Thailand is too oversaturated for me

People like this make me disgusted I ever touched Thailand. Broke Roid monkey who does “sales” to buy dumb status symbols reserved for people below the poverty line. Is anyone with actual money impressed by his dumb 12k Rolex? Fuck it would take at least a patek to even have them think. Everyone with money is laughing at him. Imagine if instead of investments you spend ur earnings o dumb status symbols to jester for 70 IQ fat sluts. 🤮🤮
Yes, they are walking caricatures.

Always MTNs or HTNs at best clearly failing to get into Chad tier, so will do their darnest to copycat whatever the "alpha celebrity" of the times is. In this case it's Tate or Balzerian or whatever.

They talk about "hustling" and "grinding", but their view of "grinding" is taking 1000 pics of them in a rented sports car and then painstakingly going through all of them to select the one where their jawline looks sharpest to post on Instagram and promote their "lifestyle mentoring". God, these people are just boring dirt. Literally no soul, no spark, x factor. Just walking memes.

An 80 yo sexpat creep is more interesting and cooler to hang out with than these "hussla bros"

not really, these guys specifically were chosing thailand because they can flex "luxury" for a cheap price, as opposed to dubai and miami
Good point. They'd clearly be chewn out and spat out at Miami and mogged to death at the muscle beach.

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