walking around korea feels so dark

Thailand is just like that. Always smiles. I had the same experience comeing home from Thailand, stopover in Seoul. It's a night and day difference. People being shitty and miserable. Not everyone was like that but when coming from Thailand where no one is like that it's a shock. It was the same in Canada too.
i had bkk>seoul flight in late april this year and i remember it differently
i think it was first sunny weekend in seoul as every inch of lawn (like in parks and around river) was covered by tents and grills and happy young couples and families in general
it was me who became suicidal as i was there alone and i had to look at this shit
i had bkk>seoul flight in late april this year and i remember it differently
i think it was first sunny weekend in seoul as every inch of lawn (like in parks and around river) was covered by tents and grills and happy young couples and families in general
it was me who became suicidal as i was there alone and i had to look at this shit

Did you get laid at least?
South Korea has imported all the worst parts of a american capitalist neoliberalist society with asian governement and quasi socialist society like china and japan. Ie. the life of a regular korean outside of the very wealthy is a disaster. People forget how socialist Japan and the PRC are in their welfare programs.

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