Why the looksmaxxing community is a psyop and logically flawed in the 2024 contemporary era


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
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Just deep it for a second

You are working every day

To save up 20k+ for ..

facial surgery, leg surgery, roids

surgeries which deform your body.

You are self harming your body


to sexually please....

5ft3, overweight, toxic, western cumdumpsters ,

who have been fucked by 20+ men before you,

and who are addicted to attention whoring devices (phones) posting their naked body on instagram


thats really your reward for saving 30k and self harming and deforming your body?

If you willingly take part in this demonic self harming behaviour then you are a fucking failure.

Peak 0 self respect, autism, low iq, sheep, feminised, feminist, brainwashed, gynocentric behavior.

The only option is to geomax.

1. So you get more traditional, well behaved, appreciative, non attention whoring girls

2. So you get slim girls who take care of their appearance. Not obese disgusting wide framed thick boned masc western 'women'
thats the most extreme end of the looksmaxxing niche
lots of mainstream youtubers do looksmaxxing and none of them suggest all this shit
its mostly gym, fashion, skincare and that kind of stuff
if surgery, it's only hair transplant
thats the most extreme end of the looksmaxxing niche
lots of mainstream youtubers do looksmaxxing and none of them suggest all this shit
its mostly gym, fashion, skincare and that kind of stuff
if surgery, it's only hair transplant
Ah that's fair enough
so if you did all of these things (as you stated yesterday) can we assume youre peak feminine feminist goy autist low iq brainwashed inbred?

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