Vent Sex is for Niggers, Fags and Women


Well-known Member
May 3, 2023
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PSL looks doesnt exist for blacks and they have racemix propaganda in favor for them for sex, women have unlimited options, Fags also take it up the ass and have unlimited options

Sub chad straight white males time to rope
go through this ugly manlet jbw guys followers and he has plenty of cute girls
You're only an incel if you refuse to choose celibacy, and insist that it is being forced on you.

No point in roping until the money runs out. Hope is long lost, but that doesn't mean I am oblivious to opportunities which may come my way. Problem is, most lazy girls are both fat and stupid. Intelligent, anhedonist, homeless, self-sufficient, lazy, female. The overlap of all those characteristics is prolly around five women out of 4 billion.
You're only an incel if you refuse to choose celibacy, and insist that it is being forced on you.

No point in roping until the money runs out. Hope is long lost, but that doesn't mean I am oblivious to opportunities which may come my way. Problem is, most lazy girls are both fat and stupid. Intelligent, anhedonist, homeless, self-sufficient, lazy, female. The overlap of all those characteristics is prolly around five women out of 4 billion.
Its over
how tf can u visit 102 countries
He prolly traveled a lot before the COVID price hikes...counts layovers as visiting a country if it has a visa requirement...spends a week in a major city and visits one or two Instagram spots before hopping a flight to the next country. If you average one $80 international flight every week in the Eurasian or American landmass, you will spend a mere $2000 in six months of flights. Assuming a typical poor to midrange budget of $30/day, you will go through $5400 in living expenses in the same time. That's $7400 total to visit 26 countries. I can save $7400 in three months of menial labor, easy. If you miserymaxx and work in an Alaskan cannery or something, you can save $15000 in three months. No skills needed, only a basic level of financial self-discipline and a high tolerance for discomfort and ordeal.

Boggles my mind why First World people act like world travel or geomaxxing is such an unattainable privilege.
Your lack of intimacy during your stay in the Philippines sounded pretty forced to me.
Instinctual aversion response due to lack of energy. Girls in PH don't want to hang out with a low-energy foreign guy who just lays around all day doing nothing like a tambay. She wants a lively boyfriend to pay attention to her and give her what she wants.

Some people call it seasonal affective disorder, but it is more an order than a disorder. Every November, my energy levels crash, and I go into quasi-hibernation mode, spending 16-20 hours a day in bed or sitting in the driver's seat of my van (while van living). Then by April my energy & motivation returns, life outlook flips to optimism, and women suddenly start finding me attractive because I become outgoing and full of good vibes. In midsummer energy spikes and slumps irregularly, then the cooler weather brings a return of energy for the fall before steeply crashing as the cold sets in. Traveling to a warm or tropical climate for the winter doesn't change my annual cycle one bit. It's those peasant genes, I guess.
Instinctual aversion response due to lack of energy. Girls in PH don't want to hang out with a low-energy foreign guy who just lays around all day doing nothing like a tambay. She wants a lively boyfriend to pay attention to her and give her what she wants.

Some people call it seasonal affective disorder, but it is more an order than a disorder. Every November, my energy levels crash, and I go into quasi-hibernation mode, spending 16-20 hours a day in bed or sitting in the driver's seat of my van (while van living). Then by April my energy & motivation returns, life outlook flips to optimism, and women suddenly start finding me attractive because I become outgoing and full of good vibes. In midsummer energy spikes and slumps irregularly, then the cooler weather brings a return of energy for the fall before steeply crashing as the cold sets in. Traveling to a warm or tropical climate for the winter doesn't change my annual cycle one bit. It's those peasant genes, I guess.
Instinctual aversion response due to lack of energy. Girls in PH don't want to hang out with a low-energy foreign guy who just lays around all day doing nothing like a tambay. She wants a lively boyfriend to pay attention to her and give her what she wants.

Some people call it seasonal affective disorder, but it is more an order than a disorder. Every November, my energy levels crash, and I go into quasi-hibernation mode, spending 16-20 hours a day in bed or sitting in the driver's seat of my van (while van living). Then by April my energy & motivation returns, life outlook flips to optimism, and women suddenly start finding me attractive because I become outgoing and full of good vibes. In midsummer energy spikes and slumps irregularly, then the cooler weather brings a return of energy for the fall before steeply crashing as the cold sets in. Traveling to a warm or tropical climate for the winter doesn't change my annual cycle one bit. It's those peasant genes, I guess.
No mate, you're just ugly. Come to terms with the reality of your situation and quit being so delusional. Muh energy can't turn a woman on. Good genes are what does.

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