Recommendation Where this man should go to geomax and how?

What the fuck are you talking about buddy boyos... He is below average looking nigger, it's exactly why LOW smv femoid are only hope for him
I know, but if that ugly foid is only date him for the money he could pick a better looking girl that would only date him for money
I know, but if that ugly foid is only date him for the money he could pick a better looking girl that would only date him for money
From Philippines. I said him, but moron not listened. And wanted me to go for same old and ugly roasties. Village traditions - for real man is necessary to have waman, even if she old and ugly
I know, but if that ugly foid is only date him for the money he could pick a better looking girl that would only date him for money
No, money won't ever attracted to any foids, nowadays foids are satisfied with 7's.

Betabuxxing won't maintain long term relationship.

he could pick a better looking girl that would only date him for money
Nah. he's will get cucked by a middle class chads.

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