White chad goes to Thailand and slays 7 stacies in 7 days

funny to think if i was some nt person, i could be a youtube star with all the places i’ve gone to lol

but i was born with my cursed non nt brain, and thus relegated to creating niche internet forums and writing my travels down in word format


Okay but for reals...this dude mogs all the girls he went on a date with. And a girl still asked for 2K baht to bang. BRUTALLLL
1. He's not a Chad facially

2. Did he date or get actual lays with girls cooking for him, texting him and cleaning for him?

3. He didn't slay the stacies afaik, just went on a screening date with 5.5-6.5 IRL westernized girls
1. He's not a Chad facially

2. Did he date or get actual lays with girls cooking for him, texting him and cleaning for him?

3. He didn't slay the stacies afaik, just went on a screening date with 5.5-6.5 IRL westernized girls

Haha...I was trolling for the title. And yes, agree with the girl ratings.
It's full of people like that in Thailand and Bali, that's why I don't go anymore. I've already talked about it, to each his own though
Haha...I was trolling for the title. And yes, agree with the girl ratings.
So In the end he was vibing with least westernized, most conservative girl... Kinda makes sense tbh

Until you see she asked for 2k baht lol
is this guy a rich kid?
cause from social media he is making close to 0$ and doesn't seem to work
he is 24/7 partying
It's full of people like that in Thailand and Bali, that's why I don't go anymore. I've already talked about it, to each his own though
vast majority you see are trying to fuck the elephant pant blonde roasties but yeah it does make a difference. skipping out on it because of it is retarded though, theres still tons of women in bangkok. p4p in thailand is better cope for me than coping with monkeys in flip. I dont know why this entire website needs to have their egos validated from a seamonkey, theres still alot of options in thailand. Locals and boomers cooming in local thais for pleb rates didnt ruin it, its simp faggot western men going on dates and elevating these girls as muh trad or gf worthy that has boosted their egos. Its not even about looks here, I see boomers and sub6s with the same quality girls as these coping htns. these girls know these jbw maxxers are weekend coomers and will rather take some money than try to get themselves played.
>but its transactional bro
They are probably paying a flat rate and not allowing themselves to be played and at the end of the getting the same thing, these dudes are out here jestering and entertaining them and still getting curbed. Imagine having such a low self esteem you need a gook monkey to boost your self esteem jfl
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is this guy a rich kid?
cause from social media he is making close to 0$ and doesn't seem to work
he is 24/7 partying
I will put money he paid these girls 50$ each to be in the video for him, its not hard to do it. Not saying he couldnt pull these women but all of these wannabe influencers are trying to create a grift going
I will put money he paid these girls 50$ each to be in the video for him, its not hard to do it. Not saying he couldnt pull these women but all of these wannabe influencers are trying to create a grift going
i think he is legit
but wondering where he gets all that money from, the tokyo lifestyle is not cheap

yeah so many wannabe influencers and grifters, luckily most don't last more than a few months
i think he is legit
but wondering where he gets all that money from, the tokyo lifestyle is not cheap
he said he has 6 figure online marketing/website business

just watched a bunch of this dudes vids, mirin so fkn hard. This is what you get as a young, gl, nt, stylemaxxed white guy geomaxxing.
he said he has 6 figure online marketing/website business

