Geomax What do you guys think about place like Poland Serbia and Croatia?

Been to all three and loved it. If you are the typical entitled blackpill dweeb who expects to get even an MTB upon landing on their soil...forget about it. Bring your best looks, your best game, willingness to stay long term, patience, and get ready to hustle. Otherwise more than likely you'll get absolutely nothing.
not for me cuz can’t be arsed to be around people that height mog me
serbia and croatia shitholes
poland too, but with western europe prices especially last 2-3 years and with worst women you can imagine
you will have good time in poland being native english speaker with some anglosaxon passport
bonus points if you're pajeet or nigger im not kidding you
serbia and croatia shitholes
poland too, but with western europe prices especially last 2-3 years and with worst women you can imagine
you will have good time in poland being native english speaker with some anglosaxon passport
bonus points if you're pajeet or nigger im not kidding you
poland will be a nuclear wasteland in a couple weeks

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