Geomax White Ogre brings flip gf to EU

. @geomaxer is he a Fakecel?
and in 3 years we see white ogre, post another video "I lost my flip gf"

NEVER EVER EVER bring the 3rd world girl out of the 3rd world. She has that nice personality cause she has a fuck ton of competition for you. While this guy is in the 3rd world. She is dating up. And competes with all the other 3rd worlders. cause that guy in their world, is dating up. this bitch is living in the 1st world. She as a women will always look at dating up and that means leaving this asshole.

you remove the competition and give her better options, she eventually thinks her pussy is gold and women ALLLLLLWAYS are looking to date up.

guy is an idiot. i would say 85% of the 3rd world women leave their men once in the 1st world, after 3 years. And reason, DATING UP.

just watched the video and you can see she can barely stand being with him. It's gonna be less than 3 years for this tard. she's def looking to date up LOL, retard boy. should have come to this forum.
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and in 3 years we see white ogre, post another video "I lost my flip gf"

NEVER EVER EVER bring the 3rd world girl out of the 3rd world. She has that nice personality cause she has a fuck ton of competition for you.

you remove that, she eventually thinks her pussy is gold and women ALLLLLLWAYS are looking to date up.

guy is an idiot. i would say 85% of the 3rd world women leave their men once in the 1st world, after 3 years. And reason, DATING UP.
Fuck feminism
agreed, but you bring your little 3rd worlder to 1st world, she will develop feminism quick fast and in a hurry.

i am going to keep this video, and then check the outcome. Less than 3 years for this retee
Save this one too
Save this one too
im not saying every relationship will end up like that. But you look at the divorce stats. I am sure it's 85% or higher

the reason is because when you get your little 3rd worlder, she's hotter than the girls you got back home. Well guys who MOG you. Will be hitting on your girl.

since girls are fucking scummy, they are always looking at dating up. And will replace you with a chaddier version of you.
you brought her to your country, where she might be an 8 out of 10. But now she competes with girls who are 5 out of 10 for your attention. She knows there is no competition, and so she starts looking for a 10 out of 10 attention boyfriend, and dates up, leaves you.

i dont' know why these retards dont' see this and understand it
and in 3 years we see white ogre, post another video "I lost my flip gf"

NEVER EVER EVER bring the 3rd world girl out of the 3rd world. She has that nice personality cause she has a fuck ton of competition for you. While this guy is in the 3rd world. She is dating up. And competes with all the other 3rd worlders. cause that guy in their world, is dating up. this bitch is living in the 1st world. She as a women will always look at dating up and that means leaving this asshole.

you remove the competition and give her better options, she eventually thinks her pussy is gold and women ALLLLLLWAYS are looking to date up.

guy is an idiot. i would say 85% of the 3rd world women leave their men once in the 1st world, after 3 years. And reason, DATING UP.

just watched the video and you can see she can barely stand being with him. It's gonna be less than 3 years for this tard. she's def looking to date up LOL, retard boy. should have come to this forum.
Can i take her to other asian countries for vacations?
im not saying every relationship will end up like that. But you look at the divorce stats. I am sure it's 85% or higher

the reason is because when you get your little 3rd worlder, she's hotter than the girls you got back home. Well guys who MOG you. Will be hitting on your girl.

since girls are fucking scummy, they are always looking at dating up. And will replace you with a chaddier version of you.
you brought her to your country, where she might be an 8 out of 10. But now she competes with girls who are 5 out of 10 for your attention. She knows there is no competition, and so she starts looking for a 10 out of 10 attention boyfriend, and dates up, leaves you.

i dont' know why these retards dont' see this and understand it
Because they are Bluepilled Bots 🤖 ✡️
Across the border or another Asian country is perfectly fine. I've done it twice, it's fun. As mentioned, just not a Western country.
how long should i know the girl before taking her on trips
He is fat and probably a Chincel. Trys to cope with beard. And facially a LTN. At least he is not a manlet. The foid can easily get chadlite in west @biggunsar
im not saying every relationship will end up like that. But you look at the divorce stats. I am sure it's 85% or higher

the reason is because when you get your little 3rd worlder, she's hotter than the girls you got back home. Well guys who MOG you. Will be hitting on your girl.

since girls are fucking scummy, they are always looking at dating up. And will replace you with a chaddier version of you.
you brought her to your country, where she might be an 8 out of 10. But now she competes with girls who are 5 out of 10 for your attention. She knows there is no competition, and so she starts looking for a 10 out of 10 attention boyfriend, and dates up, leaves you.