just watched a bunch of this dudes vids, mirin so fkn hard. This is what you get as a young, gl, nt, stylemaxxed white guy geomaxxing.
can't wait for his course jfl
another grifter in the making, like all the thailand guys launching courses when they can't support their lifestyle
can't wait for his course jfl
another grifter in the making, like all the thailand guys launching courses when they can't support their lifestyle
aka trust fund and daddy's money. all a grift. so easy to fool low iq .org fags kek
even if he is just a trustfund kid who cares hes still lifemogging. why is everyone so bitter and coping ITT jfl, rly says a lot about incel forums mentality
even if he is just a trustfund kid who cares hes still lifemogging. why is everyone so bitter and coping ITT jfl, rly says a lot about incel forums mentality
yeah he is doing well, never said he isnt
i personally dont like those kind of guys because 99% end up being grifters once they have enough followers
even if he is just a trustfund kid who cares hes still lifemogging. why is everyone so bitter and coping ITT jfl, rly says a lot about incel forums mentality
lifemogging you how? I dont care about this faggot, you seem to be chadworshiping him like every other closet psl faggot. then they sell you courses on how to run clown game overseas and sell face ratings, which you lot seem to eat up
If you MOG him you wouldn't have problems slaying in the UK. I've friends who moved to London pre Brexit and they all slayed, there is a massive expat community in London...most of them are average looking guys and NT
this ricecel claims to be 6'4 and more attractive to him jfl.
lifemogging you how?
traveling, slaying, having fun, and making memories. exactly what this forum should be about.
I dont care about this faggot, you seem to be chadworshiping him like every other closet psl faggot. then they sell you courses on how to run clown game overseas and sell face ratings, which you lot seem to eat up
chadworshipping? I am admiring that he is making the most out of life from my point of view. His videos portray a desirable life and I commend him for that.

I just dislike the constant negativity and seethe at anyone doing well from these type of forums. Seems like most people that gravitate here are bitter and are in constant cope/bucket crab mode which makes sense but is also really cringe.
I will put money he paid these girls 50$ each to be in the video for him, its not hard to do it. Not saying he couldnt pull these women but all of these wannabe influencers are trying to create a grift going
look at you 🤓☝️ "erm actually he paid the girls!!1! and hes a muh grifter!!111!" for no reason other than seethe, so pathetic and schizo brah ngl
traveling, slaying, having fun, and making memories. exactly what this forum should be about.

chadworshipping? I am admiring that he is making the most out of life from my point of view. His videos portray a desirable life and I commend him for that.

I just dislike the constant negativity and seethe at anyone doing well from these type of forums. Seems like most people that gravitate here are bitter and are in constant cope/bucket crab mode which makes sense but is also really cringe.

look at you 🤓☝️ "erm actually he paid the girls!!1! and hes a muh grifter!!111!" for no reason other than seethe, so pathetic and schizo brah ngl
nigger thats what this entire forum is about, this "creator" is just trying to grift off the trend by exposing this to the normie masses. I am not saying he couldnt pull those girls but 9 times out of 10 these david bond types are just trying to garner an audience. I would be the first one to congratulate anyone here on a succesful trip, half of the users here are spiteful crabs and sour grapes ethinics who have never left their basements. Anyone that says they made 100k off some gay digital marketing bullshit is trustfund maxxed, dont be a naive retard. Back to .org normalfag
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nigger thats what this entire forum is about, this "creator" is just trying to grift off the trend by exposing this to the normie masses. I am not saying he couldnt pull those girls but 9 times out of 10 these david bond types are just trying to garner an audience. Anyone that says they made 100k off some gay digital marketing bullshit is trustfund maxxed, dont be a naive retard. Back to .org normalfag
This dude has literally shown no signs of grifting in any of his videos. He makes videos documenting his geomaxxing adventures living life to the fullest. Yes, the goal of youtube is to make entertaining videos that will get clicked on by the "normie masses" so you can make ad revenue, but the fact that you are creating fantasies that he's paying the girls and selling imaginary courses is cringe af and reeks of seethe.

Also idfc how he got the money to do this, I only responded to the other dude with what the creator was claiming. I'm just sick of the braindead negativity and cope on these forums, it's tiresome.
This dude has literally shown no signs of grifting in any of his videos. He makes videos documenting his geomaxxing adventures living life to the fullest. Yes, the goal of youtube is to make entertaining videos that will get clicked on by the "normie masses" so you can make ad revenue, but the fact that you are creating fantasies that he's paying the girls and selling imaginary courses is cringe af and reeks of seethe.

Also idfc how he got the money to do this, I only responded to the other dude with what the creator was claiming. I'm just sick of the braindead negativity and cope on these forums, it's tiresome.
Its pretty easy to pay women to be in a video and they gain clout from it lol. I am by no means saying he cant pull these women off his looks alone but I have seen time and time again dudes paying girls to be in videos like this. He gains alot from it and in turn can get more girls, normie chafe retards like you worship and wish you were him, and the girls gain clout from it as well.
Lol on this forum someone making 1k a month is considered rich now and paying girls?

