Advice Thoughts on my plan for the future boyos

Aug 23, 2022
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Light Skin Black
LTN Face

In a few months, I start school at a top STEM UNI on a full ride. This is a big opportunity so I need to eliminate distractions and focus hard on propelling myself toward a high-paying flexible job out of college. I have mostly given up on trying to ascend during these four years, maybe I can get some pssy after softmaxxing but it's highly unlikely since I'm going to be too busy to run heavy social circle game, which is the only reliable way for men who aren't above average to get anything. Instead, I will spend the next four years focusing on doing well in major courses, pursuing personal projects/internships, networking with worthwhile individuals, and educating myself on financial literacy/investing/stocks. I plan to minimize distractions by keeping social media to a minimum, making friends with like-minded individuals, and avoiding cortisol-spiking situations like parties, frats, and classes that attract decent-looking people. Thankfully my school is nerdy asf and the demographic is largely gooks and indians, not a lot of white chads or good-looking people for that matter so going monk mode should be easy.

After I land a well-paying job my plan is to work overtime for as much money as possible. This excess cash flow will be used to surgerymaxx in a quick amount of time and fund my investments/dream of making money of foreign rental property, which is how I would like to achieve financial freedom. After I am satisfied with my physical appearance I would like to work remotely and continue growing my source of passive income till I don't need to work any longer and can freely geomaxx anywhere fucking foreign whores, eating good food, and playing vidya.

@Predeterminism @AlexBrown84 @The 13th Warrior @AlexBrown84
After I land a well-paying job my plan is to work overtime for as much money as possible. This excess cash flow will be used to surgerymaxx in a quick amount of time and fund my investments/dream of making money of foreign rental property, which is how I would like to achieve financial freedom. After I am satisfied with my physical appearance I would like to work remotely and continue growing my source of passive income till I don't need to work any longer and can freely geomaxx anywhere fucking foreign whores, eating good food, and playing vidya.
So much could go wrong with this. Also passive income is a meme.
So much could go wrong with this. Also passive income is a meme.
So much can go wrong with anything we do in life. Btw expand on why passive income is a meme. Is getting money from stocks and the rental property you own not a good way to chill in life? If not, I have no problems continuing to work.
Light Skin Black
LTN Face

In a few months, I start school at a top STEM UNI on a full ride. This is a big opportunity so I need to eliminate distractions and focus hard on propelling myself toward a high-paying flexible job out of college. I have mostly given up on trying to ascend during these four years, maybe I can get some pssy after softmaxxing but it's highly unlikely since I'm going to be too busy to run heavy social circle game, which is the only reliable way for men who aren't above average to get anything. Instead, I will spend the next four years focusing on doing well in major courses, pursuing personal projects/internships, networking with worthwhile individuals, and educating myself on financial literacy/investing/stocks. I plan to minimize distractions by keeping social media to a minimum, making friends with like-minded individuals, and avoiding cortisol-spiking situations like parties, frats, and classes that attract decent-looking people. Thankfully my school is nerdy asf and the demographic is largely gooks and indians, not a lot of white chads or good-looking people for that matter so going monk mode should be easy.

After I land a well-paying job my plan is to work overtime for as much money as possible. This excess cash flow will be used to surgerymaxx in a quick amount of time and fund my investments/dream of making money of foreign rental property, which is how I would like to achieve financial freedom. After I am satisfied with my physical appearance I would like to work remotely and continue growing my source of passive income till I don't need to work any longer and can freely geomaxx anywhere fucking foreign whores, eating good food, and playing vidya.

@Predeterminism @AlexBrown84 @The 13th Warrior @AlexBrown84
Don't write women off completely during uni, if you're 6'4 you can hit the gym to lose fat and improve your chances. Being in shape also gives you better mental clarity. Plus you are going to be sitting next to people and doing group projects and stuff with them, don't intentionally be anti-social. You have at least one chad trait which is your height so you can probably get a gf.
Don't write women off completely during uni, if you're 6'4 you can hit the gym to lose fat and improve your chances. Being in shape also gives you better mental clarity. Plus you are going to be sitting next to people and doing group projects and stuff with them, don't intentionally be anti-social. You have at least one chad trait which is your height so you can probably get a gf.
Oh Nah im not going to be intentionally anti-social, mb if my post came off that way. I have always been a social person and I plan to continue in college.

