You guys massively underestimate our SMV in East Asia


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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You guys massively underestimate our smv in east asia.

You all got propagandamaxxed by seething aznidentity ricedicks who are clawing at any branch they can to stop them from falling into a pit of misery and doom

Muh korea is hard muh they're all makeup maxxed looksmaxxed


I literally skin colour mog and facially on par with their best looking guy in their entire continent


This is the reality in east asia. They're all manlet brown boys with squinty eyes and a bowl haircut

East asians fit 1/8 of the east asian beauty standards

Avg whites fit 7/8 of the east asian beauty standards

An average white mogs even their best looking highest smv pop stars because they're still brown manlets with micropenis IRL

East asians don't look like the surgerymaxxed filter maxxed people u see online. Those photos above are reality

They're the ugliest people on the entire planet. And are brown and worship white skin.

Even south east asians are better looking than them because they fit like 3/8 of the beauty standards instead of 1/8. SEA dont have squinty eyes, they don't have as flat noses. The subhuman asian traits are east asian traits, not south east asian traits.

When I set my location to China, korea. Japan, I get like 20 cold approach messages from girls there everyday.

I've been begged by Chinese and Korean girls for them to cum inside them and i did it and I'm 5ft4 and ugly.

How can u guys actually possibly think an average white isn't a gigachad there.

Even white subhumans can get hot girls cos they'll still fit more beauty standards than the guys there

Muh u need to be tall and htn. You guys got propagandized so hard

It's hard to understand why even a subhuman can be better than their entire race. But I Broke it down in this thread

I was confused at one point too. But then I researched their beauty standards, saw scientific studies, looked at dating app race studies. And now I'm trying to share it to you guys too so you can realise reality

Even ethnics are higher smv in east asia than east asians cos they don't have the subhuman mongoloid features. Caucsoid and negroid features fit their beauty standard more
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Your pseudoscientific BS theories aren't indicative of reality.

The science is clear on this subject. If you don't concede and continue to peddle out of touch pseudoscientific conspiracies, I recommend for you to check yourself into a mental asylum.

Your pseudoscientific BS theories aren't indicative of reality.

The science is clear on this subject. If you don't concede and continue to peddle out of touch pseudoscientific conspiracies, I recommend for you to check yourself into a mental asylum.

- All east asian beauty standards are white features. They are born with none of those features naturally
- scientific studies show white faces were rated better looking than east asians
- dating app studies show asian women prefer white men
- there's statistics of many Chinese and Korean women buying white sperm so their kid can look more white
- the most famous Korean TV presenter flew to Japan to get white sperm donor cos its illegal in her country
- the last 30 asian miss universe winners, 28 are wives of white men

What more proof does one need?

Your proof = genetic similarity article which has nothing to do with dating or attraction

Some day you're just going to have to accept reality and come out of your delusion state
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@AlexBrown84 read last bit i just added to thread about ethnics
most ethnics in korea and japan are untouchable subhumans who would be lucky to get a ltb

koreans mogging only applies to very select areas in seoul which makes sense since everyone young moves there for economic opportunities

i’ve been to countless smaller cities throughout the country and the quality of looks drops drastically

if you’re afraid of getting mogged just leave seoul
most ethnics in korea and japan are untouchable subhumans who would be lucky to get a ltb

koreans mogging only applies to very select areas in seoul which makes sense since everyone young moves there for economic opportunities

i’ve been to countless smaller cities throughout the country and the quality of looks drops drastically

if you’re afraid of getting mogged just leave seoul
But they're not tho,

ethnics and Koreans are both brown

Ethnics like blacks, indians, arabs, etc all have caucaoid/negroid facial features which fit the east asian face beauty standard more than east asians do

Ethnics are short , so east asians. Especially Western born ethnics will be taller.

So in what way are they better than other ethnics?

They get mogged by other ethnics hard

Also Why Would i be worried about being mogged in seoul? I fit 5/8 of the beauty standards there, while they fit 1/8
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You're white, you simple fuck. Only asian men fit the beauty standard. You will get the rejects of SK, that's if you're lucky.
Asian men fit 1/8 of the east asian beauty standards

White men fit 7/8 of the east asian beauty standards

I proved it here

Asian men are a joke to Asian women

And I already fucked and cummed inside a hot korean girl who came to UK to see me and she's jbw only. Her last ex's were all white . Brutal.

