Who here is against race-mixing

me because globohomo is going to make the world 1 race and that race is a slave
Me, ironically. Although I wouldn't mind having kids with a white foid too not just other central asians
Ethnics should only be for mixing with their own kind and white women (since you stay the same or improve) whereas whites should be against mixing of all kinds. Indians should just remove themselves from the gene pool tbh.
Not really against it but I feel kind of weird not having kids with a blue eyed woman because I have blue eyes, and most of my extended family also have blue eyes and passing on that trait would mean my kids would have something exceptionally rare/mogger in the next generation.

If I had brown eyes I would have been more aggressive about getting an ethnic gf I think.
Not really against it but I feel kind of weird not having kids with a blue eyed woman because I have blue eyes, and most of my extended family also have blue eyes and passing on that trait would mean my kids would have something exceptionally rare/mogger in the next generation.

If I had brown eyes I would have been more aggressive about getting an ethnic gf I think.
pinas will let you cum in them all day if you have white skin and blue eyes.
Ethnics should only be for mixing with their own kind and white women (since you stay the same or improve) whereas whites should be against mixing of all kinds. Indians should just remove themselves from the gene pool tbh.
There are actually some good looking Indians but they are all in the north near the mountains and near Pakistan
There are actually some good looking Indians but they are all in the north near the mountains and near Pakistan
yeah problem is they dont even make up a 10th of curries. Curry government should start a eugenics program tbh, would improve curries image a hundredfold and just within 20 years.

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