Advice Why are so many people obsessed with saying SEA girls are only using Whites for money


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Aug 5, 2022
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Why are so many people obsessed with saying SEA girls are only using Whites for money?

Undeniable proof asians are sexually attracted to whites the most:

Ok so its an obvious fact that Asian , and especially SEA girls are sexually attracted to:

tall height, white skin, blue eyes, white facial features like thin high nose etc.., bigger dick, higher T more muscle men

Aka white men.

28/32 of the miss thailand winners are married to white men, the kings daughter and cousin or some shit are married to white men.

when they couldve easily got with 1 of the many rich east asian guys there if they wanted to(theres 10x more east asian guys in SEA than white guys btw). but they didnt. because asian guys are subhuman.

also many of the dating app studies youve all seen which shows asian prefers white men


But literally every single person, from every race and gender tries to say: SEA girls are only using you for money/wallet/passport/greencard

The reason is, low tier white men have finally found somewhere where they're desired. we just want to be loved, and live a normal life.

but everyone wants to drag us down and stop us from being happy. everyone is very jealous and hateful of white men

Asian men saying they only want us for money/greencard:
- this is understandable, its their women we are stealing, they have the right to be angry

Asian women saying they only want us for money/greencard:
- if an asian girl says stuff like this to you, its because she see's that your Ego is high due to knowing your attractive in asia, and she wants to bring your ego down. this is a natural human response. So to avoid this, dont talka bout race or attraction in asia to her. and dont have a high ego.

White women saying they only want us for money/greencard:
- theyre jealous that low tier white men have found somewhere theyre desired. they wanted to keep ltn's as simps and backup plans, betabuxxes, slaves, and to laugh at us and enjoy our suffering. so they want to bring us down

Ethnic men/women saying they only want us for money/greencard:
- theyre jealous that asian women like us and dont like them

White men saying they only want us for money/greencard:
This surprises me the most. But there is so many of them. I dont understand why they want to put down their own race. Especially making up lies about their own races SMV.
I think they also dont like seeing white men have high ego so want to bring us down. Or the main guy i know called Separate who tries to say JBW doesnt work in asia. It didnt work for him because hes a manlet, fat, has diagnosed autism, is severely balding, wears glasses, looks like a nerd, was a virgin until 25 and lost his virginity to a prostitute. He's not a normal incel. Hes an utter undatable truecel and thinks asia is like for everyone else how it was for him. Of course girls only see money and passport in a guy like that

anyways featuring king of mcdonalds: this fat retard banned me from his geomax server cos i bullied some hapa kid who was sayign anti-white shit but calls himself based and muh white. youll never be a real white you slavic subhuman, hitler ranked you even lower than chinese.

thinks hes the shit because hes got a trustfund and met a few autistic nerd geomaxxers in philippines. but this is the type of guy who girls will REALLY only use for money/greencard. But its not hard to not look like this. just dont be 200kg and shiny egg head bald

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If you don't settle third world geomaxxing countries and impregnate & escape, they think you are just another w*stern cuck has grown in w*stern cuckoldry
If you don't settle third world geomaxxing countries and impregnate & escape, they think you are just another w*stern cuck has grown in w*stern cuckoldry
white men are the ones who imprenate and escape the most

we are the alpha fucks best genetics who girls want a kid with

you ethnics are the betabuxx who will look after our offspring cos u have unwanted genes
im getting remote job so i can live there permenantly instead of waging for the entire year like a cuck like you in the west
Atleast i was there?

Also you maximum get visa 3 months there in thailand
Jealousy. They are getting screwed by the Jew left and right in their home life, and they can't stand that some guys are so "privileged" as to escape to Southeast Asia. It's not fair!!! So to feel better about themselves, they invent all these bullshit stories of solo "travel sucks, plane tickets are too expensive, nobody can save money these days, Bangkok is a ripoff, girls will rob you blind, all these places are shitholes, the weather is too hot, there is nothing to do in PH, your life will be downgraded..." All a bunch of lies, but it helps shore up their hopeful belief that they made the right choice staying in their westoid suburb and driving half an hour to work every day.
Jealousy. They are getting screwed by the Jew left and right in their home life, and they can't stand that some guys are so "privileged" as to escape to Southeast Asia. It's not fair!!! So to feel better about themselves, they invent all these bullshit stories of solo "travel sucks, plane tickets are too expensive, nobody can save money these days, Bangkok is a ripoff, girls will rob you blind, all these places are shitholes, the weather is too hot, there is nothing to do in PH, your life will be downgraded..." All a bunch of lies, but it helps shore up their hopeful belief that they made the right choice staying in their westoid suburb and driving half an hour to work every day.
their favorite line is it’s just betabux lol

yea maybe if you’re 80 years old

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