to thrive as a geomaxxer, one must be a narcissist


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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everyone is narcissistic to some degree

but a hopeful geomaxia scholar must accept it

and as the science of geomaxia is inherently a selfish, individualistic, self serving endeavor, one must come to terms with being a narcissist to thrive in this field
There is some truth to it but you don't have to take it to the extremes.

Inflating your ego and your stories is usually a sign of confidence issues. And impressing people that way works mostly on low iq people. people with high iq and experience will see through the facade and also see someone's value if there is no bragging.

Take Geomog for example, i detected his confidence issues in his first post already, super boastful attitude and later came out he's an obese nigger.

I prefer if people just try to keep it real. Like the travel reports of @JustGo. I don't mind that he doesn't even slay because he makes sociologically interesting observations. Not the usual bluepilled sugarcoating reports that just pretend how awesome travelling to any place is. Not the redpilled hero stories of guys that slay everywhere because they have "mastered game". Looking forward to read more.
There is some truth to it but you don't have to take it to the extremes.

Inflating your ego and your stories is usually a sign of confidence issues. And impressing people that way works mostly on low iq people. people with high iq and experience will see through the facade and also see someone's value if there is no bragging.
can’t relate as i don’t have to do that

and i rarely tell girls interesting stories

being a narcissist is to benefit oneself
Arguably true for all lifestyles of solo travel. Those who lose sight of their exalted self-image as unique, adventurous, adaptable, astute, privileged, refined, unshackled, etc. end up suffering all the mental woes of solo travel that /trv/ 'tards bitch and moan about. Humility and self-debasement will lead a solo traveler into a quagmire of hopeless despair as a non-person.

Misguided pursuit of self-effacing humility in the Philippines made my experience there one of the most unhappy and low-energy episodes of my life. Observing Buddhist monks in Thailand was a great learning experience. Their behavior taught me that Jesus was wrong; humility is not a virtue. Monks are very proud of their simple life apart from the mundane struggles of the world around them. And because they are proud and intensely disciplined people, they are revered by the Thais.

On a side note, it's fascinating how life lessons can be like seeds, lying dormant for months in the subconscious before suddenly germinating into a profound conscious realization.

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