Geomax The real geomax.


Jan 29, 2024
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The real geomax for hikikomoricels was just leaving the house all along. Feels like traveling to another dimension sometimes if you’ve rotted in your room for a week straight then go someplace a few miles away.
After few years spent hikikomoring simple outside world started to look as something magical. And felt somewhat like that when going outside after long time. But now after almost daily outsidemaxxing that magic dispersed, and feeling more just lame and ashamed of going to sjitthy neighboring river in worthless shothole of lithuania (separarist part of Russia) where only ugly uncultured foids, instead of rivers like Yangtze where my Tinder matches live. Biggest magic is hout oustide or inside together with cute kemonololis, like my Tinder match from Yangtze delta

They cucks, full of posers, while banning real neets and hikikomoris because of agecucked reasons
I got banned from there a few hours after making an account and I didn’t even have a chance to post anything. They reason they gave was “troll.” That site is prime garbo tier.
After few years spent hikikomoring simple outside world started to look as something magical. And felt somewhat like that when going outside after long time. But now after almost daily outsidemaxxing that magic dispersed, and feeling more just lame and ashamed of going to sjitthy neighboring river in worthless shothole of lithuania (separarist part of Russia) where only ugly uncultured foids, instead of rivers like Yangtze where my Tinder matches live. Biggest magic is hout oustide or inside together with cute kemonololis, like my Tinder match from Yangtze delta

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Life starts to feel shit when it’s the same thing everyday and your life is just generally uneventful as it is. Which is a pretty good descriptor of my life, unfortunately.

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