I wonder who actually geomaxxers and travels here
Its pretty easy to pay women to be in a video and they gain clout from it lol. I am by no means saying he cant pull these women off his looks alone but I have seen time and time again dudes paying girls to be in videos like this. He gains alot from it and in turn can get more girls, normie chafe retards like you worship and wish you were him, and the girls gain clout from it as well.
He doesn't even give the girls @'s if the viewers ask, they aren't getting any "clout". The only time he gave a girls @ out she made him take the video with her down after seeing his channel and realizing she looked like a whore. You are creating more fantasies to push your schizo narrative jfl.

Again, I am not "worshipping" him, I simply made a positive comment, but ofc this is an incel forum so we have to be hateful, push everyone down, and create weird schizo theories to cope. tragic.
Lol on this forum someone making 1k a month is considered rich now and paying girls?

I wonder who actually geomaxxers and travels here
someone said he makes 100k off digital marketing which screams trustfund

He doesn't even give the girls @'s if the viewers ask, they aren't getting any "clout". The only time he gave a girls @ out she made him take the video with her down after seeing his channel and realizing she looked like a whore. You are creating more fantasies to push your schizo narrative jfl.

Again, I am not "worshipping" him, I simply made a positive comment, but ofc this is an incel forum so we have to be hateful, push everyone down, and create weird schizo theories to cope. tragic.
theres thousands of guys that start off like him and once they get big the grift starts going. It just exposes these places to even more chadlites like him thinking they will get the stacylites of thailand (which they wont, most chadlites I saw here were with women only slightly above in looks from what boomers and sub6s had) and the cycle continues. These type of videos just skew the perception of what it is actually like. I agree, we should all strive here to do better for ourselves but using these curated videos as a baseline is retarded
I will put money he paid these girls 50$ each to be in the video for him, its not hard to do it. Not saying he couldnt pull these women but all of these wannabe influencers are trying to create a grift going
He refused to pay a girl 2000 baht and they were here for a few seconds YouTube is not his main income, and some girls like videos.
someone said he makes 100k off digital marketing which screams trustfund

theres thousands of guys that start off like him and once they get big the grift starts going. It just exposes these places to even more chadlites like him thinking they will get the stacylites of thailand (which they wont, most chadlites I saw here were with women only slightly above in looks from what boomers and sub6s had) and the cycle continues. These type of videos just skew the perception of what it is actually like. I agree, we should all strive here to do better for ourselves but using these curated videos as a baseline is retarded
I made over 100k with remote work? I know a lot of people who did as well in under a year.

Is that trust fund?
I made over 100k with remote work? I know a lot of people who did as well in under a year.

Is that trust fund?
I dont know why you guys are so hellbent on defending wannabe ecelebs lol, 9/10 anyone who claims to have their own online e business in sea is a giga liar. I didnt even care to watch more than 5 minutes of the video, I already saw enough. Keep defending them until everywhere is filled with dipshit normies like him. these types of vloggers are ruining everything.
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I dont know why you guys are so hellbent on defending wannabe ecelebs lol, 9/10 anyone who claims to have their own online e business in sea is a giga liar. I didnt even care to watch more than 5 minutes of the video, I already saw enough. Keep defending them until everywhere is filled with dipshit normies like him. these types of vloggers are ruining everything.
But he's not a vlogger, yes there's is a lot of fake gurus in Bali, I don't think posting once a month is enough to gain anything
If you MOG him you wouldn't have problems slaying in the UK.

The UK is the toughest country in the world when it comes to dating. Most of the users on this forum have UK ips addresses.

You aren't from the UK, so you shouldn't assume things about the dating market here when you don't have the necessary life experience like me, a native born. In the UK, the men who're slaying quality girls 18 to 24 are Chads or high status men. Everyone else are fighting over the crumbs post school.
I've friends who moved to London pre Brexit and they all slayed, there is a massive expat community in London...most of them are average looking guys and NT
Again, they weren't slaying quality white girls who're 18 to 24. I have no doubt they got with old maids or non white women. That's not an accomplishment by the way. Only losers date busted out old maids or average looking coloured hoes in the UK. Another thing you've failed to grasp about life is that NT status has nothing at all to do with turning on a woman.

