Well-known Member
- Aug 5, 2022
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busan is the perfect city in east asia.
but there is no perfect city in south east asia.
bangkok youre sacrificing beach, and only moderate english levels but you get some modern amenities areas and many many hot asian girls who want you
BGC youve gotta stick in some tiny town and theres no beach anywhere near, just concrete jungle but you get hot easy english speaking asian girls
Pattaya you get the beach but its a low class shithole and embarrassing to be living there as a young foreigner but you get a beach and decent amount of asian girls who want you but low population so less options but if you have no ego i guess ideal place to dopaminemaxx escortmaxx
Cebu IT park- you're near top tier beaches 25 minute drive, modern tiny town supposedly, but its 25 min drive... and beach costs like 50 euros to be able to access it cos its private hotel resorts. rest of your town is extreme poverty, but you get english speaking hot asian girls and many of them
Cebu lapu lapu city- you're 5 mins from top tier beaches but you gotta pay to access them or use the shitter free/cheap ones. but your town is poverty not modern. but hot english speaking asian girls
Da nang - right on beatiful beaches, i dont know if any areas are modern there, but i know they don't speak english, but hot asian girls who want you
so i guess just try them out and see which ones best for you, which things you value most and are willing to overlook problems for
or make efforts to overcome the problems
Busan - looksmaxx, heightmaxx, datingappmaxx, good pic'smaxx, try to learn korean
bangkok no beach- find other places to chill, other nice parks nature and stuff, try to learn thai
BGC - get flights to beach on weekends?
Pattaya - try find a really nice area/apartment and just dont tell anyone youre there LOL, and learn thai?
Cebu IT park - have easy transportation to beach and only go beach once per few weeks or something or find a cheaper local one and go there? and dont go out your tiny town? or just accept that its worth dealing with a shithole for many ENGLISH SPEAKING asian girls which is literally like diamonds
Cebu lapu lapu city - try find a really nice area/apartment
Da nang - learn vietnamese/find nice area