having children with hapas


INFP - 22 years old - Been to 30+ countries
Jul 31, 2022
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i was on the train and thinking about the best compromise in order to have good looking children for us orientalists

on paper and from my own personal experiences meeting half east asian half blacks, should mean that mulatto + pale east asian would create even uglier kids. there’s not much examples online so i don’t have much go on. the closest example i could find is the singer anderson paak and his children. anderson is i believe either half or quarter korean and the other half being black. his kids are ugly too but might be too soon to fully tell

if you’re white you should ideally look for a hapa raised in asia in order for your children to have the best genes and retain whiteness

thanks to the recent publishings of Dr. @KingOfAsia on the theory of african genes in the philippines and mainland southeast asia, this leads me to conclude that the best ethnicities for blacks / mulattos to procreate with would be found in this region, and not in east and northeast asia (most half black half east asians i’ve seen are ugly) and especially for half black half whites (over 50% for me in particular)

due to the dilution of mulattos being half and half, they should seek to find hapas with particular genes originating in southeast asia with golden tan skin tone. this would in theory lead to their children being 75% white with the remaining being split between african and asian genes and would also lead to them having strong brow bridge, deepest eyes

this combination is rarely if ever seen so there’s not much field experience on such cases. i’ve never seen anyone with such gene combinations. in my own personal findings, the best combinations i’ve seen of half black half asians usually come from the philippines, a place isolated from east asian genetic interference, and the best hapas i’ve seen generally come from japan, another island isloated from genetic interference

tldr : mulatto orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa filipinas (but then leads to another problem of children’s iq being heavily lowered due to filipino genes) if you have neurodivergent genes, in theory procreating with filipinas would ensure this trait is most likely erased in your children due to the neurotypicalness of filipinas

whites that are orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa japs, koreans, or chinks with a strong preference for japs

Good day,

Dr. Alex, Science of Geomaxxing
I’m against the concept of having children of people completely outside one’s own race. Not for le heckin based ethno nationalism but because I think it’s bad for the health of the children for various reasons. (From someone who is mixed race).

But if you must then have a kid with a Hawaiian girl or Samoan. Any of those places in Oceania like that because the people who live there already look like they’re black anyways.
Dwayne the Juicehead Johnson is apparently a nigga and a Samoan nigga.
I’m against the concept of having children of people completely outside one’s own race. Not for le heckin based ethno nationalism but because I think it’s bad for the health of the children for various reasons. (From someone who is mixed race).

But if you must then have a kid with a Hawaiian girl or Samoan. Any of those places in Oceania like that because the people who live there already look like they’re black anyways.
Dwayne the Juicehead Johnson is apparently a nigga and a Samoan nigga.
what makes you think mixed race children have worse health than otherwise

mixed race kids being ugly? sure, most likely, but not the same for health

if anything they have better health on average than being the same race

or do you mean mental health? then yea sure
what makes you think mixed race children have worse health than otherwise
Different races are supposed to be in different places of the world. Think about it being their natural habitat. If you give your genetics to someone that doesn’t share that same habitat things could go awry. Also we live in a racist world (for better or for worse) and they will be outcasted for being of a different race especially if it’s not in some place like USA or Brazil.
mixed race kids being ugly? sure, most likely, but not the same for health
Being ugly naturally indicates poor health/survivability. But I never said anything about looks. I don’t believe this stupid le ugly mutt meme. Sean o’pry is the number one male model in the world and he’s part black, Native American and white.
if anything they have better health on average than being the same race
How so?
or do you mean mental health? then yea sure
That wasn’t my main focus but the mental health will be fine if their physical health is.
Your theory on mating with hapa Filipinas erasing nt genes is insanely retarded, but I get where you're coming from. Maybe the ultra nt envoronment would benefit him. As far as looks, I'm almost certain they'd be better off with a Japanese hapa mom. Though the potential for mogging is obviously significantly higher in Philippines than Japan, even if only for the likely height benefit. Plus since they're darker they'd probably fit in better. Regardless, I look forward to reading your award winning articles in the future
Why would your kid be any less likely to be ND than you? Environment? I got my autism from one parent. If my mom was a nt hapa, would that make a difference do you think? They'd still get your non nt genes, hers aren't gonna cancel them out. At least not any more than a nt white woman.
Why would your kid be any less likely to be ND than you? Environment? I got my autism from one parent. If my mom was a nt hapa, would that make a difference do you think? They'd still get your non nt genes, hers aren't gonna cancel them out. At least not any more than a nt white woman.
you can breed them out

