You are all very low status nerds


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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I'm trying to geomaxx cos I'm 5ft4. I'm very short, I'm more suited with very short girls such as asian girls or latina, that's what I like

Also geomaxxing cos of my work, most of my industry is geomaxxed to places like Thailand or bali, just for cheap living, work by the beach with beautiful views

Why the fuck would you go to some shithole third world country if ur a 6ft white guy even while you don't have a remote job

Imagine diluting your genes with subhumans and leaving your top tier quality of life country for an utter shithole

I have a good excuse to do it cos of my height and work

You have no excuse, your just desperate nerd retards

You guys are really bottom of the barrel subhuman rejects
I'm trying to geomaxx cos I'm 5ft4. I'm very short, I'm more suited with very short girls such as asian girls or latina, that's what I like

Also geomaxxing cos of my work, most of my industry is geomaxxed to places like Thailand or bali, just for cheap living, work by the beach with beautiful views

Why the fuck would you go to some shithole third world country if ur a 6ft white guy even while you don't have a remote job

Imagine diluting your genes with subhumans and leaving your top tier quality of life country for an utter shithole

I have a good excuse to do it cos of my height and work

You have no excuse, your just desperate nerd retards

You guys are really bottom of the barrel subhuman rejects
The reason some 6ft+ men geomax is because they realize that in the west the best they could get is a ltb. Thats why some men feel that its better to fly to latam and sea rather than slave away in the west just to get divorced by a sub 5 women
Yeah im low status tbh, but im geomaxxing because i want 4 wifes and western women wouldnt accept a second one unless i make 400k+ a year, I polled it like an autist lmao. So my only solution is to move out innit bruv. I have infiltrated your country im coming for you chap
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Being lazy automatically makes you low status in America, I guess. You want everything to be simple and low-effort. Since returning to America, it's amazed me just how different priorities are here, particularly in the booming urban regions like central North Carolina. Barbecuing meat on the street to make a living, versus a world where fortunes can be built by building day-trading programs and grooming pet dogs. Lots of us social dropouts simply don't have the focus and motivation needed to achieve any kind of social status in America. A primitive urban society with its primitive mindset of "I'm doing what I can to fill my belly today" is much more on our level, and we don't feel alienated and outclassed like we do living around all the picky, hyper-specialized, high-achieving humans of urban America. The unpleasant realities of life in an inferior civilization elicit disgust and sometimes exasperation. But this is a world where a few hundred dollars can buy you all the personalized attention and service you could desire.
why be normie in west if you can be chad in asia? Also you can find white women in asia, and since chinks are ugly they will also have lower standards
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why be normie in west if you can be chad in asia
Cos then you'll ruin your genes with chink dna, uglier girls, short offspring, move from 1st world conditions and wages to 3rd world conditions and wages

It's just retarded. Just date your looksmatch white girl
Cos then you'll ruin your genes with chink dna,
If I had a hapa son in asia with an above average asian girl he'd experience a way better life than a full white son with my white looksmatch in the west. "preserving your genes" as a white person is a huge sfcel cope tbh
uglier girls,
Asians fog hard wtf
short offspring
Would be taller in asia with an average height asian girl, but you could also aim for a taller one and ascend your bloodline, that's what I want to do ngl.
move from 1st world conditions and wages to 3rd world conditions and wages
Japan and China don't seem that bad living wise, and money is a meme anyway, experiences>all
If I had a hapa son in asia with an above average asian girl he'd experience a way better life than a full white son with my white looksmatch in the west. "preserving your genes" as a white person is a huge sfcel cope tbh

Asians fog hard wtf

Would be taller in asia with an average height asian girl, but you could also aim for a taller one and ascend your bloodline, that's what I want to do ngl.

