Geomax Suicide rates by country and gender

Marco Pumpo

40+ countries travelled
Apr 18, 2024
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Let's take at look at the facts about where people rope most often:


Map of the suicide rate (age-standardized, per 100,000 population) in the world as of 2019.
Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-09 um 13.04.31.png
Source: Wikipedia


Low suicide rates:
Central and western europe
central and south america
south east asia
east asia
arabic countries

Medium suicide rates:
USA, Canada, Australia
Central Africa
Northern Europe

High suicide rates:
South Africa
Eastern Europe
North Asia

Now let's take a look at the differences between men and women:

World map of male to female ratios of suicide rates in 2015 (blue means more male suicides). Below the world maps of male (left) and female (right) suicide rates per 100,000 inhabitants used to derive the ratios (red means higher rates).

Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-09 um 13.16.43.png

- Men rope more often than women in all countries
- in eastern europe the male-female ratio is the highest = men rope most often compared to women here
- in china, india and some muslim countries around that area (like afghanistan, pakistan, iran) the male-female ratio is the lowest = women rope almost as often as men here
now that we got the facts clear, we can think about interpreting it. my take:
- cold dark weather seems to be a big factor, thus high suicide rates in the north. even in in the wealthy countries like scandinavia and canada it's still medium.
- poverty is a factor. however, south east asia and latin america seem to be rich enough to be happy. africa ropes more often, probably because they are also disease-ridden.
- feminists whining about how bad women have it is bullshit. even in the countries where they are most suppressed like afghanistan, men still kill themselves more often. if you ever end up arguing with them, show them these statistics. (and this video :LOL:)
Lithuania (separatist part of Russia) nice place

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it's kinda surprising that the male female suicide ratio is the highest in eastern europe, even though the numbers ratio is quite good there: unlike india or china they don't have a lack of women.

i suppose it's mainly the poor guys who rope in eastern europe. because without money they have no chance to impress those soulless golddiggers that most of their women are.
it's kinda surprising that the male female suicide ratio is the highest in eastern europe, even though the numbers ratio is quite good there: unlike india or china they don't have a lack of women.

i suppose it's mainly the poor guys who rope in eastern europe. because without money they have no chance to impress those soulless golddiggers that most of their women are.
Probably cos shit weather and all their women being taken by richer foreign men

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