what does goatis think about books

The only books he ever read is ones by aajonus most likely

Books are a meaningless waste of time mostly the only thing you can learn from mostly is your natural senses and its nearly impossible to read books when you got videos and audio which is way more entertaining and easier to digest
He had a forum I think in early to mid 2010s

I think it was called something like liveisabouthavingfun.com and the website is still up but not a forum anymore just a music and photography collection

It was mentioned in a YouTube documentary about him I can't remember which one tho
I would create a forum for natural/primal/carnivore if I could. I think it would be successful as the only place ppl like that rn can communicate is yt comment sections or shitty telegrams
I would create a forum for natural/primal/carnivore if I could. I think it would be successful as the only place ppl like that rn can communicate is yt comment sections or shitty telegrams
kj should’ve never deleted his main account and kept promoting on org like me
I would create a forum for natural/primal/carnivore if I could. I think it would be successful as the only place ppl like that rn can communicate is yt comment sections or shitty telegrams
He never worked a single day in his life & leeches from his awkward userbase.
The only books he ever read is ones by aajonus most likely

Books are a meaningless waste of time mostly the only thing you can learn from mostly is your natural senses and its nearly impossible to read books when you got videos and audio which is way more entertaining and easier to digest
Why did I say mostly twice

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