Okay but for reals...this dude mogs all the girls he went on a date with. And a girl still asked for 2K baht to bang. BRUTALLLL
this guy isnt' a fucking chad, he simply rates the girls higher than like him more. gee, yes, the girl that is more receptive is hotter? no...i dont' think so. you rate the girl with honesty. not how far you got with her.
he strikes out with the 3rd so rates her the lowest. (this is not a chad, that's just a normal guy who needs his ego stroked instead of being honest with yourself)

he's not chad, he is just skinny and i have ALWAYS said here, if you arent' super muscular. skinny is for the win

some girls get hot from muscles, but NO girls want a fat guy.

skinny for the win

and he's stupid. mentally. a chad also has to be the smartest guy in the room. unless he's so rediculously good looking girls fawn over them. I knew a few guys like that in my life. Kevin and Jessy.

i would walk in a bar/restaurant with Jessy and all girls AND THEIR MOMS would stop what they were doing and stare at him.
one day i asked him "you notice that where ever we go these women stop and stare?" and he was like "no man, didn't notice" cause for him that has been happening all his life, so when its' normal, you don't particularly notice, you think that happens to everyone.

and jessy was fucking dumb. But it didnt' matter, for him. Kevin was the chad. Not only very good looking, but fucking smart. (im not fagging out, just repeating what many women said about my two friends)

but this guy in the video...he's simply young and skinny. in 10 years he's will have a fucking hard time landing girls. at that point he will remember thailand fondly.
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this guy isnt' a fucking chad, he simply rates the girls higher than like him more. gee, yes, the girl that is more receptive is hotter? no...i dont' think so. you rate the girl with honesty. not how far you got with her.
he strikes out with the 3rd so rates her the lowest. (this is not a chad, that's just a normal guy who needs his ego stroked instead of being honest with yourself)

he's not chad, he is just skinny and i have ALWAYS said here, if you arent' super muscular. skinny is for the win

some girls get hot from muscles, but NO girls want a fat guy.

skinny for the win

and he's stupid. mentally. a chad also has to be the smartest guy in the room. unless he's so rediculously good looking girls fawn over them. I knew a few guys like that in my life. Kevin and Jessy.

i would walk in a bar/restaurant with Jessy and all girls AND THEIR MOMS would stop what they were doing and stare at him.
one day i asked him "you notice that where ever we go these women stop and stare?" and he was like "no man, didn't notice" cause for him that has been happening all his life, so when its' normal, you don't particularly notice, you think that happens to everyone.

and jessy was fucking dumb. But it didnt' matter, for him. Kevin was the chad. Not only very good looking, but fucking smart. (im not fagging out, just repeating what many women said about my two friends)

but this guy in the video...he's simply young and skinny. in 10 years he's will have a fucking hard time landing girls. at that point he will remember thailand fondly.
I mean he went to date an escort and still said the date was good.
I mean he went to date an escort and still said the date was good.
but that's what i am saying. it's not chad behavior. any girl that "likes him, he does well with" he scores higher

that's not how i do it. If ia girl is super hot and i strike out with her. She's still super hot, shes also a cunt LOL. I accept im not a chad and have limitations. I just ignore my limitations and keep trying with girls way hotter than me. I have fucked some beautiful women that way. and i mean WAYYYYYYYYYYY (do that for a solid minute) out of my league. Sure... Never works out in the end, but my dick was a happy clam
but that's what i am saying. it's not chad behavior. any girl that "likes him, he does well with" he scores higher

that's not how i do it. If ia girl is super hot and i strike out with her. She's still super hot, shes also a cunt LOL. I accept im not a chad and have limitations. I just ignore my limitations and keep trying with girls way hotter than me. I have fucked some beautiful women that way. and i mean WAYYYYYYYYYYY (do that for a solid minute) out of my league. Sure... Never works out in the end, but my dick was a happy clam
I think they are looksmatched as the guy but because they are so westernized off dating apps they still demand him to paypig.

He should raise his smv or not use dating apps

Hot girls are high maintenance and you get bored

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