truecels will fail at geomaxxing


Well-known Member
Dec 24, 2023
Xaignabouli, Laos
I've been reading an anthology of stories called "Thai Thoughts and Anecdotes: The Anthology" by a coomer named Dana. It's a huge fucking book, 3000 pages long. The dude has some interesting insights into the experiences of men going to SEA to get laid. This one hit home for me. Men who have been sexually deprived since puberty are not going to see all their problems magically disappear by going to SEA.

Don't forget, most of the guys who mock and ridicule their fellows for engaging in P4P are those who are so sexually inhibited by years of gynocentric domination that they cannot adapt their mindset to the new reality of easy loving all around. These guys can't get hard for a random girl they just met, no matter how attractive she is. All those feminist commandments applied to unlikeable guys: Thou shalt not stand close to a woman, thou shalt not catcall a woman, thou shalt not touch a woman, thou shalt not offer sex to a woman...none of them are relevant in Thailand, but years of submission leaves these mental blocks indelibly imprinted on the weak mind of the obedient celibate man. His outings to the bars are awkward, timid, devoid of sexual energy, and ending in mutual rejection or, at best, fraternization with fellow foreigners. He then drives out his feelings of insecurity and impotence by standing on his little moral soapbox and condemning guys who have normal sexual responses toward pretty women while overseas, resenting the coomers for their confidence and easy manners.

Of course, there are many women who are more than happy to play the long game and build an emotional attachment with a needy guy before turning the screws for the payout, or simply grabbing his shit and running off. Another Dana trick to test a woman's faithfulness...leaving an (empty) wallet on the table and sprinkling talcum powder on the floor in front of it to see by the footprints if his girl would check it out while he was sound asleep.
The reason these little sexual wanderers are empty handed is because the pouty lipped, small waisted, high cheekboned, darkskinned darlings with black hair and pearl smiles are not really what they are looking for. What they are looking for is the GirlNext-Door. That’s right. The Girl-Next-Door from Oslo orJeddah or Hamburg, or Honolulu or Haifa or Akron or Auckland or Tampa or Manchester or Dundee who never noticed them when they were 12, or 13, or 14, or 15. The girl they had a crush on. The girl they never got over. Their dream girl. The girl they imagined talking to while ‘doing homework’, orthe girl they imagined walking with going to and from school. The girl who never noticed them—no never, not once! The girl who never cared. The girl they were too nervous to speak to. The girl that they were not equipped to chase or to charm. The girl they never got over. The next door man / boy crush from thepast that is still their big dream. Having sex (dates) with exoticw omen in foreign lands isn’t their big dream. That’s just the lie that they told at the office or the mill or the mine or the plant. The lie they told themselves. A lie so cunningly crafted and told so many times that they even believe it. Yessiree, they are going to go wild having sex with foreign women in a foreign land. But now that it is crunch time; now that they are sweating in the Big Mango, they can’t do it. They are still the same Junior High School and High School losers who can’t talk to women, can’tcharm women, can’t make women laugh, can’t get within three feet of women without getting nervous. They just can’t do it.They can’t have happy sex just for fun. Animals with brains the size of peas can do it—but they can’t. And the reason is because they are in the wrong place and the Thai women are the wrong women. What they want to do is meet the girl from next door. The girl from their hometown who would never give them the time of day when they were young. So they stand around andthey sit around and they walk around waiting for the girl from next door, the girl from the past to walk up to them and say “Hi”.Well, it isn’t going to happen! She ain’t here and she ain’t coming.You might as well go home.
I've been reading an anthology of stories called "Thai Thoughts and Anecdotes: The Anthology" by a coomer named Dana. It's a huge fucking book, 3000 pages long. The dude has some interesting insights into the experiences of men going to SEA to get laid. This one hit home for me. Men who have been sexually deprived since puberty are not going to see all their problems magically disappear by going to SEA.

Don't forget, most of the guys who mock and ridicule their fellows for engaging in P4P are those who are so sexually inhibited by years of gynocentric domination that they cannot adapt their mindset to the new reality of easy loving all around. These guys can't get hard for a random girl they just met, no matter how attractive she is. All those feminist commandments applied to unlikeable guys: Thou shalt not stand close to a woman, thou shalt not catcall a woman, thou shalt not touch a woman, thou shalt not offer sex to a woman...none of them are relevant in Thailand, but years of submission leaves these mental blocks indelibly imprinted on the weak mind of the obedient celibate man. His outings to the bars are awkward, timid, devoid of sexual energy, and ending in mutual rejection or, at best, fraternization with fellow foreigners. He then drives out his feelings of insecurity and impotence by standing on his little moral soapbox and condemning guys who have normal sexual responses toward pretty women while overseas, resenting the coomers for their confidence and easy manners.