Japan and China don't seem that bad living wise, and money is a meme anyway, experiences>all
Bro you’re right about everything you said
I have 2 remote jobs; im The Account Executive [AKA: I run sales strategy, the sales team, and I'm the go to closer in the company] for a digital marketing firm and run my own start up doing Bar/Pub Consulting with my roommate and travel buddy. It's really not that hard people took me 2 months to transition to a place that i get flown out to events and to meet clients and i just have a good resume and dont suck with people; no exp in marketing tho. make like 3-5k a week depends on my side project and how many clients we have at the moment. And both business are on the ground floor moving to fixed payed structures on top of comm and bonuses beta ends next month and were are out of projecting the the 60k monthly goals on the 5 man team (have major deals in the works i can't say jack shit about!!) and 15k on my 2 man team where clients are throwing themselves at us but we are staying in beta untill ive built my other team and he is out of a full time normie job. alot of my income rn is going into add a digital media piece to my personal start up as the Linkedin shorts ad rev is super undertapd and underused. Honestly Idk y anyone with an iq over 120, 20k usd in a bank account, and a cut throat personality doesnt both start a start up and jump on a friends a year in, once they have proof of con and a rev stream but you still get in ground floor with a 15% ownership share. best idea i ever had

That's why my bio say "life abroad loading". I'm taking the steps I have my tickets; my world tour starts in November with no plans on coming home besides for a couple months of road tripping and music festivals back in the States a year. I'm not to here bitching about not getting layed [maybe cause i have like 4 FWB rn tho]; I'm here to meet like minded people. Ik @KingOfAsia is planning as we speak. Ik @AlexBrown84 travels and has made it, and @Marco Pumpo is probz on some island sipping coconut rn. but does anyone else born between the years '95-'05 have a plan to actually get out of their life and geomaxx/nomadmaxx. I took a step back from this forum cause as King is right! 70% of you have no plan and 80% of you just whine on some incel shit all day. maybe try an incel forum cause i have run out of time for that shit. if someone wants to networkmaxx, talk investments, betting on sports, or other productive things to geomaxxing in general im game but beyond sick of the low effort trolls and incels... thats not why i signed up or post here.
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Cos then you'll ruin your genes with chink dna, uglier girls, short offspring, move from 1st world conditions and wages to 3rd world conditions and wages

It's just retarded. Just date your looksmatch white girl
I don't think the majority of geomaxxers are doing this to reproduce, but only to have fun and leverage in their relationships.
That said I agree with you. Personally I won't have children, but I'd advise to breed with a full asian only if she could give tall sons even for western standards.
@KingOfAsia provocative as always but you have a point.
I'm trying to geomaxx cos I'm 5ft4. I'm very short, I'm more suited with very short girls such as asian girls or latina, that's what I like
yes, legit reason for geomaxxing.
Why the fuck would you go to some shithole third world country if ur a 6ft white guy even while you don't have a remote job
i have a remote job, otherwise i wouldn't do it either. i don't wanna work for foreign slave wage. for high qualified expats it might be interesting as well because they can earn top dollar if sent to another country by their company hq.

Imagine diluting your genes with subhumans and leaving your top tier quality of life country for an utter shithole
i don't want to have children so i don't care.
I have 2 remote jobs; im The Account Executive [AKA: I run sales strategy, the sales team, and I'm the go to closer in the company] for a digital marketing firm and run my own start up doing Bar/Pub Consulting with my roommate and travel buddy. It's really not that hard people took me 2 months to transition to a place that i get flown out to events and to meet clients and i just have a good resume and dont suck with people; no exp in marketing tho. make like 3-5k a week depends on my side project and how many clients we have at the moment. And both business are on the ground floor moving to fixed payed structures on top of comm and bonuses beta ends next month and were are out of projecting the the 60k monthly goals on the 5 man team (have major deals in the works i can't say jack shit about!!) and 15k on my 2 man team where clients are throwing themselves at us but we are staying in beta untill ive built my other team and he is out of a full time normie job. alot of my income rn is going into add a digital media piece to my personal start up as the Linkedin shorts ad rev is super undertapd and underused. Honestly Idk y anyone with an iq over 120, 20k usd in a bank account, and a cut throat personality doesnt both start a start up and jump on a friends a year in, once they have proof of con and a rev stream but you still get in ground floor with a 15% ownership share. best idea i ever had