i dont' know why these retards dont' see this and understand it
so what will happen bring whores from 3rd world country to another 3rd world country like from zimbabwe to gambia?
He is fat and probably a Chincel. Trys to cope with beard. And facially a LTN. At least he is not a manlet. The foid can easily get chadlite in west @biggunsar
you can see she's not "in love with him". you can tell when a girl is completely into a guy. Does she look like she's into that guy? the space she has between them when they walk. The way she seems to put up with his interuptions, and rolls her eyes. she's already tired o fit. But she has not quiet got what she needs yet. She needs to cement herself into germany first. By either another secure bf. Or legally. Once that happens. Fat boy is gonna crash.
so what will happen bring whores from 3rd world country to another 3rd world country like from zimbabwe to gambia?
nothing fool. you dont' understand what i am trying to say

ALL WOMEN DATE UP (if you don't understand that, ask)

you go to a 1st world country NO WOMAN who dates you think she's dating up. Unless your dating a 4 out of 10.

so here you are with a 7 out of 10 or better 3rd worlder. While you are in ANY 3rd world. all women look at you as dating up there.
your girl still has competition. And she notices how they look at you. She knows it!

but go into any 1st world, your little 3rd worlder, she's going to quickly suddenly notice. Hey....why aren't all the girls eye fucking him no more, the women who are euqal to her or better than her. She's going to quickly realise you aren't a catch, she's no longer dating up.

Then shes' also going to notice, look at all the hotter guys with the nicer cars, more money. All eye fucking ME! *i need to date UP!

you get it?

the only way you can, and this is no guarentee. Secure your 3rd worlder in the 1st world (depending how hot she is). is give her children. Lots and lots of anchors. The more kids, the less desirable she becomes to other men. But they know that. And another way they secure their hooks in you. becasue now she's YOUR anchor LOL

But the moment she becomes a citizen in that country. And because of welfare. Her true feelings (that she will always hide from you, very well) will surface. if she was always planning on leaving you, no matter if she has kids or not. She will leave.

basically...NEVER EVER EVER EVER bring your 3rd worlder out of the 3rd world. NO GOOD can become of that situation.
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Don't leave out the very important role that her female American friends will play in turning her into a feminist bitch..."you don't need him, girl", "don't let him control your life", all that. This often kicks off after the first big argument, when she is particularly vulnerable to anyone who offers solace.

Most women don't have the volition to make major life changes, like deciding one day to divorce their husband and strike out alone; they are always being influenced by female friends, especially older white roasties who hate men and love nothing better than sowing dissatisfaction in a naive young woman by pumping up her self-esteem and feeling of entitlement.
you can see she's not "in love with him". you can tell when a girl is completely into a guy. Does she look like she's into that guy? the space she has between them when they walk. The way she seems to put up with his interuptions, and rolls her eyes. she's already tired o fit. But she has not quiet got what she needs yet. She needs to cement herself into germany first. By either another secure bf. Or legally. Once that happens. Fat boy is gonna crash.
How people behave in front of a camera is always different from how they behave in private. To me it seems weird to show off your girlfriend for the viewz, especially if she's not all that into being a star.
Don't leave out the very important role that her female American friends will play in turning her into a feminist bitch..."you don't need him, girl", "don't let him control your life", all that. This often kicks off after the first big argument, when she is particularly vulnerable to anyone who offers solace.

Most women don't have the volition to make major life changes, like deciding one day to divorce their husband and strike out alone; they are always being influenced by female friends, especially older white roasties who hate men and love nothing better than sowing dissatisfaction in a naive young woman by pumping up her self-esteem and feeling of entitlement.

How people behave in front of a camera is always different from how they behave in private. To me it seems weird to show off your girlfriend for the viewz, especially if she's not all that into being a star.
bullshit. Even if the woman has female friends who are convincing her to be an independant woman. You are wrong. if a country has no welfare. There is no feminism. PERIOD. end of story. i fucking CHALLENGE you to find a big feminist movement in any country that does not have welfare. YOU WON"T FIND ONE.

women need men. it's a fact. they need our financial security. If the government can give them financial security, then they do not need men, and hence feminism.

so any 3rd world country without a government safety net (aka welfare) will never have feminism. No matter how much her female friends say "be independant". Women need to survive. And without welfare they cannot survive without a job. And most women quickly realise, working sucks. They would rather have a man do that while they stay at home
Do u mog him?? @BoomBoom
Beard looks retarded and he is way fatter than me, i have better hair, pure green eyes and i am more asshole narcissistic selfloved psychopath which foids prefer than a cuck like him

He seems taller than me, but overall i have more SMV in west than him due to low inhib and manipulation maxxin
Beard looks retarded and he is way fatter than me, i have better hair, pure green eyes and i am more asshole narcissistic selfloved psychopath which foids prefer than a cuck like him

He seems taller than me, but overall i have more SMV in west than him due to low inhib and manipulation maxxin
He would mogg me if he looses 20kg
guy is an idiot. i would say 85% of the 3rd world women leave their men once in the 1st world, after 3 years. And reason, DATING UP.
Just not reality tho is it. Most get married and have kids and stay together. Life isn't an antiwhite ricedick propaganda novel

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