if only one of your parents gave you neurodivergent gene and the mother of your kids is neurotypical, there’s less likely chance they inherit said trait
you can breed them out

if only one of your parents gave you neurodivergent gene and the mother of your kids is neurotypical, there’s less likely chance they inherit said trait
Which is true for any race.... So are you just talking about a lower probability of non nt genes that already exists among the population in Philippines?
Idk if non nt genes are common enough in white women to make your half Filipino kids less likely to be autistic but I guess if you're just randomly nutting and not screening your kids moms for autism then maybe but I doubt it's significantly more likely that your kids turn out nt. I'm probably misunderstanding something but idk
Idk if non nt genes are common enough in white women to make your half Filipino kids less likely to be autistic but I guess if you're just randomly nutting and not screening your kids moms for autism then maybe but I doubt it's significantly more likely that your kids turn out nt. I'm probably misunderstanding something but idk
yea this post wasn’t really aimed towards you, mainly to my colleague @KingOfAsia and other intellectuals

i wouldn’t expect someone with an iq of 89 to understand
i was on the train and thinking about the best compromise in order to have good looking children for us orientalists

on paper and from my own personal experiences meeting half east asian half blacks, should mean that mulatto + pale east asian would create even uglier kids. there’s not much examples online so i don’t have much go on. the closest example i could find is the singer anderson paak and his children. anderson is i believe either half or quarter korean and the other half being black. his kids are ugly too but might be too soon to fully tell

if you’re white you should ideally look for a hapa raised in asia in order for your children to have the best genes and retain whiteness

thanks to the recent publishings of Dr. @KingOfAsia on the theory of african genes in the philippines and mainland southeast asia, this leads me to conclude that the best ethnicities for blacks / mulattos to procreate with would be found in this region, and not in east and northeast asia (most half black half east asians i’ve seen are ugly) and especially for half black half whites (over 50% for me in particular)

due to the dilution of mulattos being half and half, they should seek to find hapas with particular genes originating in southeast asia with golden tan skin tone. this would in theory lead to their children being 75% white with the remaining being split between african and asian genes and would also lead to them having strong brow bridge, deepest eyes

this combination is rarely if ever seen so there’s not much field experience on such cases. i’ve never seen anyone with such gene combinations. in my own personal findings, the best combinations i’ve seen of half black half asians usually come from the philippines, a place isolated from east asian genetic interference, and the best hapas i’ve seen generally come from japan, another island isloated from genetic interference

tldr : mulatto orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa filipinas (but then leads to another problem of children’s iq being heavily lowered due to filipino genes) if you have neurodivergent genes, in theory procreating with filipinas would ensure this trait is most likely erased in your children due to the neurotypicalness of filipinas

whites that are orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa japs, koreans, or chinks with a strong preference for japs

Good day,

Dr. Alex, Science of Geomaxxing
I concur
i was on the train and thinking about the best compromise in order to have good looking children for us orientalists

on paper and from my own personal experiences meeting half east asian half blacks, should mean that mulatto + pale east asian would create even uglier kids. there’s not much examples online so i don’t have much go on. the closest example i could find is the singer anderson paak and his children. anderson is i believe either half or quarter korean and the other half being black. his kids are ugly too but might be too soon to fully tell

if you’re white you should ideally look for a hapa raised in asia in order for your children to have the best genes and retain whiteness

thanks to the recent publishings of Dr. @KingOfAsia on the theory of african genes in the philippines and mainland southeast asia, this leads me to conclude that the best ethnicities for blacks / mulattos to procreate with would be found in this region, and not in east and northeast asia (most half black half east asians i’ve seen are ugly) and especially for half black half whites (over 50% for me in particular)

