What's the point to geomax if it's to just get escort?

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You can tell 99% of the time. With a few extreme outlier exceptions, theres not really such a thing as a ladyboy that "passes" as female - this is just straight men trying to rationalize the cognitive dissonance over feeling sexual attraction towards a feminized male. Yes, I absolutely mean that. Stories about guys being "tricked" are total bullshit and in thailand lbs are not in the habit of attempting to conceal that they are lbs. It's not the western conception where a troon is trying to shanghai other people into acting as if they were women, in thailand Lbs will tell you they are ladyboys and they are treated as such - not male or female, but a third gender.
dude, i have never even had anal sex and i have been with over 500 women. I think it's safe to say. I am not gay, never want to be gay, and not interested in being gay (or bi fucking curious)

but if i woke up from a drunk and the "girl" beside me was a man. I would be going to jail for murder. Not a joke.

As i said, i have seen photos of thai lady boys and i would say 95% of the time i cannot tell. now...(pay attention to this) ANY OTHER NATIONALITY i can tell its a man pretending to be a female.

But just because you obviously think you can tell whats a man and a woman.

this is not just me. So, from left to right, who is the lady boy. Lets see how many mr pro lady boy man here, gets.


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And where is that? What race and looks level do you need for that?
some guys here, think that a girl will just throw her legs open at you, because you are from america. That happens as often as the girls throw their legs open at you, back home. The truth is. A 3rd worlder is no different than the women you have back home in one aspect. ALL women date up, men date down.

if you are "geomaxing" to some country. And a 3rd worlder is remotely interested in dating you without having to pay. First thing shes going to ask you is. "do you live in here"?.

if the answer is no, why the fuck would any 3rd worlder throw her legs open for you. it's fucking as rare as it would be back home. What is the benefit for her. Wow..i get to have sex with a foreigner (like the 1000's of other foreigners i see every day) and maybe he can get me pregnant and i can raise the baby as a single mother with no help from this total stranger.

the kid needs to get his head out of his ass.

the ONLY reason a 3rd worlder throws her legs open for you is 1. you live in her country so she might have a future with you. 2. you give her shit. so she's making a future for herself. Simple as and only as.

any cuck who believes he can do a 2 week vacation out of his country and think the girls will just want to fuck you for free. is fucking delusional and retarded. If you really are that good looking, then you dont' need to leave home. (not saying that it does not happen. i have gotten free too. But more often than not, i pay) Now, i am speaking from experience cause right now i am living in DR and even though i still pay. I get free, SOMETIMES. when a girl thinks she can move in, and be my gf. but it's no different than my success rate of free back in my country. But when i was visiting DR. Free was a lot fucking harder. I would say 98% of my encounters were pay for play. Only TWO girls when i was visiting here in 5 years was free (but i still had to pay for everything like food dates ect same as back home. and when i went back home, they would ask for money from me. Or a tv here, bedroom set here. NOTHING is fucking free). Both were girl freinds that i visited every 4 months. And eventually NONE of those relationships worked out for one simple reason. I didnt' live here in DR at the time.

but what the fuck do i know. Been around the world over 10 times. Even traveled with buddys. Guys who scored easily back home. And yet.....still had to pay in some form or fashion (and occasionally they got free, i wont' lie). Imagine that!

*I gemox to get gf's and free pfffft LOL, that poster is hilariously out of touch. That poster is going to be visiting alot of countries and a typical night will be like this, because he has a moral pay problem. and when hes in bed ALONE will be talking to himself "gee palmalina handerson, today was a great day, did you see that one girl looking at us" proceeds to beat his dick like it owes him money. "but i refuse to pay for sex" LOL fuuuuuck. some posters here amuse me.
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lol is this a troll? I mean come on... this is a redpill forum there is no way a white subhuman can get free girls anywhere in the world... wtf are you talking about?
its not a troll. its the truth.

5ft4 white guy didnt even need to geomaxx. asian girls geomaxx to him.

he would be a god if he actually went to asia

its not a troll. its the truth.

