i personally am not racist towards black people, i have met many who are really smart and well behaved in uni, unlike what they try to show u in us media. EU is different tbh. when i was a bot and went to physical uni but to say that people, women in particular, dont judge indian lookig people is a joke. An arab mixed with black people is basically what yemenis/saudis look like and none of the women in the middle east want them, they like lebanese the most. i brought up this point to a female arab friend of mine that my parents dont want me to marry a black woman who only talks to me since im mixed white btw, and she said that its kind of racist and then i told her about racepill and went full on autismo because i know the power of looks` and then she agreed on everything i said cause she wants to marry me but she acts like a friend since premarital sex isnt allowed, i know i can fuck her if i want and she will act chaste before her first husband, fucking whores i hate these types(mind you shes the full on islam is a feminist religion type), shows me shes low iq and a hypocrite. My mom for example didnt come up with racist points when telling me she rather would not like me to marry a black woman, she just told me my kid will live a hard life being ugly, JFL. shes blackpilled asf, i mean there is a reason my ethnic mom chased white muslim men, im glad she didnt marry a man from her country. MUH INTERNALISED RACISM, proceeds to only swipe right on white passing men. There is nothing an ehtnic muslim woman likes more than a revert white man/white skinned muslim, they are so annoying istg.
They always cry about "western beauty standards" and proceed to judge off of those beauty standards towards their own men. I talked to my mom about this and she said thats because they want to get with tall white men, but all the light skinned girls who they cant compete with get with the lightskinned men they want, but they are ugly and brown. HAHAHAHAHA I mean im happy shes keeping it real with me. I know i cant be incel just from the fact that im half white so these arab girls thirst over people like me because they know im a good muslim and not just converted for pussy, alot of white guys try that but their family rejects their advances towards their daughters. Brutal man, just gaslighting and virtuesignalling in this world. cant trust anyone but people who gain somethign from you