That's why my bio say "life abroad loading". I'm taking the steps I have my tickets; my world tour starts in November with no plans on coming home besides for a couple months of road tripping and music festivals back in the States a year. I'm not to here bitching about not getting layed [maybe cause i have like 4 FWB rn tho]; I'm here to meet like minded people. Ik @KingOfAsia is planning as we speak. Ik @AlexBrown84 travels and has made it, and @Marco Pumpo is probz on some island sipping coconut rn. but does anyone else born between the years '95-'05 have a plan to actually get out of their life and geomaxx/nomadmaxx. I took a step back from this forum cause as King is right! 70% of you have no plan and 80% of you just whine on some incel shit all day. maybe try an incel forum cause i have run out of time for that shit. if someone wants to networkmaxx, talk investments, betting on sports, or other productive things to geomaxxing in general im game but beyond sick of the low effort trolls and incels... thats not why i signed up or post here.
nice progress man, sounds like you are launching like a rocket. i can imagine you running out of time to read all these non-geomaxxing posts here if you have so much stuff going on. anyway, i'm interested in how your journey continues. you have a certain positivity and curiosity on you that i mostly miss in this place.
Why the fuck would you go to some shithole third world country if ur a 6ft white guy even while you don't have a remote job
You have a height inferiority complex which is understandable. But your inability to look at reality is not. No one wants 6 foot tall low status white guys, hence their failed attempts to geomaxing. They failed back home and they will also fail abroad.

View attachment YouCut_20231210_232455301.mp4
You have a height inferiority complex which is understandable. But your inability to look at reality is not. No one wants 6 foot tall low status white guys, hence their failed attempts to geomaxing. They failed back home and they will also fail abroad.

View attachment 6752
Coming from a halfie thats not true, asian women love white men to the point they will have "breeding parties"
Coming from a halfie thats not true, asian women love white men to the point they will have "breeding parties"
You clearly have some kind of bizarre cuck fetish. There are plenty of black breeding parties out there where white women worship black men, is this indicative of most white women? Absolutely not. These types of women are outliers and aren't the norm.
Coming from a halfie thats not true, asian women love white men to the point they will have "breeding parties"
I will reiterate. NO one wants low status white men, regardless if they're tall or short. White men are expected to be successful, when they're not, people look down on them like sewer rats. Whereas, other racial groups can get away with having relatively low status because women place less expectations on them.
I will reiterate. NO one wants low status white men, regardless if they're tall or short. White men are expected to be successful, when they're not, people look down on them like sewer rats. Whereas, other racial groups can get away with having relatively low status because women place less expectations on them.
But @KingOfAsia told me that white men are most desirable. Some nigger women told me they only date white men
I will reiterate. NO one wants low status white men, regardless if they're tall or short. White men are expected to be successful, when they're not, people look down on them like sewer rats. Whereas, other racial groups can get away with having relatively low status because women place less expectations on them.
Where are you from?
You clearly have some kind of bizarre cuck fetish. There are plenty of black breeding parties out there where white women worship black men, is this indicative of most white women? Absolutely not. These types of women are outliers and aren't the norm.
How is it cucked for me if Asian women respond well to me when im not tanned because of the sun, im not half asian bro and in just telling the truth. When i went to a club asian chicks did not go for the Asian dudes, did they ask for their status before dancing with the white guys? I dont think so. Money cant buy you attraction, you can only betabux.
How is it cucked for me if Asian women respond well to me when im not tanned because of the sun, im not half asian bro and in just telling the truth. When i went to a club asian chicks did not go for the Asian dudes, did they ask for their status before dancing with the white guys
The asian women who frequent the clubs you visted like foreign men. Again, most women prefer their own race.

their status before dancing with the white guys?
White men have high global status. For instance, if a white ish looking Arab said he was Arab instead of white, asian women would cringe because they're low status.

Status can make a man attractive or not.
The asian women who frequent the clubs you visted like foreign men. Again, most women prefer their own race.

