why i don’t look at people when going places


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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because i’m an energy positive person so if i give my energy via transfusion by looking at them, they will be zapping my energy and stealing from me

a good example of energy vampires are old people

since they’re so old, they barely have any energy so this is why you see them always staring and trying to start conversations. pure mosquitoes

in b4 muh “im a chad bro i stare at everybody”

sure do that if you don’t want to be efficient with your energy
You can become an energy vampire yourself which I would recommend, Im probably one of the best on earth
looking at strangers is a subchad trait
some guys in these spaces think they have to assert dominance with every person they walk past by staring at them and waiting for them to break eye contact
also to keep my energy, i’ve stopped having sex with the goal to cum

i’d much rather keep my energy to myself and just have sex for the compliments and validation tbh

now i must sleep

on my right side

a few days ago i awoke to myself perfectly balanced while on my right side
because i’m an energy positive person so if i give my energy via transfusion by looking at them, they will be zapping my energy and stealing from me

a good example of energy vampires are old people

since they’re so old, they barely have any energy so this is why you see them always staring and trying to start conversations. pure mosquitoes

in b4 muh “im a chad bro i stare at everybody”

sure do that if you don’t want to be efficient with your energy
my eyes are too exalted

i know some people will read this as a joke but everytime i go outside, these ideas are only more solidified in my thought

i shit you not every rare time that i happen to look at someone, THEYRE STARING AT ME

such is the life of being an exalted mulatto in the orient
Idk if Chads make eye contact with strangers or not, all I can say for sure is they've never thought about it before.

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