Why are people so obsessed with me

children cannot be MC's or even shorter stature characters because it would require reworking all animations in the game for them

but indeed children are rare in video games so I am sure you do get lots of attention, of course on popularity poles you will rank low and are of no significant value to the main storyline, you may have a couple sidequests or something
no one is obsessed
i think its cos i bullied ethnics like u so much

and i write about how inferior you are all the time

but ur all machosists or something and keep reading, making urselves mad and feeling intense anger towards me so try to look for any bone to pick with me to make urselves feel better about being a genetically inferior ethnicity
children cannot be MC's or even shorter stature characters because it would require reworking all animations in the game for them

but indeed children are rare in video games so I am sure you do get lots of attention, of course on popularity poles you will rank low and are of no significant value to the main storyline, you may have a couple sidequests or something
ur literally black bro, game over
i think its cos i bullied ethnics like u so much

and i write about how inferior you are all the time

but ur all machosists or something and keep reading, making urselves mad and feeling intense anger towards me so try to look for any bone to pick with me to make urselves feel better about being a genetically inferior ethnicity
then itz you the one who iz obsezzed over ethnicz to cope with your height
seething ethnics are trying to put you down at every step, you're living rent free in their head

genetic differences between whites and them is the most hurtful topic to them, no wonder they seethe so much
Not my problem + you're 4'11"

that would be midget already...

I feel like blackpillers measure your life by your face,race,height

But I think those things don't matter, they are just the tools to try achieve these 4 end goals.

This is what matters. whether you achieve these 4 things as a black or as a white or as a 6ft4 or as a manlet or as an ugly or as handsome. It doesn't matter ur appearance as long as ur living these 4 things
It's because you are the main character. The reincarnation of Richard the Lionheart, Sir William Wallace, Winston Churchill.
It's really because you are the most active user with the most extreme takes on this website.

The stories you shared about your past experiences, you had friends, girlfriend. You seemed happy. I get that things never last and you can't go back now, but what happened for you to end up here?

Only advice I have for you is that it's better speak to friends you trust instead of strangers on public forums.

but ur all machosists or something and keep reading, making urselves mad and feeling intense anger towards me so try to look for any bone to pick with me to make urselves feel better about being a genetically inferior ethnicity
Okay, then I'll leave bc that's what you want.

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