Geomax THE ULTIMATE THAILAND GUIDE for alcoholic low inhib Manlets

Cheers for the trip report; we need more TRs with photos on this forum even if the photos are of uggos cause too many LARPmaxxers.
all stacys straight asked for money and shiet mang, also i had 1 stacy look in the attachments.
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Mirin hard at this.

You need to create fake brochures that contain your social media details but just look like regular tourist brochures to people who don't know what they're looking at. That way you could get in contact with her without her father realising. Even though I'm telling you all this sneaky shit I still respect the dad for actually raising his daughter.
First time seeing this thread. The foids you slept with look fugging disgusting. It's Thailand and you're pulling fatties from tinder JFL.
hey man, dont' knock his preference.

personally i agree with you. If your gonna rent them, rent the ferraris not the honda fits.

But hey, good thing about this poster, he would be a great wingman.
Couldnt read the post cause this guy is completely incapable of typing coherent English but based on the pictures looks like you had a great time.
Hello you fucking Incel Autist, laying all day in Bed and masturbates to Tranime and other faggotery shit, while paying taxes too the crooked ones and CONSOOMING goyslop, vidya and porn!

But this is not me! I just flight to Thailand and had the fun off my life! Could this be you? - Probably not cause you are fucking nigger or a retard! Cope and seethe!

Here we start!

My stats

24 Years

I booked 1 day before and drove too the airport in munich, where i saw many blonde german backpack tourist foids! Which made me rage and i made some schizo threads on incel forums! I also made a thread here where i described how cucked it was.

This is my based ass in the fucking plane to Bangkok, i was sitting in between 1 Ricemanlet who i had some smalltalk with and 1 Boomerseafoid who was from Czechia and visited her Family

I beerbellyfrauded while drinking my first Thai beer in the plane, it was a nice feeling commanding the tallfagstewardess foids around to bring me beer so i can enjoy some Slayer and Motörhead while flying!
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Arriving in SEA
After Arriving in SEA i was pretty drunk! I didnt sleep and i was on the road for over 24h! I got a Taxi too my room in Bangkok and called my Brocel @predeterminism and made a based thread on .is how cucked they are and how much i hate niggers and how i feel superior too those SEAmonkeys! Which leaded me to some warnings from proudcuck that i was "BRAGGING AND RACEBAITING" jfl at this cuck and helping fellow brocels!
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This is my based beerbelly while a gook taxidriver tried to speak with me in broken english and wanted to sell me his daughter already


I was so based and arrived at my shithole room! I already got Tindermatches from 50 foids storming my Iphone, i only texted them like hey! and the second or third message was already do you want to go for drinking? I talked to one foid 1 day earlier i arrived cause tinder passport feature and conviced that chubby seafoid to fuck me cause it was her birthday and i told her i will give her my 7 inch prick!

That gook subhuman cumdumpster drove 50km and came straigth to my room in the 3rd floor and knocked at my roomdoor and i told her to bring condoms and some drinks, she drove 1 hour just to have some white cock on her birthday, jfl foid was a little taller than me cause i larped in my profile as 5ft 10 jfl, that foid still sucked me off and let me coomed in her mouth, after than i wanted her too leave so the next foid could enjoy my superior genes, i invited that gookmonkey for a drink and told her i need to sleep!

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After that foid left in the bar i was still sipping beer and tindermaxxed, i walked around a little drunk and found another bar, i met some SEAchad from JewSA and he knew Elliot Rodger so we drank on him, after a while i noticed 2 Currycels getting drunk with Jägermeister and they invited me too join them!
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I also made som videos with them saying illegal german stuff etc jfl, the currys told me that they were horny af and this is there last evening, so i talked to some tinder foids if they would come and join the party, and did low inhib coldapproaching! One Tinderfoid agreed but she needed 2h with public transportation to come! So we waited!
After that suddenly an italian family arrived with a hot af daughter, i approached them with my 3 words italian i know and asked her dad if we are allowed to drink with her daugther!
The italian foid turned out to be a model and was 3 weeks with their parents and she was pretty drunk so we made her more drunk!
The currys did what currys did and simped like apes and made her feel uncomftable, she touched my legs and my shoulders and smiled at me like she was pretty horny on me!
FUCK BUT A TINDERWHORE WAS ON HER WAY TO ME!!! I Asked the italian foid to go out with me, but the curries said yes we come to we pay for everything etc and she felt uncomfortable with currys and then her dad picked her up, she left and smiled at me! This was the day i realized foids would fuck every white cock if they dont get any for weeks!

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Me mogging whole blackpill community with a selfie with a model who actually touched me!

My days in Pattaya was like getting drunk 24/7 and coping with Boomers and having fun trolling the bargirls etc, i already slayed 4 foids in bangkok in 4 days and going on dates etc is nothing for me cause i need to larp as normal! But i met a foid on tinder in pattaya that wasnt a hooker and a hairdresser i dated her 4 days and she slept everyday in my room and i coomed raw in her 3 times, fucking brootal i also saw some hookers before she finished work!
I saw an 18yo hooker i fucked last year in pattaya, who gave me free seckso cause i larped that i will bring her to europe etc, she was angry on me but i gave her like 30 euros and she was good foid again and sucked me off and letted me coom in her as many as i want! jfl Foids are so dumb!
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This is the hooker, lil disgusting i know!

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This was my 4 day holiday gf foid, but she asked for money on the 4th day for her mother hospital bill, so i called a whore infront off people in restaurant sperged out and left!!! COPE AND SEETHE SUBHUMAN FOID!!
The rest off the time i spent drinking and fucking hookers in Soi 6, Tree Town everywhere and was pretty much drunk everyday!
Here some coping curry monkeys who tried too SEAmaxx but had to pay more cause they are fucking monkeys
I fucked around 12 Hookers in Pattaya it was fun af!

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Coping Currycels

So i was asking some gooks where its to enjoy and they said go Rayong, where i met a dude who lived near my hometown and we were drinking all night in a ladybar, it was the most fun evening i ever had with a boomer!
We were in a bar with 2 hot hookers innit and i already made an appointment with one!

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Before the tallfags came!
I stayed 2 more days just enjoying and booked a flight home! I had enough from those subhumans!
I have to continue my based NEET lifestyle!

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2 days at home i got itching everywhere around my body, and they asked me at hospital i had STDs but it was just a mosqito infection jfl
i was in hospital and they checked me!
I got zero STDS

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You did all of this to get 3/10 jungle gooks. Absolutely brutal !
I liked the part where you sperged out on that scammer cunt with the sick mother sob story.
Bro you’re based and the thread is based I wish we could gather some blackpilled guys to geomaxx together

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