5ft4 white guy didnt even need to geomaxx. asian girls geomaxx to him.

he would be a god if he actually went to asia
that was you when you were larping
some guys here, think that a girl will just throw her legs open at you, because you are from america. That happens as often as the girls throw their legs open at you, back home. The truth is. A 3rd worlder is no different than the women you have back home in one aspect. ALL women date up, men date down.

if you are "geomaxing" to some country. And a 3rd worlder is remotely interested in dating you without having to pay. First thing shes going to ask you is. "do you live in here"?.

if the answer is no, why the fuck would any 3rd worlder throw her legs open for you. it's fucking as rare as it would be back home. What is the benefit for her. Wow..i get to have sex with a foreigner (like the 1000's of other foreigners i see every day) and maybe he can get me pregnant and i can raise the baby as a single mother with no help from this total stranger.

the kid needs to get his head out of his ass.

the ONLY reason a 3rd worlder throws her legs open for you is 1. you live in her country so she might have a future with you. 2. you give her shit. so she's making a future for herself. Simple as and only as.

any cuck who believes he can do a 2 week vacation out of his country and think the girls will just want to fuck you for free. is fucking delusional and retarded. If you really are that good looking, then you dont' need to leave home. (not saying that it does not happen. i have gotten free too. But more often than not, i pay) Now, i am speaking from experience cause right now i am living in DR and even though i still pay. I get free, SOMETIMES. when a girl thinks she can move in, and be my gf. but it's no different than my success rate of free back in my country. But when i was visiting DR. Free was a lot fucking harder. I would say 98% of my encounters were pay for play. Only TWO girls when i was visiting here in 5 years was free (but i still had to pay for everything like food dates ect same as back home. and when i went back home, they would ask for money from me. Or a tv here, bedroom set here. NOTHING is fucking free). Both were girl freinds that i visited every 4 months. And eventually NONE of those relationships worked out for one simple reason. I didnt' live here in DR at the time.

but what the fuck do i know. Been around the world over 10 times. Even traveled with buddys. Guys who scored easily back home. And yet.....still had to pay in some form or fashion (and occasionally they got free, i wont' lie). Imagine that!

*I gemox to get gf's and free pfffft LOL, that poster is hilariously out of touch. That poster is going to be visiting alot of countries and a typical night will be like this, because he has a moral pay problem. and when hes in bed ALONE will be talking to himself "gee palmalina handerson, today was a great day, did you see that one girl looking at us" proceeds to beat his dick like it owes him money. "but i refuse to pay for sex" LOL fuuuuuck. some posters here amuse me.
its fantasy from nevertravellers
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dude, i have never even had anal sex and i have been with over 500 women. I think it's safe to say. I am not gay, never want to be gay, and not interested in being gay (or bi fucking curious)

but if i woke up from a drunk and the "girl" beside me was a man. I would be going to jail for murder. Not a joke.

As i said, i have seen photos of thai lady boys and i would say 95% of the time i cannot tell. now...(pay attention to this) ANY OTHER NATIONALITY i can tell its a man pretending to be a female.

But just because you obviously think you can tell whats a man and a woman.

this is not just me. So, from left to right, who is the lady boy. Lets see how many mr pro lady boy man here, gets.

LOL at how defensive you are about this. I never even insinuated that you are gay dude. WE GET IT.

I am explaining to you that this is a totally irrational fear; there is virtually zero chance of you sleeping with a lb unless you specifically choose to.

As for the photo, you've got a photoshoot that is photobrushed and posed and shot so as to hide as much as possible the give away characteristics of a ladyboy. This is not at all representative of reality. Still, I'll bite: 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are lbs

its not a troll. its the truth.

5ft4 white guy didnt even need to geomaxx. asian girls geomaxx to him.

he would be a god if he actually went to asia
You call this guy ugly?

He might be short but facially he looks fine to me. Give an example for a guy ugly facially doing good abroad and getting girls for free.
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Wtf? That’s not the guy from the post... Are you cherry picking some random white guy on a wheel chair with his caregiver?
That's a crippled guy (fredrick brennan) and his Filipina wife. The girl wanted his kids despite there being a 50% chance the kid would be a cripple too.

He might be short but facially he looks fine to me. Give an example for a guy ugly facially doing good abroad and getting girls for free.

I did as you asked
That's a crippled guy (fredrick brennan) and his Filipina wife. The girl wanted his kids despite there being a 50% chance the kid would be a cripple too.