Of course, there are many women who are more than happy to play the long game and build an emotional attachment with a needy guy before turning the screws for the payout, or simply grabbing his shit and running off. Another Dana trick to test a woman's faithfulness...leaving an (empty) wallet on the table and sprinkling talcum powder on the floor in front of it to see by the footprints if his girl would check it out while he was sound asleep.
brootal goddamn son
I've been reading an anthology of stories called "Thai Thoughts and Anecdotes: The Anthology" by a coomer named Dana. It's a huge fucking book, 3000 pages long. The dude has some interesting insights into the experiences of men going to SEA to get laid. This one hit home for me. Men who have been sexually deprived since puberty are not going to see all their problems magically disappear by going to SEA.

Don't forget, most of the guys who mock and ridicule their fellows for engaging in P4P are those who are so sexually inhibited by years of gynocentric domination that they cannot adapt their mindset to the new reality of easy loving all around. These guys can't get hard for a random girl they just met, no matter how attractive she is. All those feminist commandments applied to unlikeable guys: Thou shalt not stand close to a woman, thou shalt not catcall a woman, thou shalt not touch a woman, thou shalt not offer sex to a woman...none of them are relevant in Thailand, but years of submission leaves these mental blocks indelibly imprinted on the weak mind of the obedient celibate man. His outings to the bars are awkward, timid, devoid of sexual energy, and ending in mutual rejection or, at best, fraternization with fellow foreigners. He then drives out his feelings of insecurity and impotence by standing on his little moral soapbox and condemning guys who have normal sexual responses toward pretty women while overseas, resenting the coomers for their confidence and easy manners.

Of course, there are many women who are more than happy to play the long game and build an emotional attachment with a needy guy before turning the screws for the payout, or simply grabbing his shit and running off. Another Dana trick to test a woman's faithfulness...leaving an (empty) wallet on the table and sprinkling talcum powder on the floor in front of it to see by the footprints if his girl would check it out while he was sound asleep.
that excerpt describes me so well. the reason i cope with surgerymaxxing lmao. as if that's gonna do shit for me. do you think it's possible to get over this or do you think it's permanent?
@JustGo good text, thanks for sharing

that excerpt describes me so well. the reason i cope with surgerymaxxing lmao. as if that's gonna do shit for me. do you think it's possible to get over this or do you think it's permanent?
I suffered some of the mentioned confidence issues as well because i was sexually deprived as a teen. it may take a long time to heal the damage, but recovery is definitely possible. not sure if 100% is possible but i have improved dramatically. foreign women were part of my healing and i even managed to forgive white women after being in a LTR with a hot russian.

meanwhile i have stopped notch counting so long ago that i don't even remember when i stopped counting. it just doesn't matter anymore after you hit something like 15 or 20 (otherwise you are obsessed). let that be lifefuel for all of you guys @Pained4ever @Copium @currylarper @KingWigga
@JustGo good text, thanks for sharing

I suffered some of the mentioned confidence issues as well because i was sexually deprived as a teen. it may take a long time to heal the damage, but recovery is definitely possible. not sure if 100% is possible but i have improved dramatically. foreign women were part of my healing and i even managed to forgive white women after being in a LTR with a hot russian.

meanwhile i have stopped notch counting so long ago that i don't even remember when i stopped counting. it just doesn't matter anymore after you hit something like 15 or 20 (otherwise you are obsessed). let that be lifefuel for all of you guys @Pained4ever @Copium @currylarper @KingWigga
how old are you
I've been reading an anthology of stories called "Thai Thoughts and Anecdotes: The Anthology" by a coomer named Dana. It's a huge fucking book, 3000 pages long. The dude has some interesting insights into the experiences of men going to SEA to get laid. This one hit home for me. Men who have been sexually deprived since puberty are not going to see all their problems magically disappear by going to SEA.

Don't forget, most of the guys who mock and ridicule their fellows for engaging in P4P are those who are so sexually inhibited by years of gynocentric domination that they cannot adapt their mindset to the new reality of easy loving all around. These guys can't get hard for a random girl they just met, no matter how attractive she is. All those feminist commandments applied to unlikeable guys: Thou shalt not stand close to a woman, thou shalt not catcall a woman, thou shalt not touch a woman, thou shalt not offer sex to a woman...none of them are relevant in Thailand, but years of submission leaves these mental blocks indelibly imprinted on the weak mind of the obedient celibate man. His outings to the bars are awkward, timid, devoid of sexual energy, and ending in mutual rejection or, at best, fraternization with fellow foreigners. He then drives out his feelings of insecurity and impotence by standing on his little moral soapbox and condemning guys who have normal sexual responses toward pretty women while overseas, resenting the coomers for their confidence and easy manners.

Of course, there are many women who are more than happy to play the long game and build an emotional attachment with a needy guy before turning the screws for the payout, or simply grabbing his shit and running off. Another Dana trick to test a woman's faithfulness...leaving an (empty) wallet on the table and sprinkling talcum powder on the floor in front of it to see by the footprints if his girl would check it out while he was sound asleep.
If a woman is really attracted to a man, nothing else matters, especially if she's like 18 or 19. Just because you've failed to turn foreign women on with your looks, that doesn't mean I can't. Men who have a history of asian girls liking them will be swimming in asian pussy when they geomax.

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