Hello can you recommend me a country in europe where i as a sub 5 man can go and get pussy?I"m from Romania and over here females are all taken due to hipergamy
Hello can you recommend me a country in europe where i as a sub 5 man can go and get pussy?I"m from Romania and over here females are all taken due to hipergamy
Hello can you recommend me a country in europe where i as a sub 5 man can go and get pussy?I"m from Romania and over here females are all taken due to hipergamy
Hello can you recommend me a country in europe where i as a sub 5 man can go and get pussy?I"m from Romania and over here females are all taken due to hipergamy
While southeast Asia and South America are better options I need to first travel in Europe to get femoids.Tell me which European shithole has whore that will open their legs for me?
Hello can you recommend me a country in europe where i as a sub 5 man can go and get pussy?I"m from Romania and over here females are all taken due to hipergamy
I"m mostly racist and hate the gypsies plus you have to marry them in order to fuck them.I think they have their own tradions but I don"t wanna racemixx.I want a white skinned woman
I"m mostly racist and hate the gypsies plus you have to marry them in order to fuck them.I think they have their own tradions but I don"t wanna racemixx.I want a white skinned woman
Nah, they’re poor AF with low standards generally and there’s lots of prostitutes among them, but yes they’re clannish so stay away from the elders and basically anyone who isn’t a young female and try to isolate one somehow…
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