this forum is so weird


Well-known Member
Aug 5, 2022
Reaction score
theres so many asian lurkers pretending to be white geomaxxers, spreading blatant lies. and u guys actually believe them

keep that in mind guys when ur talking to random people. half the tiime ur not getting advice from a fellow geomaxxer, ur getting propaganda from some aznidentity asian incel who is literally smashing his keyboard watching u fuck his women so he gives false advice to confuse you, demoralize you etc..

some examples are @QuantativeAnalyticalBS @JustGo
lol justgo is just autistic and non nt

he’s a white wizard who’s just now concluding his latest expedition across the orient (checked his ups to confirm)

and quant is just a troll
lol justgo is just autistic and non nt

he’s a white wizard who’s just now concluding his latest expedition across the orient (checked his ups to confirm)
I never doubted his autism and non-ntness

But I seriously doubt he's white. I'm 95% sure he's ethnic

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