JFL So far how many of u niggas have actually had success seamaxxing?

How many slays and in which countries?
12 indonesia. oh, i thought you meant trips. Pussy? LOL...lost count. I don't know. Everytime i visited indonesia (with ex) and single. my daily routine was this.

wake up, eat breakfast.
waste time until 1. Go to travel hotel. Fuck 1 or two girls (35 or 45 for threesome).
Then hit the malls, pass out my indo sim number
go to supper, wait for girls to call.

if girl called, go on date with said girl try to fuck
if no girls call, go to club, try hitting on everything there. Get one bring back to hotel fuck.
if no girl from club, go to travel hotel. do another girl or two.

go to bed.

rinse repeat every day

When i was with ex. I had to do it a bit differently.
Bring her to mall, tell her we split up and go shopping independantly, but meet back at "this spot in 3 hours".
go to other side of mall, take cab to travel hotel or others. do girl or 2. rush back, pick some lamo thing up to buy. Meet at spot and kiss wifey hello and talk about our shopping experience.

so, how much pussy. I don't know. AAAAALOT

12 trips, 3 weeks each. if i only fucked 7 girls a week x's 3 weeks vacay, thats 21 girls. Now multiply that by 12 trips.

so minimum 200 girls (but it's alot more) Because after travel hotel i would pick up rando's on the street and bring them back to fuck, then travel hotel sometimes a second time in the night.

and get this...i may have used a condom MAYBE 5% of the time. I have no STD's or HIV. (but always used condoms on girls in travel hotel, every time)

test every 3 months. But i did get crabs once and that disease where it burns like razor blades when you pee. But i would take crabs anyday. Bit of shampoo and gone

so ya, if i really thought about it (never give it much though honestly) ya easily 200.....but honestly with realistic numbers more like 400

wow....now that i have really thought about it, i have fucked alot of pussy....HAHAHAHA. that's crazy
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