due to the dilution of mulattos being half and half, they should seek to find hapas with particular genes originating in southeast asia with golden tan skin tone. this would in theory lead to their children being 75% white with the remaining being split between african and asian genes and would also lead to them having strong brow bridge, deepest eyes

this combination is rarely if ever seen so there’s not much field experience on such cases. i’ve never seen anyone with such gene combinations. in my own personal findings, the best combinations i’ve seen of half black half asians usually come from the philippines, a place isolated from east asian genetic interference, and the best hapas i’ve seen generally come from japan, another island isloated from genetic interference

tldr : mulatto orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa filipinas (but then leads to another problem of children’s iq being heavily lowered due to filipino genes) if you have neurodivergent genes, in theory procreating with filipinas would ensure this trait is most likely erased in your children due to the neurotypicalness of filipinas

whites that are orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa japs, koreans, or chinks with a strong preference for japs

Good day,

Dr. Alex, Science of Geomaxxing
there are millions of hapas in latin america
reality is SEA faces are more beautiful than east asians. theres a reason why 33% of 21yo women in korea have had facial surgery. and the last 2 east asian girls i met had eyelid surgery...

just try reproduce with a tall SEA girl tbh
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reality is SEA faces are more beautiful than east asians. theres a reason why 33% of 21yo women in korea have had facial surgery. and the least 2 east asian girls i met had eyelid surgery...

just try reproduce with a tall SEA girl tbh
I feel like on average, Japanese women are more attractive than SEA women but there's more hot SEA women than Japanese women. The jaw shaving shit Korean women do is fucking gross imo and it's weird so many surgeons are willing to do it
I feel like on average, Japanese women are more attractive than SEA women but there's more hot SEA women than Japanese women. The jaw shaving shit Korean women do is fucking gross imo and it's weird so many surgeons are willing to do it
you’ve fallen for jap proapaganda

sea girls facially mog. japs are only good if you’re in the mood for pancake face
you’ve fallen for jap proapaganda

sea girls facially mog. japs are only good if you’re in the mood for pancake face
I think it's bc lighter skin halo. But I also really haven't done any research on japan
I feel like on average, Japanese women are more attractive than SEA women but there's more hot SEA women than Japanese women. The jaw shaving shit Korean women do is fucking gross imo and it's weird so many surgeons are willing to do it
ill tell u something more gross. korean women who DONT do the jaw shaving shit.

i met one and her lower third was wider than her middle and top of her face
reality is SEA faces are more beautiful than east asians. theres a reason why 33% of 21yo women in korea have had facial surgery. and the last 2 east asian girls i met had eyelid surgery...

just try reproduce with a tall SEA girl tbh
well idk cos i havent been to SEA or east asia

but ive dated east asians and fucked SEA prostitues here, and seen many girls online so have a decent idea. and thats what i can conclude from what ive seen. despite it being a small sample

would u say this is right? @AlexBrown84 since youve actually been there
i was on the train and thinking about the best compromise in order to have good looking children for us orientalists

on paper and from my own personal experiences meeting half east asian half blacks, should mean that mulatto + pale east asian would create even uglier kids. there’s not much examples online so i don’t have much go on. the closest example i could find is the singer anderson paak and his children. anderson is i believe either half or quarter korean and the other half being black. his kids are ugly too but might be too soon to fully tell

if you’re white you should ideally look for a hapa raised in asia in order for your children to have the best genes and retain whiteness

thanks to the recent publishings of Dr. @KingOfAsia on the theory of african genes in the philippines and mainland southeast asia, this leads me to conclude that the best ethnicities for blacks / mulattos to procreate with would be found in this region, and not in east and northeast asia (most half black half east asians i’ve seen are ugly) and especially for half black half whites (over 50% for me in particular)