White men have high global status. For instance, if a white fish looking Arab said he was Arab instead of white, asian women would cringe because they're low status.

Status can make a man attractive or not.
This was in europe. With the Asian girls who grew up in europe. I dont buy your cope, all i see is asian incels walking the street while the girls walk around with asian chads or average white dudes... You browse r/Asianmasculinity or what
This was in europe. With the Asian girls who grew up in europe. I dont buy your cope, all i see is asian incels walking the street while the girls walk around with asian chads or average white dudes...
Why are they in Europe but not Iran or Pakistan? What's the difference, I have no idea. Despite both countries being caucasian, hmm... I wonder.
Why are they in Europe but not Iran or Pakistan? What's the difference, I have no idea. Despite both countries being caucasian, hmm... I wonder.
Economy obviously, my point being asian have higher monetary status in my country because they studycel but they still went for the whites, its not my fault that asian beauty standards are to have white skin. Damn you are annoying asf, do you have a small asian dick
Economy obviously
GDP is linked to the status of desired nationalities on a global scale.

asian have higher monetary status in my country because they studycel but they still went for the whites,
There's a difference between ONS and LTRs. The women who travel a lot will be left leaning and thus open to interracial relations of all kinds. Stop painting all asian women with the same broad generalised assumptions.
GDP is linked to the status of desired nationalities on a global scale.

There's a difference between ONS and LTRs. The women who travel a lot will be left leaning and thus open to interracial relations of all kinds. Stop painting all asian women with the same broad generalised assumptions.
Okay thats why Italians are hotter than southern saudis to asian women, bet.
I have 2 remote jobs; im The Account Executive [AKA: I run sales strategy, the sales team, and I'm the go to closer in the company] for a digital marketing firm and run my own start up doing Bar/Pub Consulting with my roommate and travel buddy. It's really not that hard people took me 2 months to transition to a place that i get flown out to events and to meet clients and i just have a good resume and dont suck with people; no exp in marketing tho. make like 3-5k a week depends on my side project and how many clients we have at the moment. And both business are on the ground floor moving to fixed payed structures on top of comm and bonuses beta ends next month and were are out of projecting the the 60k monthly goals on the 5 man team (have major deals in the works i can't say jack shit about!!) and 15k on my 2 man team where clients are throwing themselves at us but we are staying in beta untill ive built my other team and he is out of a full time normie job. alot of my income rn is going into add a digital media piece to my personal start up as the Linkedin shorts ad rev is super undertapd and underused. Honestly Idk y anyone with an iq over 120, 20k usd in a bank account, and a cut throat personality doesnt both start a start up and jump on a friends a year in, once they have proof of con and a rev stream but you still get in ground floor with a 15% ownership share. best idea i ever had

That's why my bio say "life abroad loading". I'm taking the steps I have my tickets; my world tour starts in November with no plans on coming home besides for a couple months of road tripping and music festivals back in the States a year. I'm not to here bitching about not getting layed [maybe cause i have like 4 FWB rn tho]; I'm here to meet like minded people. Ik @KingOfAsia is planning as we speak. Ik @AlexBrown84 travels and has made it, and @Marco Pumpo is probz on some island sipping coconut rn. but does anyone else born between the years '95-'05 have a plan to actually get out of their life and geomaxx/nomadmaxx. I took a step back from this forum cause as King is right! 70% of you have no plan and 80% of you just whine on some incel shit all day. maybe try an incel forum cause i have run out of time for that shit. if someone wants to networkmaxx, talk investments, betting on sports, or other productive things to geomaxxing in general im game but beyond sick of the low effort trolls and incels... thats not why i signed up or post here.
Appreciate your post. Would love some more biz discussion on here. Currently trying to scale my marketing agency, just having trouble niching down. I have experience in marketing and sales if you ever need any help
The reason some 6ft+ men geomax is because they realize that in the west the best they could get is a ltb. Thats why some men feel that its better to fly to latam and sea rather than slave away in the west just to get divorced by a sub 5 women
Max anyone can pull in westernized countries is 5.5

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