I did as you asked
But that’s an extreme example taking a cripple guy... He’s probably getting disability bux and giving it to her so it’s not free.
I’m talking about an ugly white guy not disabled though that’s getting girls for free abroad and where exactly. The guy that was mentioned above was short possibly but facially not ugly (@predeterminism) and was getting asian girls in his home town in UK (if he’s not LARPing) so he’s not even an incel or geomaxxer and not ugly so again totally not the example I asked.

So the real blackpill question is out of all the incel ugly guys that geomax how many just end up paying for escort? Can we say it’s 80% of them?
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What's the point to geomax if it's just to get escort? Could someone explain why some people travel half a world to a sex tourist destination like Thailand to pay some bar girls to get laid? How is this better than getting escort in your native Western countries? I even heard that some escort in Thailand charge nowadays the same or more than their Western counterparts... Is this really preferable than banging white escort?

Just trying to understand the logic...
If you're only geomaxing for sex then you're doing it wrong.
What do you define as cheap or hot girls? And where do you get that?
well in jakarta, in hotel travel, you can get a girl for 35 dollars, and a 3some for 45. not bad for an hour
well in jakarta, in hotel travel, you can get a girl for 35 dollars, and a 3some for 45. not bad for an hour
What the girl looks like? Where do you get them from? What do you mean by “hotel travel”?
What the girl looks like? Where do you get them from? What do you mean by “hotel travel”?

look at this site, my friend. This is a great site, if you dive deep enough. you can find out "almost" everything to do with girls and debauchery in indonesia. The only knowledge you are missing is from an actual local himself with the ultra secret hidden clubs


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Yes I understand the price is cheaper although some mention that’s it got higher recently.
But is it really satisfying to have a condom sex with some third world asians? Would you trust them to french kiss them or get bareback blowjob from them? I think getting civilians is preferable to getting escort... The question can low tier below average white man can actually get civilians without paying?
Yeah your right this shit is all stupid, and imagine being circumcised and condom sex thats over tier
some guys here, think that a girl will just throw her legs open at you, because you are from america. That happens as often as the girls throw their legs open at you, back home. The truth is. A 3rd worlder is no different than the women you have back home in one aspect. ALL women date up, men date down.

if you are "geomaxing" to some country. And a 3rd worlder is remotely interested in dating you without having to pay. First thing shes going to ask you is. "do you live in here"?.

if the answer is no, why the fuck would any 3rd worlder throw her legs open for you. it's fucking as rare as it would be back home. What is the benefit for her. Wow..i get to have sex with a foreigner (like the 1000's of other foreigners i see every day) and maybe he can get me pregnant and i can raise the baby as a single mother with no help from this total stranger.

the kid needs to get his head out of his ass.

the ONLY reason a 3rd worlder throws her legs open for you is 1. you live in her country so she might have a future with you. 2. you give her shit. so she's making a future for herself. Simple as and only as.

any cuck who believes he can do a 2 week vacation out of his country and think the girls will just want to fuck you for free. is fucking delusional and retarded. If you really are that good looking, then you dont' need to leave home. (not saying that it does not happen. i have gotten free too. But more often than not, i pay) Now, i am speaking from experience cause right now i am living in DR and even though i still pay. I get free, SOMETIMES. when a girl thinks she can move in, and be my gf. but it's no different than my success rate of free back in my country. But when i was visiting DR. Free was a lot fucking harder. I would say 98% of my encounters were pay for play. Only TWO girls when i was visiting here in 5 years was free (but i still had to pay for everything like food dates ect same as back home. and when i went back home, they would ask for money from me. Or a tv here, bedroom set here. NOTHING is fucking free). Both were girl freinds that i visited every 4 months. And eventually NONE of those relationships worked out for one simple reason. I didnt' live here in DR at the time.

but what the fuck do i know. Been around the world over 10 times. Even traveled with buddys. Guys who scored easily back home. And yet.....still had to pay in some form or fashion (and occasionally they got free, i wont' lie). Imagine that!

