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Of pure straight pro-white smv in asia propaganda
Except its actually truth but used extreme examples and absolutes to help portray it
Wonder how many guys I've helped realize they are very desired in asia and don't have to be treated like shit by white women forever
Reason I did this is because I was confused at one point about my smv, people said ur desired outside of Europe for being white.
But when I asked why, no one had a real answer. And many jealous ethnics said its not true and other ethnic seething propaganda
So I spent a lot of time figuring out exactly the reasons for our smv being so high outside of Europe, especially in asia
And now I finally understand I went from feeling 0 self worth to very high self worth better overall mood now that I know the truth and reality
Do u know how shit it feels for people to say ur ugly, ur white skin is ugly, ur short, everything about me is shit, no girl would ever want that
And then how much it helps to realize billions of people in another continent of the world love your features, pay for surgery to get ur features, love your natural white skin, dont view you as too short, love ur appearance
And i want others to realize that and to feel the same
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