Marco Pumpo
40+ countries travelled
- Apr 18, 2024
- 905
- 1,225
i'm certainly one of the most experienced travellers here and there are only a few users here that i've actually learned something from. meanwhile there are tons of travel forums out there where people have much more travelling experience, much better general advice on destinations and some of them also share experiences with the women.
so why am i even still here anyway despite all the basement dwellers and seethers?
because most of the other places are bluepilled so you can't properly talk about women.
and the ones where you can are redpilled, which is better but also delusional because all the guys who are successful think it's mainly because they have such good "game" when in fact they're just chads or chadlites. i don't mind chads posting their experiences at all, it can be interesting, but then point it out what you look like instead of pretending or deluding yourself into having such awesome "game" that is the cause of your success.
of course game can get you a long way but ONLY if you somehow got her on the hook already. you can use it to bang her faster. or to overcome her last minute resistence. or to keep her around with a push-and-pull game. or to maintain multiple FwBs... but NOT for attracting women in the first place. if a women is looking down on you already in the moment she sees you it will remain an uphill battle.
"it's just a numbers game bro" is one of their bullshit sentences. like when has a purely luck based strategy ever been a good approach if the odds are against you? you might as well just play lotto then - a game for losers that hope destiny will solve their problems.
so i think the actual USP of this forum is: a blackpilled travel forum that takes looks into account. because it does matter WHO experiences what.
so why am i even still here anyway despite all the basement dwellers and seethers?
because most of the other places are bluepilled so you can't properly talk about women.
and the ones where you can are redpilled, which is better but also delusional because all the guys who are successful think it's mainly because they have such good "game" when in fact they're just chads or chadlites. i don't mind chads posting their experiences at all, it can be interesting, but then point it out what you look like instead of pretending or deluding yourself into having such awesome "game" that is the cause of your success.
of course game can get you a long way but ONLY if you somehow got her on the hook already. you can use it to bang her faster. or to overcome her last minute resistence. or to keep her around with a push-and-pull game. or to maintain multiple FwBs... but NOT for attracting women in the first place. if a women is looking down on you already in the moment she sees you it will remain an uphill battle.
"it's just a numbers game bro" is one of their bullshit sentences. like when has a purely luck based strategy ever been a good approach if the odds are against you? you might as well just play lotto then - a game for losers that hope destiny will solve their problems.
so i think the actual USP of this forum is: a blackpilled travel forum that takes looks into account. because it does matter WHO experiences what.