Ricedick panic coping incoming in 3 2 1
Asian men fit 1/8 of the east asian beauty standards

White men fit 7/8 of the east asian beauty standards

I proved it here
To whites, If a nigger wears blue eye contact lenses, it doesnt change the fact he's still a nigger. In Asia, a pale skin white man is still a farang 'nigger' in their eyes despite having pale skin.

The entire facial and bodily morphology of white men is different to that of an asian male. The asian females psychology is evolved to select for cues of fitness in asian men. The asian females who're rejects that can't get desirable asian men may resort to dating white men because of economic reasons or sheer desperation.
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There's nothing to debate, I showed scientific studies and proved everything before and you had no answer to them things
I have refuted them all with the facts of evolutionary biology. I will make an arse of you in a 1v1 debate.

And I already fucked and cummed inside a hot korean girl who came to UK to see me and she's jbw only. Her last ex's were all white . Brutal
Outliers don't disprove the rule. You keep running away from a debate.
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most ethnics in korea and japan are untouchable subhumans who would be lucky to get a ltb

koreans mogging only applies to very select areas in seoul which makes sense since everyone young moves there for economic opportunities

i’ve been to countless smaller cities throughout the country and the quality of looks drops drastically

if you’re afraid of getting mogged just leave seoul
These guys legit think they’re gonna go to Gangnam and Apgujeong and slay without chadlite looks or status, they’re fucking delusional jfl.
These guys legit think they’re gonna go to Gangnam and Apgujeong and slay without chadlite looks or status, they’re fucking delusional jfl.
An average white would slay there because the avg east asian guy fits 1/8 of the east asian beauty standards. Average east asians are SUBHUMANS in the eyes of asian girls

meanwhile avg whites fit 7/8 of the beauty standards

Even if a white guy is ugly. He still fits those standards 99/100 times.

You are the one who's delusional
To whites, If a nigger wears blue eye contact lenses, it doesnt change the fact he's still a nigger. In Asia, a pale skin white man is still a farang 'nigger' in their eyes despite having pale skin.

The entire facial and bodily morphology of white men is different to that of an asian male. The asian females psychology is evolved to select for cues of fitness in asian men. The asian females who're rejects that can't get desirable asian men may resort to dating white men because of economic reasons or sheer desperation.
Yeah the face and body of white men is different to asian. And they're attracted to our face. That's why no asian guy can ever reach the same level of attraction as an average white guy can to asian women . Why do u think they reverted to surgery and hyper editing of photos to try look white
Yeah the face and body of white men is different to asian. And they're attracted to our face. That's why no asian guy can ever reach the same level of attraction as an average white guy can to asian women . Why do u think they reverted to surgery and hyper editing of photos to try look white
Explain the mechanism of biological attraction.
To whites, If a nigger wears blue eye contact lenses, it doesnt change the fact he's still a nigger. In Asia, a pale skin white man is still a farang 'nigger' in their eyes despite having pale skin.

The entire facial and bodily morphology of white men is different to that of an asian male. The asian females psychology is evolved to select for cues of fitness in asian men. The asian females who're rejects that can't get desirable asian men may resort to dating white men because of economic reasons or sheer desperation.
It is obnoxious and demanding whiteoid behavior which fuels resentment toward farangs. Asians have to discipline themselves, show respect to superiors and work long hours for a chance at success, while coarse, low-class whiteoids show up on a whim, pull unlimited "free" money from an ATM, hit the bars at 11 AM, and enjoy all the rewards of success without exercising an ounce of self-discipline or restraint.

It's basically the same reason why law-abiding, hard-working, tax-paying whites in America hate negroes who flaunt their fancy cars, wads of cash, expensive booze, plentiful drugs and omnipresent hoes while being lawless and insolent freeloaders.

When I behave with humility and restraint in Thailand and other parts of Southeast Asia, I get a positive reception from everyone who is not in a bad mood. Additionally, many Asians will show respect and deference to me in return. (Vain & pretty girls excepted; they are universally disdainful toward humble men.)

