You're a cuck if you bring a Filipina to America


New Member
Jan 22, 2024
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LOL at the thought of bringing any Flip to America. I tell my baby mom all the time to her face that's she's never going to America with me so she can forget it. When my daughter is 18, she can choose to sponsor her mother if she want's to.

Flips really think you're going to bring them over so they can freeload off you and then send all their money back to their useless relatives while they try to upgrade to a richer cuck.....yeah I don't think so. I need all your money bitch, every last centavo, and I want to fuck your cousins and friends to. When we go back to your hometown, I'll bring presents of soap and chocolates, thats good enough for them. Don't forget, I'm a 3rd world nigger myself, we know the tricks and schemes better than anyone else, we just can't habla ingles as good as Filipinos so it's a bit harder for us.

It is quite funny when Filipinos try to size me up and quickly realize:

A. I'm more niggerish and third world minded then them

B. I've studied their culture from obscure Spanish accounts from the 1500's on PDF files down to their in-jokes and memes on kikebook and tikitok

They quickly realize their schemes will not work with me, and proceed to look for a 60 year old German man.


"I can see right through you, I can read your mind, I can read your mind"

"The Spanish soldiers will break in on a Filipino who has just cooked himself a meal and take it away from him, ill treating and beating him in the bargain. And if I should restrain and reprimand them, they say, 'What do you expect us to do? Lie down and die?"

AHHH YES, the niggerish spirt of my ancestors lives on in me. The "NETA" spirit.


Only dish it out

Filipinos think they are schemers, but I assure you we are far superior in that aspect. My ancestors schemed a whole fucking continent PERMANTLY and then some, and are still scheming to this day, with the bastard children of my ancestors (me included) pouring into the United states illegally, not paying taxes, getting neetbux (GIBS ME DAT WHYTE BOI), and then sending all the money back to the homeland. We've turned major downtowns in major American cities into fucking zombie apocalypses, all while getting rich and not firing a bullet.

The best a Flip can hope for is going to slave away in Saudi Arabia, asking old retards on the internet for G-cash, or hoping some unsuspecting cuck takes them to America. And if you notice, once they get to America, they try to imitate Mexicans lol....those Mexicans be whooping the Filipinos ass in California. the Mexicans say jump and the Filipinos say how high lol.

Here's some bonus content:


Despite being a nation of 120 million people and boxing being one of the most popular sports, the only boxer of note that they have produced in the past 40 years has been Pacquiao. The Puerto Ricans literally picked up a random dude off the street in New Jersey and just let him smack around a bunch of Filipinos who all have like 40 fights under their belt in the Philippines.

Filipinos really need to simmer down, the internet has really gotten to these peoples heads.
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someone link this nerd the video of 5 filipinos fighting 30 mexicans and they won
dont even need to. he made it the highlight intro of the video. tim kuck.
i remember when he was traveling with bald and bankrupt in vietnam and everyone hated him

holy shit if my son looked like that idk if id be able to look him in the eyes out of guilt

son when hes older: "dad why did you have to make me a filipino, why couldnt you just betabuxx a russian girl or something"
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holy shit if my son looked like that idk if id be able to look him in the eyes out of guilt

son when hes older: "dad why did you have to make me a filipino, why couldnt you just betabuxx a russian girl or something"
makes me not want to impregnate one

maybe i can find some chill white girl with a brow bridge and chin teaching english in the jungle

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