*I gemox to get gf's and free pfffft LOL, that poster is hilariously out of touch. That poster is going to be visiting alot of countries and a typical night will be like this, because he has a moral pay problem. and when hes in bed ALONE will be talking to himself "gee palmalina handerson, today was a great day, did you see that one girl looking at us" proceeds to beat his dick like it owes him money. "but i refuse to pay for sex" LOL fuuuuuck. some posters here amuse me.
This is true for a lot of touristic countries but i feel like some girls in countries with a low amount of tourism would likely want to fuck a foreigner for a status symbol? Where foreigners are more rare in countries i think it is bragging rights. Women love to gossip about guys they have fucked. If they do it for celebrities I imagine a foreigner will have status but to a lower extent. I could be wrong though
This is true for a lot of touristic countries but i feel like some girls in countries with a low amount of tourism would likely want to fuck a foreigner for a status symbol? Where foreigners are more rare in countries i think it is bragging rights. Women love to gossip about guys they have fucked. If they do it for celebrities I imagine a foreigner will have status but to a lower extent. I could be wrong though
this could have the opposite effect depending on where you are.
So the real blackpill question is out of all the incel ugly guys that geomax how many just end up paying for escort? Can we say it’s 80% of them?
One way or another, the guy will pay for hole access. An escort is one very particular kind of dating service where you dress up and parade around in public with the girl. Bangkok offers many other variations, with "masseuse" being the most numerically popular. In Isaan, 90% of foreigners are married to Thai women. Some guys in PH hook up with a chick for the price of a beverage, maybe a meal.
As far as ugliness, many Asian women are attracted to white guys not usually considered attractive in the West. Personality and age are more important than looks...especially personality. If you are an emotionless or autistic robot utterly clueless in the ways of women, flip chicks will be standoffish, and the ones who approach you or take the initiative will have some scheme in mind. Flip chicks are naturally shy, and expect you to make the right moves. Guys who need to connect with a girl on a higher level to feel attracted will be SOL in the Philippines. Tinder sluts who always swipe right for white guys tend to be particularly trashy and low class, but hey, it's as close to free and easy love as you can get.
some guys here, think that a girl will just throw her legs open at you, because you are from america. That happens as often as the girls throw their legs open at you, back home. The truth is. A 3rd worlder is no different than the women you have back home in one aspect. ALL women date up, men date down.

if you are "geomaxing" to some country. And a 3rd worlder is remotely interested in dating you without having to pay. First thing shes going to ask you is. "do you live in here"?.

if the answer is no, why the fuck would any 3rd worlder throw her legs open for you. it's fucking as rare as it would be back home. What is the benefit for her. Wow..i get to have sex with a foreigner (like the 1000's of other foreigners i see every day) and maybe he can get me pregnant and i can raise the baby as a single mother with no help from this total stranger.

the kid needs to get his head out of his ass.

the ONLY reason a 3rd worlder throws her legs open for you is 1. you live in her country so she might have a future with you. 2. you give her shit. so she's making a future for herself. Simple as and only as.

any cuck who believes he can do a 2 week vacation out of his country and think the girls will just want to fuck you for free. is fucking delusional and retarded. If you really are that good looking, then you dont' need to leave home. (not saying that it does not happen. i have gotten free too. But more often than not, i pay) Now, i am speaking from experience cause right now i am living in DR and even though i still pay. I get free, SOMETIMES. when a girl thinks she can move in, and be my gf. but it's no different than my success rate of free back in my country. But when i was visiting DR. Free was a lot fucking harder. I would say 98% of my encounters were pay for play. Only TWO girls when i was visiting here in 5 years was free (but i still had to pay for everything like food dates ect same as back home. and when i went back home, they would ask for money from me. Or a tv here, bedroom set here. NOTHING is fucking free). Both were girl freinds that i visited every 4 months. And eventually NONE of those relationships worked out for one simple reason. I didnt' live here in DR at the time.

but what the fuck do i know. Been around the world over 10 times. Even traveled with buddys. Guys who scored easily back home. And yet.....still had to pay in some form or fashion (and occasionally they got free, i wont' lie). Imagine that!

*I gemox to get gf's and free pfffft LOL, that poster is hilariously out of touch. That poster is going to be visiting alot of countries and a typical night will be like this, because he has a moral pay problem. and when hes in bed ALONE will be talking to himself "gee palmalina handerson, today was a great day, did you see that one girl looking at us" proceeds to beat his dick like it owes him money. "but i refuse to pay for sex" LOL fuuuuuck. some posters here amuse me.
Or, brown Asian sluts are DTF because they like tallfags, think you look better than the average pignoy, and bet you are hung better than any pignoy? High SMV guys geomax all the time. They love having a huge glut of options, they love picking and choosing on a whim, and they love the fact that no single & DTF girl is going to say "no" to them. Basically, the geomaxing SEAChad, while an mediocre 5'10" white male back home, enjoys the same advantages and privileges in SEA that 9/10 Stacy enjoys in a gynocentric dating world.
Of course, with the role of selectivity comes the duty to be selective. Guys who grab at the first girl who makes herself available always end up screwed, disillusioned, and used as a paypig.
if you go to pattaya