Also, methinks the modern dating scene has gotten away from primitive "fitness selection". The modern female mindset no longer chooses a dominant, protective male provider who will maximize her children's success. Instead, hoes are merely seeking out a guy who looks like a good time, based on the most shallow and superficial of cues. He could be Asian, he could be White; it's whatever her whims are at the moment.
Also, methinks the modern dating scene has gotten away from primitive "fitness selection". The modern female mindset no longer chooses a dominant, protective male provider who will maximize her children's success. Instead, hoes are merely seeking out a guy who looks like a good time, based on the most shallow and superficial of cues. He could be Asian, he could be White; it's whatever her whims are at the moment.
The motivation of the gook whore is solely around looks, money and status. A man's face dictates whether a woman will find him attractive or not. All women desire tall, good looking, relatively muscle men, but not every woman can attract such a man. Women, for the most part, will always default to facial attractiveness over everything else because good looking faces translates to pretty daughters and thus higher fitness for her offspring.
Yeah the face and body of white men is different to asian. And they're attracted to our face. That's why no asian guy can ever reach the same level of attraction as an average white guy can to asian women . Why do u think they reverted to surgery and hyper editing of photos to try look white
Okay, let me break it down.

The larger and more expressive eyes of white men are a huge attractor for Asian women, particularly if they are light-colored.

White noses run the gamut, with a refined Roman nose being a strong attractor, while a coarse schnozzle has a repellent effect as contrasted to the typical small and stubby Asian nose.

White men tend to be a few inches taller than Asians on average. I have nooticed a significantly greater height differential between WMAF couples versus AMAF couples, so chicks who like tall guys are more likely to go for white men.

Otherwise, characteristics like face to skull proportions, jawline shape, lip size, and head to body size cannot be given to either White and Asian men. Both races run the gamut.

Skin tone among Southeast Asians is often much darker than Whites, and Asian women rarely desire men who are darker than they are. However, Whites have a love of sun exposure, so many of us are tanned and darker than pale-skinned East Asians. From what I've seen, porcelain-skinned beauties only date pale guys.

I posit that a larger percentage of Asians have small refined facial features as compared to Whites. Many Asian women prefer more refined features over the strong and well-proportioned "GigaChad" facial structure.
Both White and Asian men are frequently plagued with weak chins, but the top tier of both races differ. White men with attractive chins & jawlines have more of a wide U-shape, while Asian men seen as good-looking have a more slim & refined V-shaped chin, almost feminine in many cases. I'd say that the top tier of Asian cuties usually find the more effeminate facial structure to be more attractive.

Increased prevalence of body & facial hair on white men is usually repellent to Asian women; most white men in Southeast Asia shave regularly. However, growing a beard is a big plus for your perception as a foreigner among Muslim Malays. Even a scruffy setup like this one, with coverage along the jawline sparse to nonexistent, is better than many Asian Muslims can grow. IME, it is frowned upon to ask the religion of another person in Malaysia, so an unshaven face is a tacit indicator of conformity to Islamic norms.
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Otherwise, characteristics like face to skull proportions, jawline shape, lip size, and head to body size cannot be given to either White and Asian men. Both races run the gamut.

Skin tone among Southeast Asians is often much darker than Whites, and Asian women rarely desire men who are darker than they are. However, Whites have a love of sun exposure, so many of us are tanned and darker than pale-skinned East Asians. From what I've seen, porcelain-skinned beauties only date pale guys.

I posit that a larger percentage of Asians have small refined facial features as compared to Whites. Many Asian women prefer more refined features over the strong and well-proportioned "GigaChad" facial structure.

Both White and Asian men are frequently plagued with weak chins, but the top tier of both races differ. White men with attractive chins & jawlines have more of a wide U-shape, while Asian men seen as good-looking have a more slim & refined V-shaped chin, almost feminine in many cases. I'd say that the top tier of Asian cuties usually find the more effeminate facial structure to be more attractive.

