2 nights ago I had dreams that I was filming people having sex with babies and doing sexual things to/with babies. Keep in mind I’m not attracted to babies or toddlers. Just for the record. But I did see the baby sex happening and was recording it, likely for distribution.
Last night I had a dream that the police raided my house and confiscated my devices. I saw them taking my devices down the stairs, including an expensive camera. I also saw a list of the cyber tips in the search warrant that were related to the execution of the search and the investigation. I remember being somewhat caught off guard and surprised yet I was pretty calm.
I didn’t realize it until this evening that these two dreams may actually be connected. It’s quite rare that this happens to me but it has happened in the past where I have a dream one night and it continues the next night like an episodic story.
A long time ago I had a dream about a very similar thing for 3 nights in a row that involved the FBI raiding my house.
I wonder if it will continue tonight or what. February 2nd was a fucked day last year.
It was also the last day I logged on here until I came back a few days ago.

It’s also important to note that February 2nd is the 33rd day of the year. FreeMasonic tier.
It’s all very strange but I guess we will see.
My grandfather is supposed to be leaving the hospital tomorrow. Wonder if something cursed surrounding that will happen.
Last night I had a dream that the police raided my house and confiscated my devices. I saw them taking my devices down the stairs, including an expensive camera. I also saw a list of the cyber tips in the search warrant that were related to the execution of the search and the investigation. I remember being somewhat caught off guard and surprised yet I was pretty calm.
I didn’t realize it until this evening that these two dreams may actually be connected. It’s quite rare that this happens to me but it has happened in the past where I have a dream one night and it continues the next night like an episodic story.
A long time ago I had a dream about a very similar thing for 3 nights in a row that involved the FBI raiding my house.
I wonder if it will continue tonight or what. February 2nd was a fucked day last year.
It was also the last day I logged on here until I came back a few days ago.

It’s also important to note that February 2nd is the 33rd day of the year. FreeMasonic tier.
It’s all very strange but I guess we will see.
My grandfather is supposed to be leaving the hospital tomorrow. Wonder if something cursed surrounding that will happen.