SEAmaxing is dangerous


Well-known Member
Jul 4, 2023
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If you're a man who has failed with women back home and you've decided to go abroad and try your luck with foreign women, this strategy is quite dangerous. A lot of men use SEAmaxing as a type of hopium to keep them going. Imagine if one of those unsuccessful Westerners goes to SEA only to experience a similar type of dating experience. At that point, what's keeping him going? All copes come to an end, hobbies only last so long.

SEA women know about the LBH's 'loser back home' phenomenon. I'm finished if SEA doesn't work out for me and a lot of other young men. All of my dating experiences are from my teens. I've had zero since. It's up to the women there whether they want to select for me or not. I can't force someone to fancy me or see me as a desirable man.

I'm going all out. Wish me luck.
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yea obviously if someone is a lbh and no experience prior, he’ll get walked all over

but assuming you have experience, it’s quite easy
SEA women know about the LBH's 'loser back home' phenomenon.
they do, but they dont recognize it in my case because asian women have different beauty standards. im just plain scrawny boy that looks severely underage, you cant get women in the west looking like me because they all want masculine 6"3 mogger with died beard and eyebrows, they universally hate babyface skinny guys. thats exactly opposite of asia or at least countries i visited, noone ever assumed i could be loser back home
A lot of men use SEAmaxing as a type of hopium to keep them going. Imagine if one of those unsuccessful Westerners goes to SEA only to experience a similar type of dating experience. At that point, what's keeping him going? All copes come to an end, hobbies only last so long.
that was exactly what happened to me at first, krabi for looking for getting laid was retarded idea
go to bangkok and dont even think about going somewhere else, easiest city in every sense
If a high so-girl has experience with foreigners she will know.
BUT most average girls won't, the local alternative in countries like Thailand or Philippines is worse than a LBH.
Average western men in SEA is much better in terms of height, money, looks, overall body structure, the way women are treated, etc.
If a high so-girl has experience with foreigners she will know.
BUT most average girls won't, the local alternative in countries like Thailand or Philippines is worse than a LBH.
Average western men in SEA is much better in terms of height, money, looks, overall body structure, the way women are treated, etc.
I somewhat agree with you. But, most asian girls won't find the white man's looks to be attractive innately.
I somewhat agree with you. But, most asian girls won't find the white man's looks to be attractive innately.
Agree but thanks to the media, there's a decent % of asians that like western white men. If 10% of the population likes it and can speak english, and there's only 1% of foreigners, numbers are 10:1 in your favor.

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