Schizo tales from slums of Mumbai lmao. This never happened in history and never will
Indians are submissive cucked pussified estrogen pumped subhuman streetshitting abominations who have never been and will never be capable of conquering or raping anybody else, their men being statistically weaker than women of other races in studies and having the weakest muscular strength, shittiest frames, most skinny fat bodies, and zero Olympic medals or athletic accomplishments even compared to much poorer countries with far lower populations due to their utterly subhuman genetics. Bred to be a submissive subanimal slave race
There is zero evidence of any Indian power raping or conquering any Southeast Asian power because it never happened. No wars, no massacres, no historical records, no genetic evidence. Southeast Asians have zero Indian or South Asian paternal haplogroups for a reason. Meanwhile, there is genetic evidence of other rapes in SEA happening, Chinese raping Vietnamese and replacing their paternal haplogroups for example
India’s entire cucked history is getting pillaged, conquered, brutalized, and assraped by foreign powers, the ugly disgusting streetshitting men genocided and enslaved like helpless dogs while their subhuman whore women got brutally raped and bred en masse by foreign conquerors with extreme ease. Indo-Europeans, Arabs, Nafris, Persians, Turks, British, everyone had their turn abusing and raping these disgusting subhumans despite being a tiny fraction of their population. There would’ve been even more if Indian women weren’t so hideous
Indians would get brutally raped and curbstomped in any instance of war with Southeast Asians just like they have been by any other race they came into conflict with. Most submissive cucked slave race of all time. White, Mediterranean, and East Asian invaders were the ones actually doing the conquering and raping of SEAmonkeys. Indians cucking SEA men is a Dravidian currycel subhuman fantasy cope which has never happened and never will
Would never have happened, even millions of Indians would get utterly curbstomped and submitted by 10k Chinese like they did to the British. China completely conquered and destroyed Turkic empires like Xiongnu Confederation, Gokturk Khaganate, Second Turkic Khaganate, etc. made millions of Turks flee from Central Asia westwards to avoid getting genocided, are genociding Turks today as we speak. Meanwhile Indians got brutally raped and conquered by Turks like the Mughals for millenia. Chinese also enslaved Arabs, Iranians, and Turks en masse, the same races who raped and conquered helpless subhuman Indians for thousands of years and gave them most of their history. Not to mention Chinese also enslaved Indians JFL, you probably have some Chinese blood in you from some chink pumping and dumping your subhuman Dravidian great50x grandma’s disgusting shit colored roast beef pussy
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