due to the dilution of mulattos being half and half, they should seek to find hapas with particular genes originating in southeast asia with golden tan skin tone. this would in theory lead to their children being 75% white with the remaining being split between african and asian genes and would also lead to them having strong brow bridge, deepest eyes

this combination is rarely if ever seen so there’s not much field experience on such cases. i’ve never seen anyone with such gene combinations. in my own personal findings, the best combinations i’ve seen of half black half asians usually come from the philippines, a place isolated from east asian genetic interference, and the best hapas i’ve seen generally come from japan, another island isloated from genetic interference

tldr : mulatto orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa filipinas (but then leads to another problem of children’s iq being heavily lowered due to filipino genes) if you have neurodivergent genes, in theory procreating with filipinas would ensure this trait is most likely erased in your children due to the neurotypicalness of filipinas

whites that are orientalists should seek to procreate with hapa japs, koreans, or chinks with a strong preference for japs

Good day,

Dr. Alex, Science of Geomaxxing
dude, i had a baby with a full blooded dominican girl, and this is what my baby looks like. but that's because i am white, like canadian/european white. so white my skin is salmon colored pink

by the way, she's 3 months old. and that girl with me is the mother. so if your genetics are weak....well the kid aint' gonna look like you. I feel extra generious to you degenerates today, so here she is dancing for ya. try not to chaff it when you masterbate


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dude, i had a baby with a full blooded dominican girl, and this is what my baby looks like. but that's because i am white, like canadian/european white. so white my skin is salmon colored pink

by the way, she's 3 months old. and that girl with me is the mother. so if your genetics are weak....well the kid aint' gonna look like you. I feel extra generious to you degenerates today, so here she is dancing for ya. try not to chaff it when you masterbate
didn’t know you had a kid. congrats haha

i don’t imagine you settling down with her so you gonna let the mom raise her in DR or what?

also for my personal research, what was your testosterone level around the time you conceived with her?
dude, i had a baby with a full blooded dominican girl, and this is what my baby looks like. but that's because i am white, like canadian/european white. so white my skin is salmon colored pink

by the way, she's 3 months old. and that girl with me is the mother. so if your genetics are weak....well the kid aint' gonna look like you. I feel extra generious to you degenerates today, so here she is dancing for ya. try not to chaff it when you masterbate
have you done a genetics test? maybe its because you are 100% european.
didn’t know you had a kid. congrats haha

i don’t imagine you settling down with her so you gonna let the mom raise her in DR or what?

also for my personal research, what was your testosterone level around the time you conceived with her?
i got boners, i have no idea what my testorone level is. is there a meter for that. how the fuck do you know?

ps. i didn't know either until 5 months ago. im getting the DNA test done now.

but it looks like its' my kid. NO dominican kid is that fucking white LOL.
so either it's mine or another gringos. she was slutty. so.....who fucking knows. as you can see she was pretty. and i think that went to her head. anyways.

will find out end of march. i pray it's not mine, but.....it's got colored eyes like me. and it's got pale as fuck skin like me. unless she was with a guy that had colored eyes and white. it's probably mine.

fuck it. i will move back to DR and raise my kid if it's mine. the only problem i have is she was named "alaiya" FUCK......a joker like me, could make a fuck ton of puns with that name

"who were you with last night" one guuy to another.
" oh i got alaiya'd"
see where i am going with that (insert frowny face)

but if it is mine, at least i got someone to leave all my money and property in cayman to. that's good. fuck the government bro.
have you done a genetics test? maybe its because you are 100% european.
DNA test is on the way, from DR to indonesia. I already sent the kit to her. took a week, she completed it yesterday. and sending it today.

so in one week, i send it back to the lab in houston. and bam, i will know

im not putting alot of stock into it. ti's a known fact and im not kidding with the numbers. that 95% of the dominican girls who say it's THIS guys kid, is another guys kid.

the girls fuck like guys. And cheat and fuck like a guy. there is no slut shaming in the DR. a girl could fuck 4 guys in a night and the only question another girl will ask is "how much did you get?"

its' a fucking odd country

I could go more into how DR is. Living in DR for 8 months. Eyes wide fucking open and it's not like anything you know. It's upside down, when it comes to sexes.