Increased prevalence of body & facial hair on white men is usually repellent to Asian women; most white men in Southeast Asia shave regularly. However, growing a beard is a big plus for your perception as a foreigner among Muslim Malays. Even a scruffy setup like this one, with coverage along the jawline sparse to nonexistent, is better than many Asian Muslims can grow. IME, it is frowned upon to ask the religion of another person in Malaysia, so an unshaven face is a tacit indicator of conformity to Islamic norms.
your just completely incorrect


asians have wide ass watermelon heads which asian females absolutely hate

and there is no pale skinned east asians lol. theyre all little brown boys.

and east asians have the U wide jaws. while whites have the v-taper jaws

youd know this if you actually went to east asia or dated east asian people like i have
East Asia will be the first target of my rebirth - I wonder though if anywhere in Europe is also worth a try. Kinda ruled out South America cuz I’m not an extroverted faggot
asians have wide ass watermelon heads which asian females absolutely hate

and there is no pale skinned east asians lol. theyre all little brown boys.

and east asians have the U wide jaws. while whites have the v-taper jaws

youd know this if you actually went to east asia or dated east asian people like i have
You dated East Asian men? JFL at you calling me detached from reality when I'm the one who sees a thousand East Asians every single day on the streets of Malacca, both with and without girlfriends. How many Asians did you see today?
Also, that single picture of an Asian laborer from 1908 that you are constantly posting is irrelevant. He and I both have the curved jawline (somewhat like a parabolic curve) that is conventionally unattractive to both Asian and White females. Also, his ears are fucking hideous, and so is his haircut. He would be considered a below-average male.
You dated East Asian men? JFL at you calling me detached from reality when I'm the one who sees a thousand East Asians every single day on the streets of Malacca, both with and without girlfriends. How many Asians did you see today?
View attachment 4354
Also, that single picture of an Asian laborer from 1908 that you are constantly posting is irrelevant. He and I both have the curved jawline (somewhat like a parabolic curve) that is conventionally unattractive to both Asian and White females. Also, his ears are fucking hideous, and so is his haircut. He would be considered a below-average male.
I've dated east asian women and they have all of those features that guy did. And when I've walked around in korea they all look like that. What more proof does one need?

Your just another coping undercover ricedick in denial about whites supremacy
I've dated east asian women and they have all of those features that guy did. And when I've walked around in korea they all look like that. What more proof does one need?

Your just another coping undercover ricedick in denial about whites supremacy
the supposed walking around korea :

You guys massively underestimate our smv in east asia.

You all got propagandamaxxed by seething aznidentity ricedicks who are clawing at any branch they can to stop them from falling into a pit of misery and doom

Muh korea is hard muh they're all makeup maxxed looksmaxxed

View attachment 4334

View attachment 4335View attachment 4336
I literally skin colour mog and facially on par with their best looking guy in their entire continent

View attachment 4337

This is the reality in east asia. They're all manlet brown boys with squinty eyes and a bowl haircut

East asians fit 1/8 of the east asian beauty standards

Avg whites fit 7/8 of the east asian beauty standards

An average white mogs even their best looking highest smv pop stars because they're still brown manlets with micropenis IRL

East asians don't look like the surgerymaxxed filter maxxed people u see online. Those photos above are reality

They're the ugliest people on the entire planet. And are brown and worship white skin.

Even south east asians are better looking than them because they fit like 3/8 of the beauty standards instead of 1/8. SEA dont have squinty eyes, they don't have as flat noses. The subhuman asian traits are east asian traits, not south east asian traits.

When I set my location to China, korea. Japan, I get like 20 cold approach messages from girls there everyday.

I've been begged by Chinese and Korean girls for them to cum inside them and i did it and I'm 5ft4 and ugly.

How can u guys actually possibly think an average white isn't a gigachad there.

Even white subhumans can get hot girls cos they'll still fit more beauty standards than the guys there

Muh u need to be tall and htn. You guys got propagandized so hard

It's hard to understand why even a subhuman can be better than their entire race. But I Broke it down in this thread

I was confused at one point too. But then I researched their beauty standards, saw scientific studies, looked at dating app race studies. And now I'm trying to share it to you guys too so you can realise reality

Even ethnics are higher smv in east asia than east asians cos they don't have the subhuman mongoloid features. Caucsoid and negroid features fit their beauty standard more
WTF is with the bowl cuts LOL

you should stop doing those after your 6 yo.

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