Sad The fundamental problem with having kids as a geomaxxer.


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Dec 27, 2024
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The geomaxxing journey starts for most when faced with failure on the homeland dating market. One can therefore argue that most geomaxxers’ genes wouldn’t be spread to the next generation if it weren’t for location change.

The problem with geomaxxing is that if you spread your genes and cheat on nature, you run the risk of bringing to life a boy that stands no chance.

Now for those who also choose girls with bad genetic attributes (@predeterminism ), you increase the risks of your kid, having to go through the same hardships that you went through and probably even worse if the mother descends your genetic makeup.

Now you could always argue that the kid’s already lucky to be mixed and not only asian/african,…, but why not give them the best chance in life ?

If you have a boy you run the risk of creating disasters like ER, giving birth to a kid that may stand no chance in the grand race of life, you could condemn him to life on veteran difficulty.

Of course if you’ve got a girl then you’ll be allright.

So guys is this also a problem in your eyes ? Would you bring a boy to this world with a foreign girl ? How would you solve this issue ?
The geomaxxing journey starts for most when faced with failure on the homeland dating market. One can therefore argue that most geomaxxers’ genes wouldn’t be spread to the next generation if it weren’t for location change.

The problem with geomaxxing is that if you spread your genes and cheat on nature, you run the risk of bringing to life a boy that stands no chance.
It's mostly not nature, idk what it's like in France but in USA and the UK girls pick ugly ntfag thugs all the time, especially in the UK.
UK is hard mode if you're not some football loving NPC with a buzzcut who drinks 4+ times a week.
Now for those who also choose girls with bad genetic attributes (@predeterminism ), you increase the risks of your kid, having to go through the same hardships that you went through and probably even worse if the mother descends your genetic makeup.
Now you could always argue that the kid’s already lucky to be mixed and not only asian/african,…, but why not give them the best chance in life ?

If you have a boy you run the risk of creating disasters like ER, giving birth to a kid that may stand no chance in the grand race of life, you could condemn him to life on veteran difficulty.
Elliot Rodger was actually Moroccan. His supposed step-mother is, the thing is, he's a spitting image of her. His father's real son, Elliot Rodger lived in Wisconsin. The Elliot Rodger that lived in Wisconsin looked like a spitting image of Elliot Rodger's (Killer) supposed biological father.
The shooting was a hoax to increase online censorship and ban people who are labeled as 'mentally ill' from owning firearms.
Look up Elliot Rodger dead body reveal, police showed the pics of the dead body and it looks fake af.
Autistic reply to a small example, I know but I wanted to use that as a soapbox to share why I think ER was a hoax, lol.

Of course if you’ve got a girl then you’ll be allright.

So guys is this also a problem in your eyes ? Would you bring a boy to this world with a foreign girl ? How would you solve this issue ?
I think it's fine as long as you know you can give a good life to the kid, hell even subpar life, most people turn out pretty well.
There is many famous and successful mixed race people such as myself and @AlexBrown84 in this world, also John Wick.
Height is 90% genetic, if you feed a spic from yucatan the same diet as a someone from netherlands they 100% will not be the same height.
Mama mia, that is a whole lotta cope!
Height is 90% genetic, if you feed a spic from yucatan the same diet as a someone from netherlands they 100% will not be the same height.
Meant to say, this isn't entirely true but not false either. I'm willing to bet the guy from Yukatan will be taller than the rest there but the Dutch guy will probably still be taller cause he got a head start in the womb.
Meant to say, this isn't entirely true but not false either. I'm willing to bet the guy from Yukatan will be taller than the rest there but the Dutch guy will probably still be taller cause he got a head start in the womb.
The vast majority of mestizos, even the ones who's family have been in the US for generations will usually max out at around 5'8, it's not impossible to go above that obviously but for the majority that's how it is. Even if castizos from the north of mexico have a shitty diet they have a better chance of growing taller. With diet/environment you can grow to your max potential but you can't grow more than what your genes already determine.
The vast majority of mestizos, even the ones who's family have been in the US for generations will usually max out at around 5'8, it's not impossible to go above that obviously but for the majority that's how it is. Even if castizos from the north of mexico have a shitty diet they have a better chance of growing taller. With diet/environment you can grow to your max potential but you can't grow more than what your genes already determine.
I must be pretty tall for being mesitzo then. :cool: 🙏
If you are legit hispanic than you should know, even the people eating well aren't growing that tall
There isn't many other hispanic people where I live but 95% of the time when I see other hispanic people I'm taller than them. I remember when I went to Mexico when I was 13, even then I was taller than a lot, dare I say even most adult men.
height is mostly genetic, you cant say its 100 % genetic, its mostly, 90 95 %. but environmeny dpends also my grandfatheres were shorter then their sons and had 5 sons and my other grandfather had 1 son also 180 something cm, i am 192-193 cm and my brother tall also, i am tallest in family.

height is rng, (random number generator in genes). it all depends on how good gens you have to get through birth, but if u are starving for 18 years from birth youll deelop slower than others, europeans are taller than murica is cause murica eat slob and shakies.
height is mostly genetic, you cant say its 100 % genetic, its mostly, 90 95 %. but environmeny dpends also my grandfatheres were shorter then their sons and had 5 sons and my other grandfather had 1 son also 180 something cm, i am 192-193 cm and my brother tall also, i am tallest in family.

height is rng, (random number generator in genes). it all depends on how good gens you have to get through birth, but if u are starving for 18 years from birth youll deelop slower than others, europeans are taller than murica is cause murica eat slob and shakies.
It's 100% environmental. Your a trustfund kid who's parents obviously had money thats why ur tall. But too tall no offense
height is mostly genetic, you cant say its 100 % genetic, its mostly, 90 95 %. but environmeny dpends also my grandfatheres were shorter then their sons and had 5 sons and my other grandfather had 1 son also 180 something cm, i am 192-193 cm and my brother tall also, i am tallest in family.

height is rng, (random number generator in genes). it all depends on how good gens you have to get through birth, but if u are starving for 18 years from birth youll deelop slower than others, europeans are taller than murica is cause murica eat slob and shakies.
No... Europeans are taller than America because 50% of their country is shitskin immigrants.

Gosh I need to just stop talking to.retards online. Your stupidity annoys me

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