there’s more trans in philippines tho
Flip ladyboys are more effeminate sissies than trans "women", IME.
In Bangkok I'd guesstimate 35% of "girls" are ladyboys. Spotting them by looks is bullshit; their behavior and personality betrays their identity. However, it is perfectly plausible for a shy awkward dorker to fall for a "girl" who comes onto him so invitingly, with flattering attention, caresses and boldly displayed assets. Alcohol and maybe a low price for short time mean he can't resist saying no. Remember, the male or top always gives the attention and puts out the charm. The female or bottom always basks in the attention and gets captivated by the charm. Know your role.
Flip ladyboys are more effeminate sissies than trans "women", IME.
In Bangkok I'd guesstimate 35% of "girls" are ladyboys. Spotting them by looks is bullshit; their behavior and personality betrays their identity. However, it is perfectly plausible for a shy awkward dorker to fall for a "girl" who comes onto him so invitingly, with flattering attention, caresses and boldly displayed assets. Alcohol and maybe a low price for short time mean he can't resist saying no. Remember, the male or top always gives the attention and puts out the charm. The female or bottom always basks in the attention and gets captivated by the charm. Know your role.
That was unbelievably gay
Flip ladyboys are more effeminate sissies than trans "women", IME.
In Bangkok I'd guesstimate 35% of "girls" are ladyboys. Spotting them by looks is bullshit; their behavior and personality betrays their identity. However, it is perfectly plausible for a shy awkward dorker to fall for a "girl" who comes onto him so invitingly, with flattering attention, caresses and boldly displayed assets. Alcohol and maybe a low price for short time mean he can't resist saying no. Remember, the male or top always gives the attention and puts out the charm. The female or bottom always basks in the attention and gets captivated by the charm. Know your role.
Mirin the pro-trans rhetoric.
Such a stupid question. Because it's way way cheaper?? You do realize escorts in SEA and Latin America cost like $50 an hour sometimes even less while escorts in western countries cost like $200 an hour and up and if you dont want an escort that looks like a drugged out crack head the good ones will cost $500 an hour at the very least. Not only that, the escorts overseas are light years more attractive than ones you find in the US/western societies. Think about it this way: an escort in LA or SEA that's a 10 would cost at most $100 an hour while if you wanted to be with a 10 in the west it would cost you $1k an hour.
But isn't the escort situation got worst worldwide including Eastern Europe? Including @Stellar_Travels
What do you think about this report from 2023 (probably got worst now):

Bishkek Update 1​

Short negative report. First day. I was in Bishkek in the last week of January 2023. Unfortunately I have to say things have changed a lot. I had been there about a year ago, I had enjoyed it and so I wanted to repeat that beautiful experience. This city has always been the land of conquest of Turkish men who could easily come to conquer young and beautiful Asian girls, but there was still plenty of possibilities for our enjoyment as well. Unfortunately, the situation has now gotten much worse. I had already partially noticed this before my departure when I was trying to find GFE contacts like Gby using social media: Mamba, Facebook etc. Etc. A year ago I had a response rate of around 30-40%, now it has dropped to 3-5%, but I thought it was because of the period after Christmas. Arrival in Bishkek. The first night I go out with a girl contacted via Facebook. Things immediately go well, she is nice and cheerful but when we finish dinner she politely refuses to follow me to the hotel because. It was too early. I expected it, so I take her home by taxi and then I run to the trendy disco pub (Promzona Club) to look for some adventure. As I enter I realize that the place is full. Weird it was Tuesday night. I sit at the bar. Near me there are two girls and the prettier one is already chatting with a young blond man with blue eyes, with a likeness of Brad Pitt (the passion of every Asian girl). I start chatting with the second girl, she was very nice we become friends and she introduces me to her friend and the boy she used to flirt with. He tells me that he is one of the many young people who fled Russia so as not to have to go to war. He can avoid compulsory conscription if he lives abroad and has an employment contract. Luckily his family is wealthy and sent him to Kyrgyzstan by "purchasing" an apartment and a job contract. He also tells me that there are about 1000 Russian boys who have arrived quickly in this city (too much competition for us). It's about midnight. I turn around and see that there are about 20 cheerful young men on the dance floor. I take a better look at the place, and I see that about 60% are young and unfortunately also good-looking guys. A year ago, women were the vast majority. I'm tired and I want to fuck. I say goodbye to my friends and go back to the hotel and try my last chance. I speak with the bodyguard of the hotel to have a girlfriend. He tells me to go up to my room, and he would come later with what I wanted. A year ago I had done the same thing and 2 beautiful girls of about 25-30 years old had arrived with whom I had a lot of fun. 10 minutes later, there's a knock on the door. There are two women in their 50's, bodies were good but faces looked like the ugly aunt we all have. I politely decline their offer and go to sleep tired.

