existing social circles they established when they were at school. By age 18, it is TOO late to get into said social circles because people are closed off. Get some life experience.

'But that's changing: Today's young adults, especially young women, are increasingly finding romance in their friend groups. In our survey, 43% of people between the ages of 18 and 29 said they were in a relationship with someone who was first a friend, including an astonishing 50% of women in that cohort. This is double the 21% of people over 65 who reported having been friends with their partner or spouse before they started dating. Among older couples, 52% said their significant other was a complete stranger to them before they got together, while only 35% of young people said the same. In other words, a lot more older Americans created a relationship out of thin air.'

how im out of touch?
i did university not long ago and now at work
Go out and you will see thats far from reality
stop being 24/7 online and believing everything you read on obscure forums
I would bet 95%+ of couples didnt meet before being 18
He's a 30 year old asian guy living in UK who admitted on looksmax he hasn't had sex in a decade(probably longer)

Just put him on your block list. His thoughts and words are out of touch and have no worth
Bro just because you haven't met girls or made friends after 18 doesn't mean everyone else can't either

Yes I agree is harder after education but not impossible, stop projecting.

I moved to spain 2 months ago and already have a group of friends...
He's a 30 year old asian guy living in UK who admitted on looksmax he hasn't had sex in a decade(probably longer)

Just put him on your block list. His thoughts and words are out of touch and have no worth
yeah i need to remind myself to stop replying to his bs
Bro just because you haven't met girls or made friends after 18 doesn't mean everyone else can't either

Yes I agree is harder after education but not impossible, stop projecting.

I moved to spain 2 months ago and already have a group of friends...

I said in the UK fucktard. It is near impossible to get access to high quality social circles when a guy reaches 18+

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