Recommendation There is no purer love than teenage love


Soon prison/psychwardmaxxing
Jan 16, 2023
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Many want that expierince through jbmaxxing but its just cope
Missing out on common social milestones builds character.
I ascended with 17 with a jb with big tiddys but she was not virgin, i only fucked a 5 ft 10 ltb who was little chubby and 17yo virgin i fucked with cuckondom when i was 20 on a ONS
Yeah probably somewhat true but your first love is your first love. If your 25 it will still feel the same because it is your first time experiencing that. If you get your first job at 21 it will still feel similar to when your 15 probably. Thats why a lot of incels are less developed mentally because of lack of life experience.
Yeah probably somewhat true but your first love is your first love. If your 25 it will still feel the same because it is your first time experiencing that. If you get your first job at 21 it will still feel similar to when your 15 probably. Thats why a lot of incels are less developed mentally because of lack of life experience.
Depends. I felt much more alive in my early teens, nowadays I feel like I'm living in a simulation / videogame.
Doubt it would feel the same, since emotions numb away with time.
yea im getting a teen pina there anyways. i think my gf will be 16-19.
Only teen love with a white woman in apartheid society with foreskin counts
over if you didnt experience preschool love

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