Bishkek report 2​

The afternoon of the next day, I still want to fuck a beautiful woman. I take a taxi and ask to take me to a sauna to while away the afternoon. I arrive in a sauna not far from my hotel. I go in and ask if they have girls available. They kindly reply that they can no longer provide that service. I go back to the hotel and ask the Body Guard again. He kindly replies that the escort room service starts after 19.00. ONE year ago there were some beautiful female students available at all hours. Strange. In the evening I still go out to dinner with my girlfriend but after dinner, she still runs home to her daughter. It's still early, I call my Russian friend and he tells me I'm in another pub (Retro Metrò) and that my friend is waiting for me. I join them and also in this pub the percentage of men is clearly high. Also the women in the club aren't very glamorous, there's just a table of 4 gorgeous girls that strangely no man tries to get to know. When our two friends go to the bathroom, I ask the Russian friend where the beautiful girls of Bishkek have disappeared to and why no Russian man doesn't invite those 4 beautiful creatures to dance or chat. He explains the current situation to me. Two employment agencies have recently opened in Bishkek for young beautiful women looking for money. They offer employment contracts to go to Dubai or Moscow to be waitresses, shop assistants, hairdressers etc with salaries in Dubai around 5-10 times the average salary in Bishkek (depending on their beauty). Many girls have left and the most beautiful, when they understand that by working a few hours, in the evening in night clubs they can earn from 300 to 500 dollars to spend only a few hours with an old rich Arab, almost all of them become professional escorts. The most beautiful, have managed to get even 1000 dollars a night. These girls work in Dubai for six months and then come home for about a month, to rest their body and especially their vagina ha ha ha. Those beautiful four women in the Pub had just returned from Dubai and had told this story to some Russian boys asking not to be disturbed anymore. They just wanted to rest and listen to music. They had probably become lesbians. Sorry, I wrote too much. Concluding. Bishkek was an interesting city for our sport. There were some beautiful pros even at attractive prices, but the youngest and most beautiful fled to Dubai or Moscow. We still have fun with GFE experiences (the woman I met on mamba then granted me her all her best holes he he he), but they have become very difficult due to the high competition of young Russian males (unfortunately nice, handsome and rich). So as long as there is war in Russia, I will never go there again. I'd like to know from some other members if the situation is the same in other Asian cities of Russian origin (Almaty, Tashkent, etc.). Also write me privately if you want more information.

Dear Friend, it seems that the FSU, once one of the best place on Earth for fucking, is now a disaster!

I still remember Ukraine, Moldova, Baltics, Armenia, Georgia and, most of all, the rural Russia. OMG so many beauties hunting for some 100's notes and your dick! Now it's over: definitely. Only in Moscow and in some far cities there is real action, but it's expensive! It has to be competitive with the Arab market. What a shit!

I still remember when in Moscow you could get laid with two sisters (one teen, one in the 20's) for 800 USD. A WEEK! And the River Palace in Kiev. Where the infamous Mystery Tramp was: what a place! Monstrous fucks! And Moldova where you could get an overnight nice threeholer blonde teen bed toy for 80/150. And rural Ukraine. Where the hotel hair dresser was a spermatozoa extracting machine (what BBBJ + CIM + Swallowing: she did several suckings in row! But Rio (the home of anal sex), Asia, China, Thailand still exists! And somewhere in deep Russia (minimum 1000 km from Moscow) you can still get your daily bed toy cheap and horny!
Let me know what do you think. And I guess it doesn't only affect the escort scene but the regular civilian dating scene.