lets put it this way, one time i asked a dominican girl, "why do you guys have sex so casually?"

she looked at me, like it was obvious.
"you need air to breath right? well we look at sex the same way"

blew my mind
DNA test is on the way, from DR to indonesia. I already sent the kit to her. took a week, she completed it yesterday. and sending it today.

so in one week, i send it back to the lab in houston. and bam, i will know

im not putting alot of stock into it. ti's a known fact and im not kidding with the numbers. that 95% of the dominican girls who say it's THIS guys kid, is another guys kid.

the girls fuck like guys. And cheat and fuck like a guy. there is no slut shaming in the DR. a girl could fuck 4 guys in a night and the only question another girl will ask is "how much did you get?"

its' a fucking odd country

I could go more into how DR is. Living in DR for 8 months. Eyes wide fucking open and it's not like anything you know. It's upside down, when it comes to sexes.

lets put it this way, one time i asked a dominican girl, "why do you guys have sex so casually?"

she looked at me, like it was obvious.
"you need air to breath right? well we look at sex the same way"

blew my mind
hopefully the kid isn’t yours

i’d hate to relocate from indonesia to dr

i must be surrounded by majority oriental faces to live a good life
hopefully the kid isn’t yours

i’d hate to relocate from indonesia to dr

i must be surrounded by majority oriental faces to live a good life
indonesia is fucking awesome. i got a date tonight, girl is 30 i thought she was 20. short and round ass.
i got another girl, who is bitching cause she cannot come over and sleep here tonight messaging me she misses me, and i said "Sorry, i got a date tonight". and today i was supposed ot fuck another girl, but she is pretty but dumb or a liar. dont' know dont' care. "we made plans yesterday to come at 11 next day. no response until 10. then says okay, i will leave at 12 and i said. no. be here by 12. she wasnt' going to be here until 1. and i said fuck that.

so you got low IQ here, but you cannot get mad at them (something i learned in DR). just accept and move on.

they arne't that dumb, they just play dumb. this photo is the girl im turning down, who ALSO has a black girl type ass

only place asians have round asses is common is in indoensia.

she's 20. the only thing i dont' like about asia. girls who are 20 can look 15, it's embarrasing sometimes. due to height and their youthful appearance.........

you know whats really crazy. i was thinking last night. i have fucked over 1500 girls EASY in my life time. And i am no fucking rockstar.......so i call myself a cockstar LOL...okay sad and lame i know.


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dude, i had a baby with a full blooded dominican girl, and this is what my baby looks like. but that's because i am white, like canadian/european white. so white my skin is salmon colored pink

by the way, she's 3 months old. and that girl with me is the mother. so if your genetics are weak....well the kid aint' gonna look like you. I feel extra generious to you degenerates today, so here she is dancing for ya. try not to chaff it when you masterbate
u wilding posting this 😂
indonesia is fucking awesome. i got a date tonight, girl is 30 i thought she was 20. short and round ass.
i got another girl, who is bitching cause she cannot come over and sleep here tonight messaging me she misses me, and i said "Sorry, i got a date tonight". and today i was supposed ot fuck another girl, but she is pretty but dumb or a liar. dont' know dont' care. "we made plans yesterday to come at 11 next day. no response until 10. then says okay, i will leave at 12 and i said. no. be here by 12. she wasnt' going to be here until 1. and i said fuck that.

so you got low IQ here, but you cannot get mad at them (something i learned in DR). just accept and move on.

they arne't that dumb, they just play dumb. this photo is the girl im turning down, who ALSO has a black girl type ass

only place asians have round asses is common is in indoensia.

she's 20. the only thing i dont' like about asia. girls who are 20 can look 15, it's embarrasing sometimes. due to height and their youthful appearance.........

you know whats really crazy. i was thinking last night. i have fucked over 1500 girls EASY in my life time. And i am no fucking rockstar.......so i call myself a cockstar LOL...okay sad and lame i know.
how round are we talking, like black girl round?

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