Advice Would you take your wife's surname in marriage?

Would you take your wife's surname in marriage?

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Napoleon de Geso

kemono friend from hopeless shithole
Dec 11, 2023
lithuania (separatist part of Russia)
I do want. Toxic masculinists and patriarchalists might say it is cucked, but really what's cucked for man of honor and culture like me - is keeping to be member of ethnicity (lithuanians and samogitians in my case) which is unable to give me acceptable kemonowaifu, and by it greatly insulting and humiliating me, and much more honorable to become assimilated (most likely - sinicised) into ethnicity which would. Also most wonderfull would be to find japanese waifu with surname Sakamoto, so I could become Sakamoto-san

I dontvtalk to my dad's side of the family so I don't want to comtinue this name but also I wouldn't take a gooks last name or any girl lol
Duty is search for kemonowaifu, what is sentient being able for kemonofriendship. In far future they could be created artificially, now need to search them amongst disgusting natural females
No, if you were able to create a sentient android robot you should refuse and have a non-sentient android instead.
I would create sentient friend, cute and purified from chad-chasery of natural females. To be real kemono friend is to have kemono friend
Sentient beings are dangerous, you shouldn't be with one. And also you are already chad, you look like a chad due to being cromagnid, haven't you seen how much bone mass you have in your face?
Sentient beings are dangerous, you shouldn't be with one. And also you are already chad, you look like a chad due to being cromagnid, haven't you seen how much bone mass you have in your face?
Is sad for kemono friend to be without kemono friend. Final solution is artificial sentience. Current solution is diving into pile of trash what are natural females, to find kemono freinds
Is sad for kemono friend to be without kemono friend. Final solution is artificial sentience. Current solution is diving into pile of trash what are natural females, to find kemono freinds
Artificial sentience is bad, you will get hurt and you will hurt that sentient being.
Natural females in first phase of breeding cycle fell harmed from being with non-chad man. Artificial waifu is to be purified from it, and enjoy appointed man
But you look like a chad.

Sentient androids will never be safe, there will always be a chance that they harm you.

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