Also, I will softmaxx (braces, clear skin, grow out hair, gymcel, update style, hygiene) in college. Despite this, I'm not going to go out of my way to get women. Girls know within seconds if they want to fuck or have a relationship with you. I will try my best to meet them and get to know them but I'm not going to waste my time chasing something if I feel like she is making me jump through hoops for it.
Is getting money from stocks and the rental property you own not a good way to chill in life?
I wouldn't say they're bad ways of making money. The downside is that they involve continued risk management so it isn't passive income if you look at it realistically.
So much can go wrong with anything we do in life.
True but I can speak from personal experience when I say you need to make back up plans in case things don't go to plan otherwise you're fucked.
True but I can speak from personal experience when I say you need to make back up plans in case things don't go to plan otherwise you're fucked.
Yeah, I see what you mean. I had some thoughts of creating my own business but I feel like im not cut out for that stuff. Low self-esteem confidence makes it hard to be a leader.

Also don't have any good ideas.
Because I have an unattractive face, have been fat with bad skin/hair/clothes all my life, and have a lot of negative reinforcement/bad experiences related to my physical appearance.
brutal. What's unattractive about your face aside from the skin and hair?
Yeah but all can fixed with surgery. It will be expensive, though, and the planning must be meticulous and precise. But I don't want to geomaxx until I feel comfortable with my appearance. Hopefully, I can get to HTN or maybe Tyronelite, and then I will mog the fuck of locals and slay their women.
Idk how remote work will be like when you graduate but it’s very possible that you can go straight into remote work and just geomax straight away. That’s what I’d aim for vs trying to get a in person job
Yo are you mulatto? I think I might've seen your pics on .org in my Russia race hierarchy thread
So much could go wrong with this. Also passive income is a meme.
Dude is delusional if he thinks he will get hired just by internships jfl. What a retard tbh, Internships won't do much it's certifications and the knowledge you know along with connections with employers, and internships will just take up more of your time instead of spending time getting certs and learning more jfl. Retarded ass plan and won't work unless you are lucky no FAANG company will hire this guy especially considering literally hundreds of thousands of people do the same exact thing JFL, Actually delusional asf if you think you don't have competition doing the same thing.
How you 6ft4 and saying this bullshit?
Being a black guy and ugly is life on veteran difficulty, Same thing for most ethnics except for white passing latinos. Height won't do shit for his ogre face jfl and surgery will take years just to get some results, he should just get his passport instead of cutting his face open jfl.
Light Skin Black
LTN Face

In a few months, I start school at a top STEM UNI on a full ride. This is a big opportunity so I need to eliminate distractions and focus hard on propelling myself toward a high-paying flexible job out of college. I have mostly given up on trying to ascend during these four years, maybe I can get some pssy after softmaxxing but it's highly unlikely since I'm going to be too busy to run heavy social circle game, which is the only reliable way for men who aren't above average to get anything. Instead, I will spend the next four years focusing on doing well in major courses, pursuing personal projects/internships, networking with worthwhile individuals, and educating myself on financial literacy/investing/stocks. I plan to minimize distractions by keeping social media to a minimum, making friends with like-minded individuals, and avoiding cortisol-spiking situations like parties, frats, and classes that attract decent-looking people. Thankfully my school is nerdy asf and the demographic is largely gooks and indians, not a lot of white chads or good-looking people for that matter so going monk mode should be easy.

After I land a well-paying job my plan is to work overtime for as much money as possible. This excess cash flow will be used to surgerymaxx in a quick amount of time and fund my investments/dream of making money of foreign rental property, which is how I would like to achieve financial freedom. After I am satisfied with my physical appearance I would like to work remotely and continue growing my source of passive income till I don't need to work any longer and can freely geomaxx anywhere fucking foreign whores, eating good food, and playing vidya.

@Predeterminism @AlexBrown84 @The 13th Warrior @AlexBrown84
80 weeks 1 meeks, School is a scam enjoy being in debt, bug boy

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