What's the point to geomax if it's just to get escort? Could someone explain why some people travel half a world to a sex tourist destination like Thailand to pay some bar girls to get laid? How is this better than getting escort in your native Western countries? I even heard that some escort in Thailand charge nowadays the same or more than their Western counterparts... Is this really preferable than banging white escort?

Just trying to understand the logic...
Good point. Geomaxxing is only worth it if you want to start a family.
Good point. Geomaxxing is only worth it if you want to start a family.
our dumbest admin and thats something because rest of them are niggers
its always good to geomax and taste how women used to treat men in 1930's, you and king of basement wont ever understand the difference watching youtube videos. you gotta taste in on your own skin
our dumbest admin and thats something because rest of them are niggers
its always good to geomax and taste how women used to treat men in 1930's, you and king of basement wont ever understand the difference watching youtube videos. you gotta taste in on your own skin
Where do you geomax to taste how women used to treat men in 1930's?
Where do you geomax to taste how women used to treat men in 1930's?
just asia in general. theres a lot of bullshit and stereotypes about countries on this forum, you dont need to stick to filthypeens or thailand. getting laid in japan or china isn't harder than thailand, at least thats my experience as a scrawny super white vampire with blue eyes and blonde hair
just asia in general. theres a lot of bullshit and stereotypes about countries on this forum, you dont need to stick to filthypeens or thailand. getting laid in japan or china isn't harder than thailand, at least thats my experience as a scrawny super white vampire with blue eyes and blonde hair
i was spoiled so hard by my girls but im mentally challenged and socially underdeveloped so i kinda cut all relationships but i could literally milk them if i was shameless
just asia in general. theres a lot of bullshit and stereotypes about countries on this forum, you dont need to stick to filthypeens or thailand. getting laid in japan or china isn't harder than thailand, at least thats my experience as a scrawny super white vampire with blue eyes and blonde hair
How do you meet the girls there, rent a japanese girlfriend by the hour?
and to the poster who says it's way cheaper

FUCK YA, im getting girls like this for 20 or 25 dollars. Now...went on a date with a DJ girl. actually 3 dates. Cost more than 150 dollars for all 3 dates. Yes i fucked her. But seriously.........what would you rather pay, 150 dollars and 3 nights of your time, and you MIGHT get pussy.

or 25 bucks for a bitch like this? I keep my options open. i do both. but if i dont' want to fuck around, i call up a sweet 18yo girl like this and pay the 25 dollars.


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and to the poster who says it's way cheaper

FUCK YA, im getting girls like this for 20 or 25 dollars. Now...went on a date with a DJ girl. actually 3 dates. Cost more than 150 dollars for all 3 dates. Yes i fucked her. But seriously.........what would you rather pay, 150 dollars and 3 nights of your time, and you MIGHT get pussy.

or 25 bucks for a bitch like this? I keep my options open. i do both. but if i dont' want to fuck around, i call up a sweet 18yo girl like this and pay the 25 dollars.
simply for validation to be honest

it’s like fishing in the sea vs fishing in a man made lake with fish placed there

i prefer the hunt most days

and the dopamine that comes along with it
simply for validation to be honest

it’s like fishing in the sea vs fishing in a man made lake with fish placed there

i prefer the hunt most days

and the dopamine that comes along with it
ya, but why not do both?

i don't rule anything out. Im always hitting on girls. But sometimes the chase isnt' worth it. Especially when im cheap and just wanna bust nut.

i dont' pay them to come, i pay them to leave. LOL

i really dont' like someone sleeping over.
and to the poster who says it's way cheaper

FUCK YA, im getting girls like this for 20 or 25 dollars. Now...went on a date with a DJ girl. actually 3 dates. Cost more than 150 dollars for all 3 dates. Yes i fucked her. But seriously.........what would you rather pay, 150 dollars and 3 nights of your time, and you MIGHT get pussy.

or 25 bucks for a bitch like this? I keep my options open. i do both. but if i dont' want to fuck around, i call up a sweet 18yo girl like this and pay the 25 dollars.
That’s in Phillipeans Manila? Do you have a picture of the DJ girl (150 bucks)? Where do you find them, filipino cupid?

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